Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 60 Choice

Chapter 60 Choice
"No?" Zhao Guang was taken aback.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "I won't even die."

Hey girl, this is really not going to die... Zhao Guang continued to growl in his heart.

"Are you serious? Girl, although the hope is slim, you won't be able to..."

"Thank you for your kindness, but this is the only way I can't even try." Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guang and said apologetically.

Only the Son of God cannot.

Ying Baoyue looked up at the moon above her head.

Ever since she came here, heard the news of Master's death and realized the strangeness of her death in the previous life, she has been thinking about who her enemy is all the time.

The situation behind this is too complicated, and she has not found any clues so far.

But one thing is certain.

That is, among the eight gods, someone must have intervened.

No matter how powerful the conspiracy is, it is impossible to defeat her master without strength.Even if Master is plotted against, seriously injured, or encounters an accident, without the intervention of the world's top power, it is absolutely impossible to touch a hair of Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

Master is so powerful, Ying Baoyue firmly believes in this.

Including the shady scene of sealing her in the coffin, there may even be more than one person involved.

Although I don't know how many people intervened, who else can co-plan such a conspiracy.But now that the real murderer and the culprit have not been found out, all the sons of God are suspects.

If she begs her possible enemy in order to survive, her Dao heart will never be clear for the rest of her life.Even if he survived, he would be nothing more than a walking dead.

"Really?" Li Ji turned around when he heard the words, grabbed Zhao Guang and started on the road again, and said quietly, "Then you can only wait to die."

He didn't want to say anything anymore, and he didn't want to listen to anything anymore.

Zhao Guang didn't struggle any more. He felt a little regretful. After all, there was no other way. Hopelessness is one thing, but this woman dared to refuse out of cheap self-esteem or thinking that his second brother was alarmist. It was hopeless... …

However, at this moment, the cool and quiet voice of the woman came from behind the two of them.

"Thank you, son, for your clarification, but it's not enough to wait for death."

Li Ji paused.

"There is still another way." Ying Baoyue looked at his back and said quietly.

Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment, this person still didn't give up, what else could he do?

"Impossible." However, before Ying Baoyue could speak, Li Ji directly denied it.

"I haven't said anything yet," Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly.

"What else is possible?" Zhao Guang asked suspiciously, what kind of charades are these two playing?Besides begging for nothing to see the Son of God, God opened his eyes and...

"Girl, do you want to ask for the third rank?" Zhao Guang turned his head and said, "But the third rank can't solve the problem..."

He frowned and opened his mouth, but the words were blocked in the next moment.

Because the woman said, "If Tianjie can solve it, then there is another way."

There is no other way than to ask for help.

"It's good to be a heavenly rank."

Under the moonlight, the woman said so.

Zhao Guang was so shocked that his mind went blank.

Because this statement is so absurd, even a three-year-old in Shanhai Continent dare not be so arrogant.

Compared to him, his brother's heart is obviously stronger.

"It takes at least ten years for a natural practitioner to become a third-ranker," Li Ji just said lightly to Ying Baoyue, facing the wishful thinking of the woman who would be angry with normal practitioners.

"You can only live for a year at most."

The implication is nothing more than that.

Because Zhao Guang knew more things, his mood was more complicated.

After all, this decade is the speed of a top practitioner.My brother's statement has greatly weakened the difficulty of entering the heavenly rank, and it is the genius of the brother who has the standard.

But don't be misunderstood by this ignorant woman.

It is thought that practitioners can enter the heavenly rank after practicing for ten years.

how is this possible?dreaming?

If he practiced for another ten years, there might not be any hope!This woman is obviously not even a cultivator, but she wants to enter the heavenly rank in one year. This is no longer a question of making people laugh, it is the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard since he was born.

Wait, women want to enter the heavenly ranks?
What he said just now was so outrageous that Zhao Guang didn't even realize it. Is it okay for a woman to practice?

"Women are..." He was about to speak, but Li Ji clenched his collar even tighter.Zhao Guang was stunned, thinking that if the woman only had one year to live, she would not be able to make any troubles, so she swallowed her words again.

"Miss Gui, you'd better think of something practical." Zhao Guang frowned and persuaded.

The woman didn't seem to understand what he meant, and nodded with a smile, "I will."

After speaking, Ying Baoyue bowed to the two of them again, "Thank you for your help tonight, so farewell."

After she finished speaking, she turned and was about to leave.


Ying Baoyue paused.

Only two words came from under the bronze mask, without beginning or end.Just like seeing this man for the first time.

With their backs facing each other under the moonlight, Ying Baoyue thought about it.

"I will not let others hold the power of life and death."

her life.

her own.



"What does she mean by that?" Under the moonlight, Zhao Guang followed Li Ji step by step and asked while straightening his collar.

The woman left without looking back, and Zhao Guang followed his brother on the road, but the encounter just happened in his mind for a long time.

"I don't know." My brother was as concise as ever.

Zhao Guang felt that this person had finished talking for a month just now.

"What a special girl," Zhao Guang sighed with lingering fear, "I hope to live a good life, after all, she looks so gentle and amiable..."

However, the next moment, his brother's cold voice interrupted his memory.

"If you see her again, stay away from her," Li Ji said lightly, "It looks like she is burning."

"What?" Zhao Guang was stunned, was he referring to the woman who seemed to be smiling all the time just now, who was as gentle as water?
His second brother really has a problem with how he sees women.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Second brother, besides revenge, you really should get in touch with other things," Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji and said sincerely, "Although revenge is important, you should also consider other things besides cultivation and revenge."

"I only have one thought now," Li Ji stood still in the face of his younger brother's persuasion, "find that person and kill her."

"But she hasn't seen her for many years, maybe she died a long time ago, second brother, what's the point of doing this?" Zhao Guang became excited.

"She killed my most important person. As long as I'm still alive and I haven't got the exact news of her death, I will continue to grow stronger until I can find her and kill her." Li Ji said quietly.

"For myself, but also for our country, isn't it?" He looked at Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang was startled, and nodded with complicated eyes.

"Second brother, but you still... can't forget that woman?" The young man took a deep breath, "Don't you even know that person's name?"

Li Ji paused, and for the first time a broken light appeared in his dark eyes.

"She once said that she would tell me, maybe before she left...forget it."

After that, he didn't remember anything.

Just remember his enemies.

who is it.



"As expected, this accent is from that country?" Just as Zhao Guang and Li Ji were discussing Ying Baoyue, someone on the other side was also mentioning them.

Ying Baoyue sat on a branch of a tree on the boulder that was broken in half, looked at the hole that had disappeared, and was already sitting in the giant spirit wood the next moment.Listening to Ji Jiashu's voice over there, she was thoughtful.

Just now, she imitated the accent of the boy named Zhao Guang she heard to Ji Jiashu to make sure there was no problem with her memory.

"That's right," Ji Jiashu nodded affirmatively, recalling the voice he just heard, "I remember this accent as..."

The boy looked up at the blood moon and said the name of that country.


 Do you still remember who the people of Soochow have grudge against~
(End of this chapter)

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