Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 568 Power

Chapter 568 Power
Do you want to give up?
The wind blew the leaves, and the boy's voice was lost in the wind.

Ying Baoyue quietly watched Ji Jiashu without speaking.

Ji Jiashu also quietly watched the girl who was a head shorter than her in front of her and didn't speak again.

In fact, based on his position and his knowledge of the inside story, what he should have said was, you give up the final.

He had enough reasons and realm to persuade her to give up, but facing the woman in front of him, he found that he couldn't say such words.

In the end, all the choices are on her, and he can only ask in the end.

Would you choose to give up?
And the woman in front of her answered yes.

"No," Ying Baoyue only looked at him for a short moment, and then immediately answered.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, "I knew you would say that."

This woman is definitely the most determined person he has ever seen.

Knock down the south wall and never look back.

But in this world, not everything can be done as long as one has the will.Her character of never giving up will be used by that man instead.

"Like I said, your opponent is not He Lancheng, but Tuoba Xun."

Ji Jiashu reached out and clenched the hilt of the sword at his waist, trying to make his voice sound calmer.

"Yes," Ying Baoyue nodded, "I heard that."

"You are really strong," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and praised sincerely, but the next moment he spoke calmly, telling the truth.

"But you will not be Tuoba Xun's opponent."

Ying Baoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

"There is nothing wrong with being steadfast, but for practitioners," Ji Jiashu said quietly, "doing it knowing that it cannot be won is to be brave but not resourceful."

It's meaningless to compare a battle you can't win.

The challenge is to challenge something slightly higher than yourself, not too much worse.

Just like practitioners who can ascend to heaven, everyone is a warrior, but no one will shake their heads to challenge the Son of God.

He has seen her chess game, and he knows that the girl in front of him is definitely not a brave and foolish person.

Because playing chess is not a real battle, she may have the ability to challenge a sixth-level practitioner, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat a fifth-level practitioner.

This is not a question of being strong or not, but a gap of equal rank that no one has crossed for thousands of years.

Among the practitioners of the sixth rank, isn't Meng Shi not strong?

But still not Tuoba Xun's opponent.

What's more important is that Tuoba Xun is not an ordinary fifth rank.

"Although it's a little boastful for me to say that," Ji Jiashu said quietly while watching Ying Baoyue, "but if you think you can beat Tuoba Xun, then step over me now."

Even if it's just the game of war, Tuoba Xun has beaten him before.

And the person who can beat him is by no means an ordinary person.

"I understand what you mean," Ying Baoyue looked at the serious eyes of the young man in front of him, the smile faded from the corner of his mouth, and his expression was extremely serious.

"If you hit hard, I can't step over you now."

She never underestimated Ji Jiashu's ability, and of course she never underestimated Tuoba Xun.

"Then why don't you want to give up?" Ji Jiashu stared into her eyes, "With your current state, the next round will really exhaust your effort, what will you use to compare the third round? "

Ji Jiashu clenched the hilt of the sword at his waist and looked at the girl in front of him.

When everyone was frustrated in the first round of the battle, she once told him that even if the first round was last, but if she took the first place in every subsequent round, then she could become the leader in the end.

At that time, no one believed it, but she really did it step by step.

It exceeded everyone's expectations.

"You have done well enough." Ji Jiashu stared at Ying Baoyue and said, "Three tops, you are already second in this round, if the third round results are not too bad, you may become the top. "

But if she continues like this, in case of irreversible consequences, it will affect the results of the third round.

The third round of the battle is the big head of the elementary ceremony, and the score is twice that of the other rounds. Almost all practitioners focus on the third round, and even give up the game that is too labor-intensive in the second round of war chess. .

If she wears too much in this second round, it will not be worthwhile.

This woman can lay out such an exquisite chess game, Ji Jiashu doesn't believe that she can't think of this level.

"I know," Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "If you give up this game, you won't be at the end of your rope."

Ji Jiashu's eyes paused, she really knew.

"Then why do you still have to play?" He frowned stubbornly, "Don't you believe that your opponent is not He Lancheng?"

"No, I believe your words." Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "That woman can really do such a trick."

She had a hunch from the beginning.

Since Xu Bingqing asked Tuoba to come here, it is natural that she has a use for her, and she was not called here for decoration.

"Then why did you..."

"Although I give up now, as long as I perform well in the third round, I still have a chance to win the top spot," Ying Baoyue said quietly, "but who knows what will happen in the third round?"

Who knows if there will be any dark horses in the third round, will Beihan Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty be a demon?

No one knows what happened after that.

Ji Jiashu's gaze paused. The final round of the elementary ceremony was far more intense and cruel than any previous round, and it would only be more difficult to win.

"So it's safer to fight this time," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

But this statement is still contradictory.Ji Jiashu thought.

After all, she had no chance of winning, so naturally she couldn't fight for what she wanted.

Why on earth did she want to play against Tuoba Xun no matter what the cost?
"I know it's hard for you to give up, but it's not just a win or a loss."

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, "Tuoba Xun is best at prolonging the game, looking for the opponent's flaws in the long game."

In the decisive battle, he and Tuoba Xun fought for two days and two nights. His realm was already close to the fifth level and it was difficult for him to survive, let alone the girl in front of him.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu's gaze, and the next moment her eyes darkened slightly.

"Is it the same as last time?" She asked quietly.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback when he heard the words, "You mean..."

"It wasn't He Lancheng who defeated Meng Shi," Ying Baoyue stared into Ji Jiashu's eyes, "It was Tuoba Xun, right?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes paused, then nodded.

"Sure enough." Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and the next moment she spoke seriously.

"I want to fight."

The girl's voice was calm, but it contained uncompromising firmness.

"It was he who defeated Meng Shi, so I will defeat him."

Ji Jiashu's eyes widened. Does this girl, who is much lower than Meng Shi, actually want to avenge Meng Shi?
But she...

Looking at the blackness of the girl's eyes and the firmness in her eyes, Ji Jiashu has no time to think about why she wants to avenge Meng Shi, he only knows that he can't stop her, he only knows...

Ji Jiashu firmly held the hilt of the sword, and looked down into the eyes of the girl who was only a step away from him.

"If you go on like this, you will die."

he knows better than anyone
Once Tuoba Xun finds that the chess game is difficult to decide, he will definitely procrastinate until... dragging her down.

As long as she sits at the chessboard, there is nothing anyone can do.

He can only watch from the side, can only...

The reasons he had found before almost all collapsed, Ji Jiashu gritted his teeth and lowered his head, not knowing what to say, he stretched out his hand to support the trunk in front of him,

"You really……"

But at this moment, when he was in a state of confusion, his voice suddenly stopped.

Suddenly a warm breath hit his whole body.

The girl stretched out her hand and hugged him gently from bottom to top.

"Sorry to offend, it's just that you look too nervous and too remorseful."

"Forget who I am for a while." Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Forget whether to give or not to kiss, just give you a hug like a stranger."

This embrace contains nothing but pure warmth.

The girl's breath was not disturbed from the beginning to the end, Ji Jiashu's whole body was stiff, but the next moment he was infected by her calmness.

"Do not be afraid."

He heard her whisper in his ear.

"I'll be fine."

She let go of her arms, reached out and clenched her fist to touch his fist, showing a smile.

"I will win."

 What a beautiful comrade-in-arms (something seems wrong)

(End of this chapter)

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