Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 58 Life

Chapter 58 Life
They should have thanked each other by chance and then turned around to leave. Such a person exuding a dangerous aura should not be associated too much.

Lying alone in the coffin, and still appearing in that place, the hidden secrets in it make people care, but Ying Baoyue knows that she can't ask.

As long as he has that intention, I'm afraid he can kill her silently here in an instant.

Before the murderous aura appeared on this man, the safest thing she could do now was to take the opportunity and leave quickly, the sooner the better.

However, the curse he said just now made Ying Baoyue unable to move.

This person...maybe know something.

Compared with Ji Jiashu who couldn't be touched from afar, this person's aura was more terrifying, and more likely...closer to the truth.

The depth of a practitioner's realm is equal to the depth of his vision. The deeper the practice, the more he can perceive the breath of heaven and earth, and he can even know many things by instinct alone.

Ying Baoyue used to have this kind of instinct, but with the loss of a lot of memory and the limitless body in this life, what she can feel has been greatly reduced.

Although she doesn't know if he will say it, but now she can only ask. She doesn't care about this person's previous attitude. After all, masters are all eccentric, so ask for his name first.

However, Ying Baoyue stood in the coffin and stared at the man who had sat up, but put his hands on his knees and stared silently in front of him, he could only sigh slightly in his heart.

I'm afraid this is not a question of eccentricity...

Fortunately, there is a talkative boy next to him.

"Are you asking my second brother's name?" The young man named Zhao Guang, although his eyes were special, but he had a round face full of joy from the Central Plains, he smiled and said in a short awkward silence, "My second brother Call……"

With a sound of wind, Ying Baoyue's hair brushed her forehead, revealing her slightly shocked eyes.

A black shadow flashed in an instant, and Zhao Guang's mouth was covered by a palm the next moment.

Looking at the man who was sitting in the coffin just before him, but now standing in front of Zhao Guang and covering his mouth, Ying Baoyue was speechless.

What a great speed!

"Second...Second brother, what are you doing...I, I...I don't want to say anything..." Zhao Guang's eyes widened, and he pushed away the palm on his mouth.

Instead of asking someone to shut up, he just flashed his hand and covered his brother's mouth...

This man really doesn't like to talk.Ying Baoyue was speechless looking at the scene in front of her, but thanks to this incident, she finally saw the man's whole body clearly.

Unlike Zhao Guang, who was dressed in satin and brocade, this man with the bronze mask was dressed in rough clothes, and his hair was tied behind his head like a straw.

Also used a straw rope.

However, the disheveled hair and rough clothes do not hide the national color.

Compared with dressing up, what impresses people more when seeing him at first sight is his tall and straight body.

Not thin or fat, good frame and good proportions, under the rough clothes and short kudzu can still see the extremely flexible lines, such body strength can reach from the limbs to the fingertips in an instant, which is the most ideal physical state that a practitioner should have.

It must be very light and fast to move, no wonder he was able to have such a fast speed just now.

If she can have such a body in this life, even if she does not become a practitioner, she must be able to solve many dangers...

Accompanied by Zhao Guang's struggling sound, Ying Baoyue's eyes inadvertently fell on the palm covering the young man's mouth, and he was slightly taken aback.

Although I envy this person's body, it is just because of the habit of sizing up people in the previous life, and there is no other meaning. Ying Baoyue knows better than anyone that such a body cannot be purely innate, it must be the result of extensive training. It is the crystallization of sweat and hard work.But the moment she saw the man's palm, she still froze for a moment.

The man had thick calluses on his hands.

It is many times thicker than the callus on Guichen's palm.

The traces left by various things such as hemp ropes, sticks, stones, and sword hilts are very similar to... the hands of her previous life.

Zhao Guang, whose mouth was covered, glanced at the heavy bronze mask on his second brother's face, and then at the girl in front of him who first admired and then was slightly dazed, feeling a little confused and speechless.


His second brother's outfit used to be able to scare children to death, not to mention women, what else can this girl see if the second brother looks like this?
Can this also be seen?
"Second brother, where is your hairband? Why is there only straw rope left?" Zhao Guang pushed the man's hand away in disgust, and looked at Ying Baoyue, "Girl, are you not scared?"

"It's nothing, is your name Zhao Guang?" Ying Baoyue smiled and said to him.

"Yes!" The boy replied cheerfully. He glanced at his elder brother who let go of his hand and sighed, "My second brother's name...let him tell you by himself."

Zhao Guang teased the people around him, "Don't tell me, but tell me yourself? Otherwise, what would people call you?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him, and just when she thought this man would remain silent, that golden voice sounded again.

"Li Ji."

Hearing the voice from under the bronze mask, Ying Baoyue was startled, but Zhao Guang was also startled unexpectedly.

What is this person surprised about?Surprised he'd say that name?

The next moment Zhao Guang came back to his senses, and enthusiastically added to Ying Baoyue, "Muzi Li, Wuguji."

Li Ji... Ying Baoyue thought in his heart.

The younger brother's surname is Zhao, but the older brother's surname is Li?

The violation can be heard immediately, but she didn't delve into it. She met by chance and didn't know the name but the code name and didn't know the authenticity.

"We have already reported our names, little sister, what's your name?" Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue and asked with a smile.

"Mingyue." Ying Baoyue replied.

"What's your last name?" Zhao Guang asked with a smile on his face, but this smile reminded people of a big bad wolf.

Ying Baoyue paused for a moment, then replied with a smile, "My surname is Gui."

"Gui Mingyue?" Zhao Guang opened his eyes and said joyfully, "It really lives up to its name, what a beautiful name."

My son, you probably need to pay attention to your attitude towards women...

"Let's go." At the next moment, the man named Li Ji grabbed Zhao Guang's collar with one hand and the coffin on the ground with the other, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hey? Let's go now? Second brother? Your training tonight is over so soon?" Zhao Guang said doubtfully while struggling.


Was he practicing spiritual practice by staying in the coffin in the middle of the night?
Which level has such a practice method?

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this.

Li Ji ignored Zhao Guang's struggle, and dragged him effortlessly like a chicken.

"Wait, second brother, don't you want to say goodbye to Miss Gui? Maybe I have something to ask you..."

Ying Baoyue, who was about to speak, paused and watched the figures of the two quietly. Just when she thought that this person would not stay, Li Ji stopped.

Under the bloody moonlight, he turned his head, and the only dark eyes he showed looked at her wrist.

"Aren't you in pain?"

Ying Baoyue was startled.

Zhao Guang, who was struggling, also stopped his movements, and his eyes wandered between her and Li Ji in a daze.

"Does it hurt? Second brother? Miss Gui?"

Looking at the man's cold and calm eyes like the night, Ying Baoyue suddenly raised his other hand and untied the cloth strip on his wrist.

Looking at the dark red scar suddenly exposed to the air, Zhao Guang widened his eyes and spoke in horror.

"This... what is this?"

However, compared to the young man's panic, Li Ji just looked at the scar quietly.

"Cursed to the bone, what did you do?"

He looked at the girl in front of him as if he was looking at someone who was about to die. There was no trace of warmth in his voice, but for the first time, he showed a little stunned.

"To resist the will of the jade-level curse, and even use its malice, who are you?"

It was rare for him to say such a long sentence, but it seemed to be touched, with dark and turbulent emotions in his eyes, he looked at the girl in front of him coldly.

"Do you want to die like that?"

"What? Second brother, what are you talking about? What's wrong with Miss Gui?" Zhao Guang was sweating coldly, and said with increasing fear.

"She said she was going to die." Li Ji said quietly.

Ying Baoyue stared at the man standing quietly under the moonlight in the distance, and asked that question.

"In your opinion, how long can I live?"

Everyone said she was going to die, but no one said how long she would live.

Seeing the young girl standing there quietly after hearing such a prophecy, the man's eyes under the bronze mask were as black as ink, as silent as ice.

The next moment, looking at her, he said that answer.

"One year."



(End of this chapter)

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