Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 62 Loyalty

Chapter 62 Loyalty
"Have you started yet?"

On a country road in the morning light, a pair of brothers are walking.Among them, the youth in Tsing Yi who followed behind turned his head to look at the black smoke rising from behind, and said in a daze.

The man wearing the bronze mask in front stopped, "Which direction?"

"The village in the southeast direction, the mercenaries who infiltrated from the former Qin capital also passed through that village last night. It seems that the information collected before is indeed true." Zhao Guang said.

"Really." Li Ji said quietly without looking back.

"Isn't everything within my brother's expectations?" Zhao Guang narrowed his eyes and looked at his strong back, took a deep breath and smiled.

"I didn't believe it at first, but this time, brother, you won."

Although he has never won against this brother...

But he really didn't expect that the former king of Qin would be so stupid.The smile on Zhao Guang's mouth faded.

"It's clear that there hasn't been any news from Nanchu, but the former King of Qin has started recruiting troops in the territory."

"At his level, his behavior is completely unpredictable." Li Ji said lightly.

Because it's really stupid... Zhao Guang said helplessly, for his taciturn elder brother to make such an evaluation, it is enough to prove that His Majesty is really stupid.

As the saying goes, the behavior of smart people is easy to predict, but the behavior of stupid people is not, because their behavior is completely unreasonable.

"Combined with the immortal officials around him, no matter what decision he has made, it will not be revealed." Li Ji said quietly.

"After all, the current former Qin Xianguan is not good at anything else, but intelligence blockade is good at it." Zhao Guang smiled sarcastically, "Second brother, since Ying Hanri's imperial decree cannot be passed on, how did you expect the conscription?"

Because of the fear of people absconding and evading, the news of conscription is blocked layer by layer, and it can only be detected after a village is recruited.

Zhao Guang opened his curious eyes and looked at his brother's back.

Li Ji was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth and only said two words.

"Rice price."

Soldiers and horses go ahead without moving food and grass.Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide and was enlightened.

"Brother is really sharp, I'm far behind." He sighed, but he only got a speechless look from Li Ji.

"In normal times, rising rice prices wouldn't reflect anything," Zhao Guang walked up to him, his eyes as sharp as a sword. "It can only be related to the current situation in the former Qin Dynasty."

"The disappearance of a former Qin and his princess is enough to make the former king of Qin panic." The young man couldn't help sighing, "When he fell into panic, he thought that Southern Chu would come to attack the former Qin, so he began to recruit soldiers and practitioners on a large scale. No wonder the Ying family's country cannot be defended." live."

"The former Qin Dynasty is about to fall into chaos." Zhao Guang looked up at Chaoyang in the distance, "This is the opportunity for our Six Kingdoms."

However, listening to the words of the brothers beside him, Li Ji just looked ahead quietly, and Zhao Guang looked at him strangely, "Brother, why do you..."

"No." Li Ji said suddenly at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Guang asked.

"Is that village the place where the former Qin Da Sima Guichang's wife and children were deported?" Li Ji asked.

"That's right..." Zhao Guang frowned, "I haven't told you about this information, my second brother, have you? How do you know?"

"According to the fastest order of conscription, today should not be that village, but a neighboring village." Li Ji said coldly, "Where is the news about the spies monitoring Guichang?"

"Should be there soon..." Zhao Guang said in a daze, at this moment a black pigeon flew from afar, Zhao Guang's eyes lit up and he raised his arms, "Here we come!"

Zhao Guang took off the short note on the pigeon's feet and spread it quickly, and suddenly looked at Li Ji, "Guichang has returned to Da Sima Mansion this morning with the imperial decree of the Marquis of Zhongyi!"

"I didn't expect him to return to the mansion so quickly," Zhao Guang murmured with a smile, "It's really not in line with the style of this big Sima to come back without putting on a guard of honor."

Zhao Guang said with a smile, "Maybe he is enjoying the flattery of the concubines in the mansion now, if it were me..."

However, his joke was interrupted by Li Ji's cold voice.

"No, he should not be in the mansion now, our people lost it."

"Huh?" Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment, but a black shadow passed by him in the next moment.

"Second brother! Wait for me!" Zhao Guang stomped his feet and watched his elder brother who turned back quickly and quickly chased after him.

While chasing and shouting.

"What's wrong!"

"Do you still remember that I asked you Guichang, who has no virtue and incompetence, why you were named the Marquis of Loyalty?" Li Ji didn't turn his head, but his emotionless voice came along with the wind.

"Why?" Zhao Guang was stunned.

"Of course it's based on loyalty." Li Ji said lightly.

Zhao Guang almost fell down, "So what exactly is loyalty? Second brother, stop playing charades!"

He knew that his brother must have noticed something, but his brain was different from his brother's, he was just a normal person!
"What is the greatest loyalty to the former King of Qin who is now enlisting troops?" Li Ji asked.

"That big Sima lives up to his name."

Zhao Guang was taken aback.

Return to Chang, return to Chang, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

To be able to conform and respond to what the lord most wants to do is the greatest loyalty.

"Could it be that Guichang went to the countryside to help Ying Hanri recruit troops?" Zhao Guang was stunned, "The conscription came to his doorstep?"

"Conscripting soldiers from common people's families is not considered loyalty," Li Ji said coldly, "Only giving what is important to you is considered loyalty."

"There are simpler ways for the Maison."

"Have you heard of the death camp that was the most difficult to recruit in the former Qin army?"

A chill suddenly rose from Zhao Guang's back, "Second brother, you mean..."

Li Ji looked at his younger brother behind him for the first time.

Tiger poison does not eat its offspring, but it is the most ruthless emperor's family.

"Aren't those the most precious to the family?" Li Ji's dark eyes were cold.

"For example, son."



run, run.

In the endless scorching heat, Ying Baoyue was also running.

All the way to war.

"Where is Qing Zhuang? Tell me! Where is that Wang Dazhu registered on the roster?"

"Guan Ye, Guan Ye, his father went to work in the Northern Wei Dynasty..."

"Found it! Get out of here, bastard!"

"His father! I beg you, isn't there a war yet..."

"Get out! Nanchu will call you soon, you gangsters dare to stay here and fear death!"

Crying, shouting, yelling and cursing from soldiers, and the burning of the flames rang together, and every household was spared. The originally peaceful village was in chaos.

Some soldiers smashed and looted wantonly in the name of conscription. Looking at those things wearing military skins and holding weapons, Ying Baoyue bit her lips tightly, but she couldn't stop her footsteps, because most of the villagers' homes were just surrounded by people. If you smash it, the fire is only the stove that was kicked over in the house.

But one is different.Standing outside the gate of the small courtyard with a burning roof, Ying Baoyue gasped for breath.

There was no one outside the door, but the courtyard door that had been kicked open many times by servants of the Sima Mansion left only an empty doorway.

Seeing the door leaf lying on the ground covered with marks of swords, guns, swords and halberds, Ying Baoyue clenched her wrist tightly.

And at this moment, a woman's mournful cry came from the courtyard.

"Father, please! Don't do this! Don't do this!"

The sound of forehead banging on the ground.

"Let go of my brother! Mother! Save my brother!"

"elder brother!"

 Foreshadowing recovery

(End of this chapter)

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