Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 649 Fighting Skills

Chapter 649 Fighting Skills
Water magic sword.

Eight years after the Azure Dragon God disappeared, the water mages who lost hope gave up the sword technique one after another.

In addition to the six fire swords created by Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming in the fire sword, the water sword is the most mysterious and least known sword art in the Shanhai Continent.

After seeing Xu Yishan's sword, the practitioners who shouted were all at least 30 years old.

Thanks to the fact that today is the last round of the elementary ceremony, there are enough practitioners here, otherwise maybe no one would be able to recognize this sword technique at all.

"Seventh sword of water magic!?"

Even though most of the people around had never heard of the name of this sword technique, they all opened their eyes wide after hearing this ranking.

In the previous banquet at Jixia, when Xu Yishan repelled Ye Siyuan and the little prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty, he used the top-ranked water swords, such as the second sword of the water method, dripping water and piercing the stone, and the third sword of the water method.Afterwards, Ying Baoyue's appearance made everyone know the fourth sword of the water method, the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

But Flowers in Mirror and Moon in Water are only the fourth sword.

Xu Yishan once again made people realize the fighting style of water mages, and Ying Baoyue made everyone see the infinite possibilities of water mage swords.

There are very few water magicians left.Mr. Zhenshan even decided to seal the sword after passing the water-breaking sword to Xu Yishan and no longer fight against others.

Therefore, Xu Yishan's previous fighting style almost affected everyone's impression of water mages.

I have seen that the pair of brothers and sisters won the battle with only the first four swords. Compared with the fire magicians who love to use the eighth and ninth swords of the fire magic, in the eyes of everyone, the water magic is soft Moisturizes things silently, and catches them by surprise.

On the first day of the battle yesterday, Xu Yishan only used the first four swords, so it can be said that he won the battle safely.

However, at this moment, Xu Yishan himself broke people's impression of water mages.

No one expected that he would sacrifice the seventh sword of water magic without saying hello!

Before Xu Yishan used this sword technique, everyone didn't even think that the water sword could be used for quick attacks.

"The mountains are high and the waters are long?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the sword light that was as huge as a column of water on the high platform and exclaimed, "What is a high mountain and a long river?"

What is a high mountain and a long river?

Ji Jiashu quietly looked at the young man who was covered in water mist on the battle stage.

This is a rare offensive move in water magic swords, and its momentum is like a rainbow, but few people know that this is actually an extremely delicate sword.

"The crane makes Nanxiang. The words are rare and beautiful, and the friendship is warm and fragrant. Like in Qiongtai, dreaming back to the first drink, moon liquid and cloud liquid." Ji Jiashu looked at the figure of Xu Yishan leaning forward on the battle stage, approaching Meng Shi , whispered softly.

"The wind blows the reeds and the leaves are dark. Outside the sunset, the mountains are high and the water is long. I think of the East Tower, the beautiful flowers and jade trees, and the plum shadows are dim."

In his voice, the Duan Shui sword was like a pool of autumn water, bursting into a pleasing clear light, stabbing straight at Meng Shi's throat! .

Following Xu Yishan's footsteps on the battle stage, Ji Jiashu read out the last sentence, and at this moment, Ying Baoyue, who was watching the dark blue sword, spoke softly.

The voices of boys and girls met in the distant midair.

"The dragon gate is gone, and the clouds and mist are gray. What kind of trees are there, and the mountains are high and the water is long."

Just when their voices fell.

In less than a breath, the Duan Shui sword pierced into Meng Shi's empty door!

This sword is so fast!

"So this is the seventh sword of your water method," Chen Zichu looked at the long sword that pierced into Meng Shi's Kongmen with that move, his pupils shrank slightly.

The poem that Ying Baoyue read just now is called "Wang Fu".

The dragon gate is gone, and the clouds are gray.What kind of trees are there, the mountains are high and the waters are long.

And before this sentence, there is another sentence.

"How about hope? Hope hurts the most."

Therefore, the seventh sword of the water method is high in mountains and long in water, and it is a sword without hope.

In short, it is a sword that does not need to be seen.

Who said that water magic and swords are weak?Chen Zichu's heart was pounding.

There is also a famous quick attack sword technique in Huofa sword, that is the third sword Huowu Golden Snake.But no one expected that the style of quick-attack swordsmanship in Water Sword is so different from that of Fire Sword.

Everyone's interpretation of Xu Yishan's fighting style is actually correct. They have been friends for so many years, and occasionally they would exchange ideas, but even Chen Zichu rarely saw Xu Yishan use water magic swords other than the first four swords.

And in this elementary ceremony on the battlefield, he saw it for the first time.

The fifth sword after seeing it for the first time is the seventh sword.

Chen Zichu knew very well why Xu Yishan didn't use it before, because Xu Yishan wouldn't take out what he didn't practice well.This is probably the first time that person has challenged high-level water swordsmanship in actual combat.

The jump speed cannot be said to be small, and the shock at first sight cannot be said to be small.

This sword is really suitable for the opening, and the high-level practitioner who understands Mingtang also instantly understands the reason why Xu Yishan doesn't attack Meng Shi just after greeting him.

Not only did he not talk to Meng Shi, he didn't even look at Meng Shi before this sword strike.

How do you want it?Hope hurts the most.

Then don't read it.

Chen Zichu looked at the pierced sword, his canthus cracked.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were calm.

The initial sword light, as huge as a water column, was not for attacking, but for detecting the opponent's empty door.Shan Gaoshuichang does not see the opponent's sword through the eyes, but finds the sword through the empty door by tracing the opponent's true essence.

It is not a quick sword, but a delicate sword, and it is also a sword that will kill.

No matter how the opponent conceals it, without even looking at it, he will definitely be able to stab the sword.

An inevitable sword.

And the next moment, the sword pierced through.

With the exclamation of everyone, the Duan Shui sword reached Meng Shi's throat.

Everyone is waiting for Meng Shi's response.Anyway, in the face of this unavoidable sword, even the strongest fire mages would have to hang on to it.After all, Xu Yishan was the one who defeated Ye Siyuan at the Banquet at Jixia with only one move, the water method and the third sword.

Now that he has sacrificed the seventh sword of water law as soon as he comes up, it can be said that he is bound to win.

But just as no one guessed the beginning, no one guessed the end either.

The next moment, there was a rough crash on the high platform!
After the huge water mist, what lit up were the fireworks that were still bright and bright in the daytime.

Facing the sharp sword stabbing at his own empty door, Meng Shi didn't show any panic in his eyes.

No one saw how his iron sword of thirty copper plates was unsheathed.

Only his clear voice was heard in the surf.

"The Eighth Sword of the Fire Technique, Fire Tree and Silver Flower."

Unlike the high mountains and long rivers, this is a sword technique that all people in Southern Chu are familiar with, and it is also a sword technique that fire magicians love to use.

But it was not the coup that Meng Shi would use as a fire magician as everyone expected.

Because at the Jixia Banquet before, facing Xu Yishan's third sword of water method, water dripping through stone, Ye Siyuan also used fire trees and silver flowers to deal with it.

In the end, he was defeated until he was beaten into the air.

But in the face of the obviously stronger Mountain Gaoshuichang, all the Southern Chu fire magic practitioners here did not expect Meng Shi to use this trick again.
Has he never seen Ye Siyuan's tragic situation before?

However, at the next moment, there was only a buzzing sound, and the sharp sword cry made everyone cover their ears!

The mountain is high enough and the water is long enough, but it is different from the fire tree and silver flower that Ye Siyuan slid and burst out with hundreds of swords in Ye Siyuan's hand, Meng Shi's fire tree and silver flower only made one sword.

But this sword blocked Xu Yishan's sword.

The force of the water was stopped, and Xu Yishan's pupils shrank.

The cheap iron sword in Meng Shi's hand was burnt red, and it seemed to be able to stand up to Duan Shui Jian at this moment.

"There's actually something I've always wanted to tell everyone."

Amidst the sharp sword cry, Xu Yishan saw the short boy looking over through the mist of the water, and spoke softly.

"The fire trees and silver flowers I've seen are different from other fire magicians."


On the high platform, Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

Yes, it is different.

When Ye Siyuan was defeated so badly with this move, he guessed that it was Ye Siyuan who changed the sword technique of this move.

Just because the fiery trees and silver flowers used to be.

The sword technique that Shao Si Ming used to use on the battlefield.

So what is the real fiery tree and silver flower?
 "What is hope? Hope is the most painful. I miss the emperor's hometown when I am in the ring. The dragon gate is gone, and the clouds are gray. The trees are so high, and the mountains are high and the rivers are long." --Tang Liu Yuxi "Wang Fu"

  "The crane makes Nanxiang. The words are rare and beautiful, and the friendship is warm and fragrant. Like in Qiongtai, dreaming back to the first drink, moon liquid and cloud liquid. The wind blows the reeds and leaves are dark. Outside the sunset, the mountains are high and the water is long. Thinking of the East Tower, Qi Flowers and jade trees, plum shadows are dim." --Song Ge Changgeng "Green Willow Shoots, Cranes Make Nanxiang"

  Because the background of this article is superficial, the author only looks at whether the stickers fit well when using poems, and does not look at the dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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