Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 61 Farewell

Chapter 61 Farewell

Ying Baoyue looked at the stars above her head.

It was the name of a country she could never forget.

Only few people in this world know that Soochow is the possible hometown of Lin Baoyue, whose official birthplace is unknown.

More than 20 years ago, Chief Commander Lin Shubai picked her up in the forest at the junction of Southern Chu and Eastern Wu.

According to the direction of the footprints on the ground, the master judged that the person who carried the child might have come from Soochow, and speculated that she was probably born in Soochow.

Of course, she has no parents to prove this speculation for her.This so-called hometown can only exist forever in speculation.

Southern Chu is famous all over the world because of Lin Shubai, the Chief Commander, but now Soochow... the whole country is said to be offering a reward for killing the young Commander.

But she doesn't remember why.

What is it all about...

This is probably the person sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

Thinking of the terrifying aura of the man wearing the bronze mask just now, Ying Baoyue felt complicated.

It's really fortunate that she has the aura of an ordinary person now, and she no longer has the aura of Shao Siming, otherwise I really don't know what those two people would do after they found out just now.

Soochow people...

After she was picked up by her master, she was brought to live in Southern Chu, and then followed him to fight around and finally returned to the capital of the former Qin Dynasty. As for Soochow...she really has nothing in her existing memory.

But the strange thing is that she obviously has no memory of living in Soochow, but she has the impression of the accent of Soochow people.Even she found this inconceivable, so she asked Ji Jiashu for advice.

I didn't expect it to be true, all of this is...

"Teng Snake? What's the matter with you? Could it be that you met someone from Soochow?" Ying Baoyue's thoughts were interrupted by the boy's call from the tree.

"It's nothing." Ying Baoyue came back to her senses and smiled, "It just suddenly occurred to me that some memories are too old to recall once in a while."

After all, the gods have lived for a long time, Ji Jiashu nodded in agreement on the other side, "You're done with your previous work so soon?"

He had already embraced the resolution of standing alone under the tree in the back mountain all night, but he didn't expect to hear the woman's voice again an hour later.

Well, even though he is alone now...

But the moment I heard her voice was a real surprise.

"It's not too busy," Ying Baoyue reached out to touch the twinkling stars above her head, wondering if it looked like the eyes of the boy she had never met before.Before her eyes was the cave that disappeared without a trace under the remnant wall of Duanfeng, and her heart was like a heavy stone.

The hole appeared, but it disappeared again in the earthquake even though it was close at hand.

She just, once again lost her chance.

But this night, she didn't get nothing.

Ying Baoyue looked at the dark red scar on her wrist, and the man's assertion echoed in her ears.

She got a deadline.

It's time to make a decision.

Ji Jiashu's voice gradually faded away in his ears, Ying Baoyue said goodbye to him and left Giant Spirit Wood.



After that, she sat alone on the mountain all night.

The girl's slender figure sat alone on the boulder that had witnessed her and the boy's efforts, motionless.

The blood-colored moonlight flowed on her body like blood.

Ying Baoyue sat quietly like this.

It was a very long night.

No one knew what she was thinking that night.

The blood moon dissipated, and when the first ray of morning light passed through the branches and leaves and hit the girl's thin shoulders, she stood up.

Standing on the boulder on the top of the mountain, looking at the village below, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

Her choice has already been made.

"Whatever you want, as long as you are willing and obedient, someone will bring it to you. What are you still dissatisfied with?" The old voice rang in her ear again like the moan of a devil.

"Don't underestimate those methods," said the voice of Gui Chen, a young man who had been with her day and night, "That chief commander in those days destroyed our country by resorting to the means of a female harem."

"It takes at least ten years for a natural practitioner to become a third-ranker," the man wearing the bronze mask looked at her coldly under the bloody moonlight, "and you can only live for one year at most."

"The path your master took is wrong, and you will suffer the consequences in the end. Why do you need to learn from her?"

Amidst the noisy and chaotic voices, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, looking at the middle-aged woman at the end of her sight who turned her head and smiled at her.

"A person is what he becomes by what he chooses."

Before dawn, the girl stood up straight.

The dawn light shone on her face.Ying Baoyue murmured, "I know, Master."

"Right and wrong are not up to you to decide." Ying Baoyue said quietly to the old voice in her mind who hated iron but not steel.

In this life, this is her own choice.

"I want to become a practitioner."

Become a practitioner, undo the curse with your own hands, and find the master and her enemy.

Even if she lives another life, she will still choose this most thankless path.

"Master," Ying Baoyue said in a low voice, "I'm leaving."

Whether it's a saint or a witch, it's not what she wants.She wants to use her own hands to open up a road that has never been seen before.

No one knows her way.

She is not a princess waiting for a hero to save her on the cliff, she is not a bird in the deep palace for people to enjoy.

She is the young commander.

She is the apprentice of Da Si Ming.

Lesser life.



Now that a decision is made, it means parting.

Ying Baoyue tied the cloth strips around her wrists and watched the morning light envelope the people at the foot of the mountain.

Next, according to the plan she conceived last night, she planned to go to Nanchu first.

Although the path to becoming a practitioner is still unclear, based on the information she has now, at least Nanchu's primary ceremony is where human-level practitioners upgrade. Maybe she can figure out the way to become a practitioner on the way. Get the qualification to participate in the primary ceremony, no matter how many practitioners there are, the possibility of finding a way to become a practitioner is definitely greater.

As for how to go, of course, it is best to remain anonymous.

It is most convenient for her to hide her identity and go alone.There is not much time left for her, she travels the fastest alone, and will not hurt others.

Ying Baoyue clenched her wrist and looked at the welt marks on the stone.

Guichen still has enough time to lay a solid foundation and hone his skills slowly. His mother and sister will not be able to do without him for a short time.

Ying Baoyue touched the arrowhead next to her ear.

During the period of returning home to the small courtyard, it was one of the few times for her to become an ordinary person.

Go up the mountain together, barbecue together, watch the siblings bicker, and listen to the gentle and loving mother say to her, "This is your eternal home."

And now.

"It turns out that it's time to say goodbye."

It's time to wake up from the dream.

She has slept long enough.

She can't go back.

Standing on the boulder, Ying Baoyue took one last look at the village below the mountain, with a lonely smile on the corner of his mouth.

I hope that gentle woman can have a happy ending, that boy can realize his dream, and that little girl can face everything without being so sharp.

But this is not something she, who only has a lifespan of one year, can participate too much.


Under the morning light, Ying Baoyue opened her mouth softly and turned around quietly.

However, at the next moment, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Fire, and the smell of blood.

Ying Baoyue turned her head suddenly, looked at the foot of the mountain, her pupils shrank.

Billows of black smoke rose into the sky, and the originally peaceful village was ablaze.

And the place where the fire started.

It was the small courtyard she was familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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