Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 567

Chapter 567
Facing Li Ji's question, Dongfang Yi's eyes were complicated for a moment, and the next moment he spoke quietly.

At this time, a wave hit, and the voice of the Soochow Master was lost in the waves.

Amidst the sound of waves, Li Ji's dark eyes stared at the gray-haired old man in front of him.

The name Dongfang Yi mentioned just now echoed in his mind.

"Among the people who are still alive in this world, I only know this person who can solve this curse." Dongfang Yi said quietly.

"But isn't this person already..." Li Ji took a deep breath and said, "It is said that he hasn't appeared for a long time."

"That's right," Dongfang Yi said with a wry smile, "This person hasn't appeared in front of the world for seven years."

"Seven years..." Li Ji's eyes froze when he heard this time.

"After all, that matter has not been done for seven years." Dongfang Yi shook her head and said, "And there is only one way to see him."

"For a cultivator at the seventh level, this path is no different from the difficulty of ascending to the second level within a year," Dongfang Yi said lightly.

"There is only one way..." Li Ji murmured repeatedly, "Is there no other way?"

"If Chief Commander Lin Shubai is not dead, there are other ways," Dongfang Yi said after a pause.

Li Ji was shocked when he heard the name.

"But Da Si Ming is dead, if you want that person to come out, you can only follow the rules he set," Dongfang Yi continued.

Li Ji closed his eyes, and the next moment his eyes returned to Gujing Wubo.

"Okay, I see," he saluted the old man in front of him, "Thank you for telling me this."

Dongfang Yi watched him quietly, "Are you going to tell that kid who is dying?"

"For her, there are not so many impossibilities." Li Ji said quietly.

A trace of surprise flashed across Dongfang Yi's cloudy eyes.

"Really? Is that kid a practitioner who participated in the elementary ceremony?"

Li Ji nodded.

A hint of interest rose in Dongfang Yi's eyes, "Then does he know that he only has one year to live?"

Li Ji nodded, "I told her."

Dongfang Yi was taken aback, "Before the beginning ceremony?"

Li Ji continued to nod.

"You're still so merciless..." Dongfang Yi sighed, "You still have the mind to continue participating in the elementary ceremony, but I've met this kid."

"If this kid can participate in the intermediate level, remember to bring it to me." The old man said with a smile.

"Well," Li Ji's eyes paused, and he grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, "If I was still by her side at that time."

The smile in Dongfang Yi's eyes disappeared when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the long sword tightly wrapped around his waist, "Are you still determined to do that?"

Li Ji nodded, "I've made up my mind."

Dongfang Yi stared at his face, "You will die."

"Not necessarily, there is a very suitable location in Southern Chu, and the astrology will be very good after ten days." Li Ji shook his head and said, "It can be regarded as the right time and place. I have deduced it, and there is a three-point chance of winning."

"Three-point chance?" Dongfang Yi sneered, "Three-point chance is enough for you to bet everything?"

Li Ji was silent and did not speak.

"A Ji, so many years have passed," the old man's gaze slowed down the next moment, "Can't you give up?"

"Give up?" Li Ji repeated softly.

The next moment he raised his head, his dark eyes were as bright as stars.

"Since she said that she must do that to avenge her, I will do that."

The boy's voice pierced through the waves, calm and firm.

"As long as I am alive, I will seek justice for her."



Just as the waves of Soochow hit the rocks, everyone finally climbed to the highest peak on Danghu Mountain in Nanchu.

The moment of decisive battle is approaching.

At this time, there is less than half an hour left before the final battle of the war chess battle begins.

Ying Baoyue, who was lying on Ji Ange's lap, opened her eyes.

"Are you awake now?" Ji Ange watched her and frowned, "You still have time to sleep."

Ying Baoyue rubbed her eyes, looked at the steamer on the side, "I'm a little hungry."

"There are more cakes," Gui Li, who was watching nervously, immediately handed over a cake.

"Thank you," Ying Baoyue sat up and thanked her, took it, and was about to start chewing, the next moment she looked at Gui Li who was staring at her for a moment and not even a moment, and smiled, "Don't stare at me so nervously, it's just like usual That's it."

"But it's going to be soon..." Gui Li looked at the only chessboard in the middle of the high platform not far away, and felt his heart beat faster without playing chess.

This is the final!

Ying Baoyue laughed helplessly, and looked at the cake in her hand, "By the way, the cake you and An Ge made this time is really delicious, and you have made great progress."

I think back when the two ladies first saw her cooking and wanted to help, the kitchen seemed to have suffered a disaster.

"After all, your time is so tight this time, we also want to help." Ji Ange smiled and said, "I made it after dozens of failures."

"Sister An Ge, that's not helping," Gui Li shook his head at this moment, "It's really not helping."

Gui Li thought that he was not good enough at cooking until he met Ji Ange.

Others cook to help, but she cooks to make trouble.Most of these pastries were made by herself and Miss Yao, and all the failed products made by Ji Ange went into their stomachs.

Hearing Gui Li's words, Ji Ange's face turned red even through a veil, " too..."

She also tried her best...

However, facing the embarrassed Ji Ange, Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "It's okay, as expected, you are your mother's daughter."

"Mother..." Ji Ange was startled when he heard this.

Ying Baoyue spread her hands and said, "Your mother also made trouble like this."

The reason why she is good at cooking is because there used to be such a Da Si Ming who loved food but couldn't cook.

Hearing the commotion here, Zhao Guang, who was sitting dryly, looked over, and finally couldn't help but asked, "By the way, why don't you let the cook do it?"

Is there no cook in the dignified Guoshi Mansion?Do you want the lady to cook by herself?
His interruption successfully caught the cold gazes of the two women.

Ying Baoyue laughed out loud watching this scene, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder, "My friend, there is a saying, tell yourself to have enough food and clothing."

"Yes... makes sense." Under Ji Ange's cold gaze, Zhao Guang nodded.

But he always felt as if he had heard this sentence somewhere.

After this gag, the nervousness on Gui Li's face disappeared, and she sighed as she watched Ying Baoyue who was devoting herself to eating the cake, "Only you can remain so calm when the final is about to start. "

"After all, even if it's the final, it's just an ordinary chess game." Ying Baoyue said.

"Normal?" But at this moment, Ji Qingyuan on the side suddenly spoke.

He looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "With the chess game between Meng Shi and He Lancheng in front, you should know that it will not be ordinary."

Ying Baoyue smiled when she heard the words and was about to answer when a shadow suddenly enveloped her. Ying Baoyue looked sideways slightly and saw Ji Jiashu suddenly appear beside her.

The boy leaned over to look at her, "Before the finals, is it convenient for us to chat?"

Ying Baoyue paused and nodded, then stuffed the remaining pastry into her mouth.

The two walked together under the shade of a tree, and Ying Baoyue looked at the solemn young man, "What's wrong?"

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, looked at Ying Baoyue and said seriously.

"In the chess game of the final, your opponent is not He Lancheng."

He looked at Ying Baoyue and said every word.

"What you have to face is Tuoba Xun."

Ji Jiashu's gaze was unprecedentedly serious.

"With your current state and state, it is very dangerous to play against Tuoba Xun."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, then looked at the young man in front of her and asked seriously.

"Will you choose to give up the chess game?"

(End of this chapter)

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