Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 64 1 punches

Chapter 64 One Punch

The tulle on the tattered valance fluttered quietly in the wind.

No one noticed when this woman arrived.

Her speed was too fast, faster than everyone's ability to react.

Seeing the woman who appeared suddenly, everyone froze in place, and the atmosphere in the small courtyard of Homecoming froze instantly.

The soldier in front of Guili stared blankly at the mysterious woman in a veiled hat holding his sword with one hand, and looked at the sword in his hand in disbelief.


Chu Ji, who had been smiling all the time, twitched unknowingly on one side of her face, and a strange expression appeared in one eye.

"Huh? Could it be her?"

There was a tall tree with luxuriant foliage not far from the home courtyard. At this time, a pair of brothers were standing on the crown of the tree overlooking the small courtyard. At this moment, one of them suddenly let out a hey.

Zhao Guang stood on the tree and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the courtyard in astonishment.

Although I couldn't see her face clearly, the figure of that girl was somewhat familiar.

"Gui Mingyue..." he murmured and then suddenly looked at his elder brother beside him, "She said her surname is Gui, is she actually related to this Gui family? But I have never received any information about Gui Chang's other children. !"

"She is not a child of Guichang." Li Ji's voice was as cold as ice when faced with his younger brother's stunned question.

The next moment seemed to be in response to his words, the luxuriously dressed man in the courtyard frowned at the woman who suddenly appeared, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Guichang frowned at the man who was holding the heavy sword in the army with one hand. He never knew that there was such a person beside Guichen and the others.

"Wait, I heard that Chen'er picked up an unknown woman from the mountain, is that you?"

If it weren't for the voice and this figure, it would be difficult for Guichang to connect the rumored half-dead girl with the strange person in front of him.

Forgive her for being a little girl who can't afford to make any splashes, so he ignored it when he was busy in the capital, why?Actually running out at this time to get in the way?

Sure enough, he was still a child.Guichang felt a little funny in his heart.

Guichang looked at the stunned soldier in front of Guili indifferently, "What's wrong with you, give me a hand."

"Dare to seek death for me?" Gui Chang looked at Gui Li and said indifferently, "It's really worthless, then I will tell you something today, with your ability, you can't even do it."

Looking at his struggling wife and children, Guichang felt as if he was watching a farce.

Threatening him with death?

He has been immersed in the officialdom and family for 30 years, and it took him 30 years to understand what is the real decision in this world, but his wife and son are too stupid to understand their weight and position.

The weak have no right to choose at all, and they don't need to be respected.

Looking at the woman standing in front of Guili, Guichang sneered, "Whoever gets in the way will be split in half together."

"This Guichang is simply insane." Zhao Guang, who was not far away from the tree, couldn't help being speechless, looking at the girl standing in front of Guili with a hint of worry, "Even if the head of a family is too abnormal, it is too abnormal for his wife and children." Does he still have the humanity to do something like this?"

"It's not that he's abnormal, it's just that you think his situation is extreme." However, facing Zhao Guang's questioning, Li Ji had no emotion in his eyes. "It's not like no one in other aristocratic families has done the things he did."

For the aristocratic family, marriage is an exchange of interests, and children are the property of the aristocratic family.

And not just the family.

"Back when Emperor Ying was competing in the Central Plains, and to deal with Emperor Ying for the temporary stability of the border, didn't the six countries almost all send their princesses to Xirong?" Li Ji said coldly.

And vice versa.

The princess of Xirong was also sent to the Central Plains during the war.

In the so-called marriage, only the princess is young. As for the other party's monarch, who cares whether they are of the same age or are old?

Zhao Guang's body stiffened for a moment.

"Sorry." Li Ji said.

"It's nothing." Zhao Guang smiled wryly, "You're right. It's just a pity for Guichang and his son and daughter."

Regardless of whether this woman appeared or not, the fate of Gui Chen and Gui Li has already been decided. Born in a family with such a father who can be used as a stepping stone in order to climb up, no one can stop it.

In this world, filial piety is greater than the sky, and parents can even decide the life and death of their children, so what's the matter.

With that woman's intelligence, it is impossible not to know all this.

Under the bronze mask, Li Ji's well-informed eyes narrowed slightly.

However, she stood in front of Gui Li and still did not take a step back.

What does she want to do?


"Mingyue! Get out of here!"

In the silence, only the heart-piercing roar of the young man resounded through the sky.

Standing in front of Guili, Ying Baoyue was stunned, looking at the young man whose head was stepped on but was still lifted up firmly, his eyes showed undisguised disgust.

"What are you doing back here? What are you meddling with?" Gui Chen yelled at her, "Go back to the mountain, this place has nothing to do with you!"

They have nothing to do with her.

It doesn't matter.

Gui Chen's blood-red eyes glared at the girl in the veiled hat.

The roar rang in his ears, but his heart was desolate.

That's it.

As long as she goes up the mountain, she won't be caught by anyone with her skills.

He must drive her away.

That's it.

When he woke up early in the morning, looked at the empty room, and saw his mother telling him "she's gone" with a sad face, it was difficult for Gui Chen to describe his feeling at that time.

But when the door was smashed open, Gui Chen felt a secret happiness in his heart.However, he did not expect that she would come back when he was most embarrassed.

Why?Gui Chen gritted his teeth and yelled at Ying Baoyue, "Get lost!"

"It's really fierce," Zhao Guang on the tree sighed, "An ordinary thin-skinned little girl who kindly helps her should cry when she is yelled at like this."

Li Ji looked at him expressionlessly.

"A man who is a little sympathetic to such a face can't say such cruel words," Zhao Guang suddenly realized, "By the way, it must be because that girl is wearing a veiled hat!"

He looked sympathetically at the girl who lowered her head in the yard, "Should I run out crying?"

Li Ji glanced at him, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Haha, it's hard for others to say, but she can't," Zhao Guang laughed, but the smile faded instantly, "But she can't make any troubles, but she is a child who is overconfident, and Guichang should move..."

Zhao Guang's voice suddenly stopped while he was talking, and his eyes widened as he looked into the distance.

He thought he had exhausted all possibilities, and he had seen the reactions of women who thought they were different.

Even if you don't cry, at most you can just stand there aloofly.

Then get knocked down by reality.

After all, there are not so many men in this world who are sympathetic to women, especially those who are in official circles.

"Why don't you get out? Do you think you can gain anything here?"

Gui Chen knew how cruel his father was, and yelled at Ying Baoyue in the most vicious tone in his life, but facing his vicious words, the girl under the hood just glanced at him and spoke flatly.

"Wait a minute, I have something to do before then."

"What is she going to do? What else can she do?" Zhao Guang blinked in amazement, and the next moment the woman spoke again, but she was faced with an unexpected candidate.

Ying Baoyue let go of the blade in her hand, raised her head and looked straight at...the stout soldier in front of her.

"Grit your teeth for me, the so-called soldiers of the former Qin Dynasty."

Unexpectedly, this woman would actually talk to him, the soldier said in a daze.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Ying Baoyue smiled at him with a very gentle voice.

"As a soldier, you actually attack women and children. I will teach you the lesson you deserve." The delicate girl smiled.

"Otherwise I'm sorry for the heroic spirits who died on the battlefield."

Then she raised her left hand and punched the general in the face.

Accompanied by a tooth-piercing crunching sound, the general as strong as an ox flew three feet away.

Three feet away.



The stark contrast between the slender figure of the girl and the extremely violent picture makes people speechless.

The brothers on the tree, the brothers and sisters in the courtyard, the standing couples and concubines, including another soldier holding Gui Chen, all froze.

Looking at the girl's fist, everyone was stunned for a moment.

This man... what did he do?

(End of this chapter)

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