Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 640 Wishes

Chapter 640 Wishes
If there is an afterlife.

Ying Baoyue stopped and turned around, looked at Chen Yan behind him, and smiled softly, "Only afterlife?"

She is now living in the afterlife.

And what she wants to do is not just revenge.

Chen Yan was startled when he heard the words, and stared at the eyes of the girl in front of him looking at him, the already cloudy eyes of the middle-aged man became brighter and brighter.

"It's not just the next life." He paused, "We made an appointment, didn't we?"

A faint moonlight shone into the study, just like the moonlight at that time.

Looking at the girl standing in front of him, Chen Yan felt that the scenery around him was rapidly retreating, returning to the dark mine.He is not a high-ranking Sima, but a frustrated general lying at the bottom of the pit, standing in front of that bold nine-year-old girl.

What he thought was a joke back then became the only promise he could keep in this life.

Chen Yan stared at those clear eyes that had not changed no matter how many years, and seriously repeated the promise that had always appeared in his dreams.

"I said, as long as I'm not too old to mount a horse, I'll be your striker."

"Although I am old, I can still hold a knife," Chen Yan patted his chest and laughed, "Besides, even if I am really too old to mount a horse by then, I still have a son."

Speaking of this, his face suddenly became unnatural for a moment, and he coughed lightly, "There are also Zi Chu and... Zi Han, you can choose one."

"What does it mean to choose one at random?" Ying Baoyue laughed when he heard the words, "This way, you can choose at will."

Is this the draft?
"Speaking of which," the next moment she stared at the unconfident old father in front of her, "you think of him now?"

Through the thin paper window, she looked in the direction where Chen Zihan was punished to kneel.Fortunately, Chen Zichu pulled Chen Zihan up, and the two stood upright in the yard.

A trace of embarrassment and complexity appeared on Chen Yan's face, and he looked at his two sons in the yard, "I really..."

"I know it's difficult for you too," Ying Baoyue looked at Chen Yan.

Back then, Chen Zihan’s birth was said to have been drugged, and there was also a story about a maid who took care of him and couldn’t bear to let him have a baby. After Chen Zichu’s mother passed away, Chen Yan was said to have been depressed for a long time because of guilt.But no matter how many versions of rumors there are, it is pointless to pursue them now.

"You either don't want this child to be born, and since you let him be born, treat him normally." Ying Baoyue looked into the eyes of the man in front of him and said lightly, "I don't want you to spoil the concubine, but to treat everyone with respect." Don't overdo it."

In Chen Zichu's case, it was obvious that he was spoiled a little too much, while Chen Zihan was suppressed too much.

"Parents' problems, don't affect children." She said seriously.

Chen Yan's shoulders trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered the attitude of the former Qin Princess towards Chun Huajun according to the recent rumors.

Facing the son of Ji Mo's regular wife, the girl never changed her attitude.

"But..." But for so many years, he has never known how to face these two children.

Because of guilt, he didn't want Chen Zichu to be disappointed.

Looking at the eyes of the man in front of him, Ying Baoyue knew what he was thinking.

"Are you afraid that if you don't punish Zihan, Zichu will be disappointed?"

Chen Yan nodded.

Ying Baoyue sighed in her heart, 17 years have passed, but the veteran's stubbornness and conviction of death have never changed.

"Zi Chu himself said that you don't want you to punish him, why are you still tossing around?" She asked with a frown.

"Zi Chu he..." Chen Yan hesitated, "Maybe it's because you didn't mean what you said?"

It must be saying something different...

Ying Baoyue couldn't help but touch her forehead.

With Chen Zichu's attitude just now, the old father still felt that the elder son's indifference was just pretending.

"I can tell you very clearly," Ying Baoyue looked at Chen Yan and said seriously, "What Chen Zichu said just now is sincere."

Chen Yan was taken aback when he heard this.

"Really?" The man paused, "Since you said it, it seems to be true."

Although he is stubborn, he believes in this woman's ability to see people.

"I have no intention of interfering in your family affairs, but the children are already grown up. If there is any problem, let them fight and solve it. There is really no need for you to intervene." Ying Baoyue smiled and said.

Chen Yan's eyes paused, as if he suddenly realized something.

"Okay, I'm really leaving," Ying Baoyue said, "As for what your two sons are thinking and where is your sincerity, I suggest you take a closer look at the detailed report of today's battle. Take a look How they play, not just wins and losses and injuries."

Chen Yan nodded upon hearing this.

It seems that there will be no major problems after all.

Based on his understanding of the battle between practitioners, he should be able to understand the sincerity of those two teenagers.

"Then I'll take my leave first, and I'll take part in the second round of the match tomorrow," Ying Baoyue said, stretching out her hand and pushing open the door of the study. Just as she was about to step over the threshold, she suddenly turned her head, looked behind her and was about to confront her. Chen Yan, who asked something, smiled and said.

"As for the agreement we said before, there will be a chance in this life."

Chen Yan, who was about to ask her about her future plans, paused, opened her eyes wide and looked at the girl in front of her, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth the next moment.

Because he no longer needs to ask.

If there is really a chance for him to fulfill his promise in this life, then any difficulties and obstacles faced by the girl in front of him.

She won't be knocked down by it.

Ying Baoyue looked at the veteran who understood what she meant, smiled and turned and stepped out of the threshold.

At this time, Chen Zichu and Chen Zihan who heard her and their father's last words outside the door were completely stunned.

"Promise?" Glancing at Chen Yan, who was standing in the study with his hands behind his back, Chen Zichu hissed and caught up with Ying Baoyue who was walking out of the courtyard.

Chen Zihan followed anxiously.

"Hey, what did you say to my old man just now? You won't agree to his strange conditions, will you?"

"Strange conditions?" Ying Baoyue looked at Chen Zichu beside him, and couldn't help but sigh that Chen Yan really spoiled him enough, the old man called out.

"It's what he promised me," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, then looked back at Chen Zihan, "I'm fine."

"What the hell is that?" Chen Zichu frowned.

"I can't tell you exactly what's going on," Ying Baoyue quickened his pace, "I'm going back to prepare for tomorrow's competition, Second Young Master Chen, don't you want to participate too? Go back quickly."

Chen Zihan paused, staring quietly at the woman who came in a hurry and was about to leave after helping him out, with a complicated expression on her face.

"Wait, it's getting so late, I'll take you back," Chen Zichu chased up from behind, "Otherwise Chunhua should kill me..."

"It's not that exaggerated," Ying Baoyue turned around and smiled.

But the next moment she stopped, looked up at the moon in the sky, and remembered the figure of the young man who had disappeared into the night in front of the Chen Mansion.

Ji Jiashu said that he had something to do.

As an examiner, I have something to do in the night before tomorrow's battle.

But for this matter, he went there alone, as if he was flying over the roof and walls in the middle of the night.It has to be said that there is a strange atmosphere revealed.

Where is that boy at this time?What are you going to do again?

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly deep.

And at this moment, under the eaves that she couldn't see, Ji Jiashu was really flying around.

He restrained all his breath, and came to a magnificent house through the night...

The weakest guard...the back door.

 The next chapter is actually very hilarious hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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