Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 65 Identity

Chapter 65 Identity
Zhao Guang was dumbfounded.

He had imagined all the reactions of the woman, but even if he was killed, the 15-year-old girl didn't do anything, neither made a speech nor cried bitterly, but first gave a soldier who was at least twice her size. Remember the old boxing.

This is what women can do... Wait, is this something girls do first?

This way of thinking and acting is a bit strange, isn't it?

"The effect is good," Ying Baoyue said calmly, looking at her left hand wrapped in cloth.

This curse is still useful occasionally, but it must be controlled well, otherwise the backlash will make her lose consciousness.

"Mingyue, your hand..." Gui Chen finally regained his senses and shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

He suddenly realized that the scar on her hand must have done something again, just like the one in the village, but he knew very well that this kind of power would definitely hurt this woman!

"This pain is nothing." The girl smiled, looking at the soldiers rolling on the ground.

"If you don't hit him, I'm sorry for the heroic spirits who died on the battlefield."

On the tree, Zhao Guang's eyes widened. He finally knew what this woman's behavior looked like. She looked like a veteran in the military camp. At this moment, the young girl was actually more mature than the big Sima Guichang standing over there. Like a general.

The scene of a girl knocking down a man with a single punch was so shocking that the other girls in the courtyard hadn't reacted yet.

And all of this is burning in Gui Li's eyes.

"You..." She looked at Ying Baoyue and said in a daze, but she didn't know what to say.

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue, who was standing beside the fallen soldier, turned her head to look at her, and her eyes fell on her knees and bleeding forehead.

The breeze blew, lifting the gauze curtain of the man's veiled hat.

That girl had eyes that were so gentle that it made people want to cry, but her voice was as calm as ice, like the cold light of an arrow in her ear, piercing Gui Li's heart.

"Don't get on your knees miserably, your family won't be hurt at all if that works."

"Huh?" Gui Li stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

"It's the same for Guichen." Ying Baoyue looked at the boy who was pushed to the ground, "You obviously have something to protect, so what are you doing lying on the ground?"

Gui Chen, who had been yelling at Ying Baoyue, was also stunned, and murmured, "No, my entire back was suppressed, and my chest was bleeding... This man is a practitioner..."

Did she think he wanted this?He has worked hard!
But the soldiers brought by Guichang were all well-trained low-level practitioners, he was powerless to fight back, he...

"Those are not important, stand up."

However, in the face of his accusation, the woman seemed to have a heart of stone.

"Stand up, Guichen."

What the hell is she talking about?he already……

"As I said, you haven't even reached the limit of human beings, so you don't have to worry about practitioners," the girl's voice came quietly, "Do you still remember the method of using the breath I taught you? Didn't you already break off?" Got a hemp rope?"

How does she know?Gui Chen raised his head in a daze.

After she left this morning, he jumped the hemp rope in this small courtyard.

"You can't give up, and you can't be knocked down."

Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "It's not something you can't do, but you have to do it."

in her voice.

Blood ran through his veins.

The scorching breath flowed in his chest cavity.

Endless life.

"You have something that must be protected."

Ying Baoyue squatted down, grabbed Gui Li's hand, and put it in the direction Gui Chen could see. At the same time, he looked at Mu Shi whose hair was being grabbed, and shouted loudly.

"Stand up. The eldest grandson of General Long Xiang, return to Chen!"

The pupils of the boy lying on the ground shrank, and the veins on his forehead popped out. The next moment, a suppressed growl sounded from the ground, like the struggle of a wounded little animal in a deep pit.

The soldiers holding down Guichen opened their eyes wide in astonishment!
Everything happens in an instant.

Sweat rained down.

The muscles and bones exploded.

Muscles squirt.

However, the boy on the ground finally let out a low growl and lifted the soldiers on him!

this kid!
Guichang, who had been indifferent all this time, took a step back in astonishment, looking at his son who was panting and struggling to stand up as if he was looking at a stranger.

"Do you think practitioners are invincible?"

At this moment, the woman wearing the veiled hat walked up to Gui Chen, stood on tiptoe and wiped off the sweat and blood stains on his forehead, and turned sideways to look at the soldier who was staring at her hand in astonishment.

The girl looked at the soldier standing in front of her and spoke quietly.

"There is power but no martial arts."

"It's not worthy of being called a practitioner."

"You!" Guichang's eyes filled with raging anger, and he waved his hand violently. The ground shook, and more soldiers poured in from the back door of the wall, surrounding Ying Baoyue and others in the center.

"You..." Gui Chen no longer wanted to call this person father, he finally stood up, but the reality in front of him did not allow him the slightest joy, the young man clenched his lips and stood in front of Ying Baoyue and Gui Li.

"Mingyue, I'll go fight that old thing to my death later, you run away with Guili first, and run to the mountain..."

However, Guichen's whispered advice to think desperately was interrupted.

"There are thirty more practitioners on the periphery," Ying Baoyue looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who looked a little like Gui Chen, but his eyes were colder than his son's, and smiled. "The real high-ranking ones are all outside. It is a family of first-class officials with profound heritage."

"Thirty..." Gui Chen was stunned on the spot.

"How could I have such a stupid and incompetent son like you?" Guichang looked at him and said coldly, "How dare you resist because I won't kill you?"

Gui Chen clenched his fists at the side and was about to speak, but Gui Chang's eyes turned between Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen.

"I really won't kill you, but if you are so ignorant, I can't guarantee what will happen to this girl."

"You!" Gui Chen was so angry that his nails dug into his palm, "How dare you..."

"Grab him." However, Guichang didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he raised his hand lightly, and the soldiers in full armor around him immediately rushed up, "If you don't obey me, tie me up and shut her mouth, and send this woman to the army..."


However, at this moment, a calm voice interrupted his words.

The arrogant man who gave orders was startled.

Because it has been a long time since no one dared to call him by his first name.

The sound of weapons colliding fiercely came, and Mu's whole body fell into despair before the absolute power. Gui Li, who originally wanted to stand up, sat on the ground in a daze seeing the countless cold lights approaching.

Under the absolute power disparity, it is useless to resist any more, only a few more people will die.

It's all over.

However, at this moment, there was a slight sound of falling, and Gui Li raised his head, watching the woman's veiled cap fluttering down.

Ying Baoyue took off the veiled cap on her head and threw it on the ground.

"Oh, why is there still a veil?" Zhao Guang looked at the girl who was still wearing a veil under the veil and said disappointedly, "It seems that the second brother and we were lucky last night."

This woman is too guarded.

"Hmph, what does this young lady want to do?" Gui Chang looked at the young girl and sneered. He was already invaluable in the former Qin Dynasty.

After speaking, he turned indifferently and walked towards the door, he didn't have time to participate in this kind of children's nonsense anymore, it was enough for Gui Chen and Gui Li to be tied up and taken away.

However, amidst Guichang's mocking sneer, the girl just quietly walked up to Guili and knelt down.

"Sorry, I'll give you a better one when I have a chance." She stretched out her hand, opened Gui Li's palm, and picked up an emerald earring.

On that earring, a small snake is carved.

What's different is that the snake actually has wings.

The girl closed her eyes, brought it to her ears, and turned around quietly.

"You are……"

At this moment, before everyone could react, looking at the girl who was still wearing a veil, the military officer in charge suddenly sifted through the chaff and tried to speak.

"your Highness?"

"What?" Gui Chang, who was already walking towards the door, stopped and suddenly turned his head.

The girl with the emerald earrings stood in the sunlight and gently removed the veil from her face.

Looking at that face exposed to the sun, Gui Chang felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

The girl pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at him.

"Long time no see, Guichang."

 【Note】The snake with wings is the legendary image of Teng Snake, and Teng Snake is the totem of the former Qin royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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