Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 63 Destiny

Chapter 63 Destiny
Why is fate so unfair?

In the field of vision dripping with blood, Gui Li, who knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately, raised his head and looked forward in a daze.

Blood flowed from her forehead to the corners of her eyes, but she still opened her eyes wide, looking at her brother who was pinned to the ground by two thick soldiers.

Kowtowing too fast just now made her a little dizzy, and before she knew it, her face was covered with blood but she didn't feel any pain, because her brother was far more seriously injured than her.

Guichen's whole head was pressed hard by a big palm on the ground full of gravel, and another soldier behind him firmly elbowed his back. Every time his brother struggled, he had to endure chest pains. Pain.

Even so, the boy still rubbed the ground desperately to reveal his eyes full of hatred, and looked at the pair of luxuriously crafted boots right next to his face.

Gui Li mechanically rolled his eyes following his elder brother's gaze, looking at the middle-aged man who was watching all this indifferently.

Their... father.

Facing the eyes of his children, the man in brocade clothes just stood there indifferently, his eyes fell on Gui Li, and he narrowed his eyes slightly looking at her bloody forehead.


"Gui Li! Leave me alone!"

Just when Guichang's eyes fell on his daughter, a trace of fear flashed in Guichen's eyes, and he lay on the ground and yelled.

"Isn't it the camp of dead soldiers? I'll go! But I have a condition, you don't want to touch a single hair of my sister!"

"Don't say it so reluctantly," the middle-aged man glanced at him, "This is the honor I finally invited for you, and everything is for us to go home."

Just then, a cold female voice sounded behind him.

"Then why don't you let Gui Rong go?"

Guichang turned his head and looked at his wife who was tightly held by the four wives.

Mu Shi looked at him expressionlessly, but after all, he didn't wait for the man she grew up with to answer.

"Of course it's because our family, Gui Rong, wants to inherit the title, sister."

A sweet female voice sounded from behind Guichang, and Chu Ji walked out from behind him, looking at Mrs Mu with a charming smile, "Guichen died for the country, there must be someone to inherit the title of Guichang."

"So that's it." Looking at Chu Ji's smiling eyes, Mu said quietly, "It seems that this is another good plan you offered for the master."

Chu Ji looked at Mu Shi whose hair was still unruly despite being pulled by the four women, a flash of hatred briefly flashed in her eyes, and she still smiled sweetly the next moment.

"You can't say that, how can my concubine be more noble than my elder sister?" Chu Ji said with a smile, "Sister can definitely think of strategies that can make the master rise to the top, but my sister has never been willing to do anything for the master. ah."

Chu Ji stretched her voice and covered her mouth with a smile, "My younger sister is stupid, but I secretly think that she is only slightly better than my elder sister because she is wholeheartedly for the master and returning home."

"You bad guy!"

At this moment, Chu Ji's laughter stopped, she tilted her head slightly, and a stone suddenly brushed past her cheek!
"Li'er!" Mu Clan cried out, his pupils shrinking.

The smile on Chu Ji's face cooled down, she looked at the little girl kneeling on the ground holding a stone and panting.


Guichang's eyes also turned cold, and he stretched out his hand, a soldier who was holding Guichen suddenly flashed behind Guili, and stretched out his hand to grab her shoulder.

"Let me go!" Gui Li struggled violently, and suddenly grabbed a long bloodstain on the soldier's hand.

The soldier looked at Guichang with a trace of anger in his eyes.

Guichang frowned and nodded to the soldier.

With a click, the soldier drew his sword out of its sheath.

"Guichang! If you dare to touch my daughter, I will never let you go!"

Mrs. Mu struggled violently, but the women behind her were holding her limbs tightly, and even grabbed her by the hair.

Seeing the desperation welling up in Mu's eyes that had always remained silent, Chu Ji finally had a look of joy in her eyes.

"Let go of my sister!" Gui Chen struggled desperately, but a ruthless light flashed in the eyes of the soldier who was harassing him and hit him in the chest, "Be honest!"

Guichen's mouth was bloodshot, but he still stared at his sister beside him.

A cold light flashed, but the soldier's sword slashing towards Guili did not stop.

"I have a sense of propriety, and she should learn some manners," Guichang said lightly to his wife and children, "otherwise we will only shame us when we get married in the future."

"I have promised her to Mr. Wang Shaofu, who lost his wife not long ago. Mr. Wang's family will not want such an unruly lady."

Guichen's pupils shrank when he was pressed to the ground. The Young Mansion is one of the Three Dukes and Nine Ministers. It is a rich man in charge of the taxation of mountains, seas, pools and lakes exclusively for the royal family. However, the former Qin Shaofu is nearly forty years old and the youngest even His sons are all older than Guili!

"Guichang! Aren't you afraid of lightning strikes!" Shouted Mu Shi sternly.

Thunder struck?

Looking at the excited mother and brother, Gui Li felt very calm for some reason.

Obviously what she was talking about was a major event in her life, but she didn't feel any sadness at all.

She raised her head, and the epee coming towards her was also very slow in her field of vision. She wondered how painful it would be if it was cut on her body, would it still hurt from her father's whip?
she does not know.

She can't feel anything anymore.

Why should she, her brother and her mother be treated like this?
People in the village often say that poor people must have something to hate, and a person who suffers and is hated by others is only to blame.

Was she treated like this because she did something bad?

Yes, she is not a good child.This kind of fate deserves it.

But in Gui Li's memory, her mother was always full of kindness towards this world, she treated everyone in this world kindly, but why, that woman with a heart like a snake was smiling beside her father, while her mother burst into tears there?

My brother was going to be sent to the death camp, a place where only death row prisoners would go, where he died like an ant to prove his father's loyalty to the country.

I want to marry a man who is 27 years older than her, presumably my father will get a lot of benefits in exchange for it.

Is this what she and her brother were born for?
Seeing Jianguang getting closer and closer to the fingertips, Guili finally understood why she didn't feel pain.

th.She has had enough of this.

"Mother," Guili said quietly, "You are wrong."

Heartbroken, Mrs. Mu suddenly turned around.

"Mother, you have been kind all your life, but in the end you only brought harm to your own children," Gui Li said quietly, "So you are wrong."

Guichang frowned even tighter, and waved his hand fiercely to look at the soldiers behind Guili, "Do it!"

"Li'er!" Mu's pupils shrank, and when the blade of the sword was going towards Guili's shoulder, Guili actually flashed to his side and met his own neck!

"Sister!" Gui Chen's eyes cracked.

The sword light came down to her, and the girl opened her arms.

"God is blind!" Gui Li clenched his lips and screamed, "Kindness is useless at all!"

Huge despair overwhelmed her, so let's end it all.

"who said it."

However, at this moment, another woman's voice sounded.

A figure stepped in suddenly, holding the blade of the sword.

The world fell into dead silence in an instant, and Guili opened his eyes wide in endless despair, looking at the familiar slender figure of the girl.

With a soft groan, the woman's blood flowed down the blade but she didn't care.

She turned around with a smile and said to Gui Li.


(End of this chapter)

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