Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 566 Curse

Chapter 566 Curse
"The curse of the ruby ​​class?"

The calmness on Dongfang Yi's face was broken in an instant when she heard the words.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Li Ji and said sharply, "Where did you see it? Why is this kind of thing still in the world?"

The old man frowned, "Could it be that you are possessed?"

Li Ji shook his head, "It's not me, it's someone I met during the journey."

"See?" Dongfang Yi frowned, "So what you saw was a living person?"

Li Ji was taken aback suddenly, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and nodded slightly.

"I knew it wasn't you," Dongfang Yi sighed, "If you were cursed at the ruby ​​level with your level of cultivation, it would be impossible to stand in front of me alive."

There was a lot of determination in the old man's tone.

Li Ji shrank his pupils when he heard the words, "Master, you mean..."

"Recently, there is no news about the birth of a new Tian Tier in the mainland." Before he could speak, Dongfang Yi said to herself with a sarcasm smile, "Which old friend of mine was so unlucky to encounter such a curse?" ?”

Dongfang Yi smiled and looked at Li Ji, "You just came back from Southern Chu, so it can't be Li Mengyang?"

Where is this guesswork coming from?

"Old friend?" Li Ji was startled when he heard the words, "She... probably doesn't know you."

"Don't know?" Dongfang Yi narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "There is no Heavenly Rank on this continent that I don't know..."

"Wait," noticed the dazed look in Li Ji's eyes, and Dongfang Yi's pupils shrank slightly this time.

"You don't know, do you?" He fixed his cloudy eyes on the young man in front of him, "The curse of the ruby ​​level, unless you are a practitioner of the heaven rank, anyone who touches it will surely die!"

Dongfang Yi said firmly.

The so-called King of Curses is by no means in vain.

That's why he thought that the cursed person Li Ji met was of which heaven rank.But judging by the reaction of the person in front of him, isn't it?
Li Ji was shocked when he heard this.

He had indeed heard it.But the ruby-level curse is hard to see, and all the rumors are hearsay.And the real existence of that girl made him think that he had been a servant for a while.

But now Dongfang Yi has broken his fantasy.

"I've heard of it," Li Ji took a deep breath, "but the person I met was indeed not Tianjie, so I thought the rumors were wrong."

"This is not a rumor," Dongfang Yi's eyes turned cold, and she looked at the rough sea with her hands behind her back.

"Just because this curse is only aimed at the heavenly ranks from birth."

"If you didn't say that you saw it with your own eyes, I must have thought that someone was joking with me." Dongfang Yi said lightly, "Or some cultivator made a mistake."

But Li Ji couldn't.Even though his realm has not yet reached the heavenly level, his vision is already comparable to the heavenly level, and this person can't make jokes at all because he... never tells lies.

"I don't know where you saw the Ruby Curse," Dongfang Yi said solemnly, "but the practitioner who can cast this level of curse should already be dead."

For the first time, shock appeared in Li Ji's dark eyes.

"The first time I saw... was in Qianqin." He took a deep breath and said.

"Former Qin?" Dongfang Yi frowned, "Could it be that person left behind..."

"Forget it, it's probably impossible." But halfway through the conversation, the old man suddenly changed his words, and fixed his cloudy eyes on Li Ji, "You can bump into such a tricky matter, and you still have to get involved."

Dongfang Yi narrowed her eyes, "Tell me, which cultivator fell under this curse?"

What he was talking about was a practitioner rather than a person. After all, most people would be wiped out when they encountered this curse.

Li Ji looked at the sizing eyes of the old man in front of him, and actually wanted to say that when he first met that person, she was not a practitioner...

But after all, he didn't want to be questioned too much, he paused and said, "I can't say her identity, but she is... a practitioner of the seventh rank."

"" However, Dongfang Yi choked when she heard the words, "The one who suppressed the realm?"

"No," Li Ji immediately denied, "I just got promoted."

"You just got promoted?" Dongfang Yi stared at him, "Actually, you are not Li Ji, are you Zhao Guang in disguise?"

Hearing this, Li Ji grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Dongfang Yi looked at his appearance and took a deep breath, the next moment her cloudy eyes became serious.

"Is this true?"

"Really." Li Ji said, "I took a look at her appearance, and she can live for a year at most in her current state."

''Level seven, ruby-level curse, you can live for another year. Dongfang Yi said, "Who is this person?"Which country are you from? "

"I can't say her identity," Li Ji shook his head, "Master, please don't ask."

Dongfang Yi glared at him, "Is that a young man or an old man? You can tell, right?"

"It's a young man." Li Ji nodded, and the next moment he hesitated and said, "Your age is younger than me."

"Younger than you?" Dongfang Yi sighed and shook her head, "Which family's kid is so lucky."

"She..." Li Ji wanted to say that she was not a kid, but there were few female nuns, so saying that girl's identity would reveal her identity, so she didn't say anything.

"Master," he looked seriously at the old man in front of him, "Please enlighten me, how can I undo this curse?"

"What kind of friendship do you have with that kid, you don't even give up asking me about something you know clearly?" Dongfang Yi frowned.

"It's unreasonable for him to live another year. There is no cure for this curse. Even the heavenly ranks will surely die. Even the Great Luo Immortal will not be able to help him."

"Unless he can become the Son of God himself, maybe there is still a way to survive, but it is impossible to become the Son of God within a year, let alone the Son of God."

"Son of God..." Li Ji was startled when he heard the words, looked at the old man without blinking, and leaned slightly, "If she can't become the Son of God within a year...then you, is there any other way?"

The old man standing by the sea is also a heavenly rank, but not an ordinary heavenly rank.

He is the strongest in the heaven ranks, one of the only six sons of God left in the mainland, and the most powerful existence of practitioners.

If you can't even help the Son of God, then you really can't.

"You know I can't help it," Dongfang Yi quietly watched the young man bowing to invite, and said lightly, "Do you want me to trade my life for my life?"

Li Ji was shocked, "I didn't mean..."

It was precisely because he knew that the price he would have to pay was extremely high that he hadn't asked Dongfang Yi before. After all, he was not qualified to ask others to sacrifice their lives to save another person.

"I know you don't mean that," Dongfang Yi said calmly, "It's a pity that even if I trade my life for my life, I can't save that kid."

Li Ji pierced his fingertips into his palm upon hearing this.

"It's just..." But at this moment Dongfang Yi changed the topic, "Although I can't do it, I know there is one person who might be able to do it."

Li Ji's pupils shrank, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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