Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 641

Chapter 641
This is a house located in the place where the officials of the family lived.

There are family guards patrolling outside the house, but it is not difficult for practitioners of the Divine Dance Realm to bypass them.

In the night, Ji Jiashu looked at the leaving patrol team and took a deep breath.

The aura on his body has been completely subdued, and he will not make a sound when he walks. The carefully calculated true energy is just enough for him to control his body without being noticed by others.

It seems that he really wants to do this and is quite good at it.

Speaking of him now, isn't he a bit like a killer mentioned in a script?
Or... a little thief?

Standing under the eaves, Ji Jiashu remembered these belatedly.

Speaking of which, it was the first time that he used his cultivation talents for this kind of thing.

If his wife knew that he actually used his realm to sneak into other people's houses at night, he wondered if he would faint from anger.

But what was incredible was that although it was the first time he had done such an outrageous thing since he was a child, when he made the decision, his heart was extremely calm, without any hesitation.

He was even able to tell the woman without a trace of strangeness that he had something to do tonight, and he said it sounding like it was a business.

He really has learned badly.

If he was discovered by someone, or if he didn't handle the negotiation with that person well tonight, he should be ruined tomorrow.

But even so, he has no regrets.

His way of being a gentleman is by no means just doing what everyone approves of.

What he abides by is the ruler in his heart.

If the world doesn't allow it and normal means can't solve it, then he will find other means.

Even if it's useless, even if it's something incomprehensible.

He does it alone.

That girl has already done her best, and he will do her best too.

In the dark night, Ji Jiashu raised his head quietly, and saw that there was also a plaque hanging on the back door of the house, with two large characters written on it.


There are many palaces in Danyang City, but if you are interested, you will probably remember that one of the three examiners in charge of drawing lots was arranged for the last three days of the preliminary ceremony.

There is one surnamed Wang.

This person's name is Wang Yunian, he is forty-five this year, and he is a fourth-ranked Great Immortal Official.Although the Wang family's status in the Danyang family is not particularly high, but such a great fairy official can be regarded as famous.

The Great Immortals all have mansions bestowed by the King of Southern Chu, and the mansion Wang Yunian lives in is not with the Wang family, it can be regarded as a branch of himself.

Because practitioners of the fourth rank, except for specific opponents who know their names, generally no one can harm them. The defense of this palace is not particularly strict.After all, Wang Yunian himself is the strongest defense.

Except for the Jia family, there was no other family that could afford a fifth-rank guard, so Ji Jiashu easily entered the Wang family's courtyard.

After all, the Divine Dance Realm will be offered everywhere, and there are very few practitioners at level five who will be killers and thieves.

Concentrating his breath and leaning on a pavilion in the courtyard, Ji Jiashu suddenly felt a little grateful that he had practiced hard in the first half of his life, otherwise he would not be able to do something out of the ordinary if he suddenly wanted to do it.


Looking at the empty courtyard, his eyes became serious.

It's just that for his purpose tonight, his level is still not enough.

He was indeed self-protected enough to prevent people from finding him, but at the same time, he couldn't find Wang Yunian's whereabouts.

Of course, as a practitioner of the fourth rank, without intentionally restraining himself, the sense of presence must be so strong that he can find it with a simple search.

But once he used his true energy to search, he would instantly expose his own position to Wang Yunian's eyes.And if he was discovered before Wang Yunian's nose, his identity would be exposed and made public in an instant, and everything would be in vain.

Ji Jiashu leaned on the pavilion and sighed deeply from the bottom of his heart.

"Is it only possible to search room by room?" He sighed inwardly, lifting his body slightly.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of extremely powerful true energy coming, not so much aimed at him, but rather a large-scale investigation, but it was sweeping towards him at this moment!

Oops!Ji Jiashu didn't expect Wang Yunian to be so vigilant, to search everywhere at night while staying at his home.

Could it be that he has just been robbed?

Although he might be able to escape this investigation by mobilizing his true energy to the extreme, he might not be able to scare the snake away.Facing the closer investigation, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Ji Jiashu's forehead. When it was time to make a decision, he took a slight breath...

However, at this moment, a barrier equal to the fourth level suddenly enveloped him. Ji Jiashu's body trembled slightly and held his breath. Wang Yunian's investigation swept past him as if he didn't notice anything.

In the world in the practitioner's eyes, the courtyard once again returned to calm.

Ji Jiashu lay on the pavilion without moving, then he was silent for a moment, turned around quietly, and looked at the other person sitting behind him who didn't know when.

The man's dark eyes behind the bronze mask almost merged with the night, seeing him looking over, he raised his eyes to look at him.

The two were relatively speechless.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

The atmosphere was simply weird to the extreme.

"Good evening," Ji Jiashu finally said stiffly, breaking the silence between them.

Anyway, this person's barrier now covers the entire pavilion. With the level of this person's barrier, even if there are guards passing by, they can't hear it.

He opened his mouth, but the man in the bronze mask remained silent. After a pause, he said, "Good evening."

There was another silence between the two of them.

After all, the occasion where they are talking now is really weird.

Ji Jiashu really never imagined that he would meet this man at this time and this place.

He also didn't expect that one day, he would talk to another man who also looked like trespassing on someone's roof at night.

Moreover, Ji Jiashu clearly remembered that Soochow's stepson had already lost in the first round of today's match. Logically speaking, if it was for Soochow people, there was really no need for this man to run to the house of the examiner who drew lots the next day at night.

So as for why this Soochow guard appeared on top of Wang Yunian's pavilion at this time...

Under the moonlight, the two coincident men looked at each other silently.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, looked at Li Ji in front of him and said, "Thank you just now."

Although this encounter was weird, but if it wasn't for this man's barrier just now, he might have been discovered by Wang Yunian.


"You really hid your realm before," he said, staring at the eyes in the mask of the man in front of him.

Although he had just been rescued, Ji Jiashu was secretly startled in his heart.When this person was by Zhao Guang's side, he sensed that there was something wrong with this person's state, and he might have hidden something, but he didn't expect that this person's hidden state was actually the fourth rank!

He didn't know when Nanchu actually came to such a rank four.I don't know if his father knows.

There is nothing to hide now, Li Ji nodded, looked at the young man in front of him and said lightly, "No matter what state I am in, I never thought that I would meet the dignified Nanchu Chunhua here."

Ji Jiashu's expression froze, and he thought to himself that you also came here at night, what is there to compare half a catty with Baliang.

"Young Master Li, are you here for tomorrow's lottery too?" He quietly stared at the man opposite.

Li Ji nodded, "It seems that you are too, is it because of..."

He didn't say that word in the end, no matter who it was for, after seeing today's lottery, it's normal to worry about something going wrong in tomorrow's lottery.

"When did Mr. Li come?" Ji Jiashu changed the subject and asked calmly.

"A quarter of an hour ago." Li Ji said.

It seems that if it wasn't for his sudden appearance, this man might have already made a move just now.

"Then what are you going to do, Mr. Li?" Ji Jiashu looked at the man in front of him and asked curiously. He has the identity of an examiner, but as this man, how is he going to stop this?
"Me?" Li Ji opened his mouth to look at his hand, and Ji Jiashu followed him, but when he saw what was in the man's hand, he froze.

"You saw it." Li Ji looked at the sack in his hand, and said very calmly.

"I originally planned to put this adult in a sack, and then tomorrow's draw will let you go."

 These two are just dying of laughter.
(End of this chapter)

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