Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 650

Chapter 650
The seventh sword of the water method, the mountain is high and the water is long, is an extremely fast and extremely swift sword.

In the majestic water mist, stab the opponent to the heart.

When he was blocked by the red-hot sword, many thoughts flashed through Xu Yishan's mind, and many pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

Among them is his mentor, Mr. Zhenshan, when he first described this sword technique to him.

Water magic sword is flowing.The emphasis is on one wave after another, and one wave after another makes the opponent unable to resist.

"Yishan, remember, don't let your sword's momentum be blocked. Once your sword's momentum is blocked halfway..."

Mr. Zhenshan's old voice echoed in his ears.

Once blocked halfway...

Xu Yishan stared fixedly at the sword held in front of him.

There was a snap, and there was only a sword cry, and the red-hot sword in Meng Shi's hand burst out with fluffy sparks, almost splashing his eyes!

But looking at the swords that the two of them intersected, Xu Yishan's eyes widened even more.

He had to see clearly what was blocking his sword.

But at that moment, only a few people saw clearly what happened.

Water splashes and sparks fly.

"Catch up to...?" Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform looked at the blurred figures of the two people on the battle platform, and asked hesitantly.

That's right, caught up.

Ji Jiashu stared fixedly at the two people on the stage, one tall and one short.

Meng Shi caught up, caught up with Xu Yishan's sword, and blocked Xu Yishan's sword.

Facing the swordsmanship that was supposed to be superior with speed and surprise, before the Duan Shui sword pierced him, his own sword rushed to block Xu Yishan's sword one step ahead.

Facing this fact, Jiang Yuanyuan said in astonishment, "But didn't you just say that the seventh sword of water magic..."

"That's right, it's an unavoidable sword." Ji Jiashu's expression was slightly condensed, "As far as the timing of the sword's thrust is Yishan is faster."

Regardless of the strength of the thrust, the angle, and the speed of the pre-emptive reaction, Xu Yishan is fast enough.

It can be seen that in order to practice this sword, Xu Yishan has stabbed at least a thousand swords, and it is only then that he has practiced the sword so smoothly.

His speed is really fast enough.

But even so fast, this speed has been caught up.

Meng Shi who drew his sword one step later caught up with him.

That's right, one step late.

Ji Jiashu's eyes darkened.

The seventh sword of the water method was caught off guard, so it was a sword that was difficult to detect in advance, and Meng Shi did not detect it in advance.So he didn't realize it until after Xu Yishan's sword stabbed out, and he did it later than Xu Yishan.

But just like that, Meng Shi's sword still caught up.

"But how could his sword be so fast?" Jiang Yuanyuan asked in astonishment.

Practitioners who can read and understand are asking this question.

"It's another usage of fire tree and silver flower," Ji Jiashu stared at the thin and small Northern Wei boy on the stage and said, "I thought it was just a legend, but it turns out that this method is really useful."

Some people really use it.

"What usage?" Jiang Yuanyuan was stunned.

"Using sword pressure to speed up the speed of the sword."

Ji Jiashu's eyes fell on the red-hot sword in Meng Shi's hand.

Xu Yishan, whose reaction and speed were all raids, was faster, but Meng Shi drew his sword faster.

The reason why Meng Shi was able to be so fast was that his sword could not be regarded as drawn out at all, but ejected!
At that moment just now, Meng Shi's iron sword shot out from the scabbard, hit Duan Shuijian first, and then returned to Meng Shi's hand.

And the reason why he was able to do all this was that the fire tree and silver flower move that Meng Shi just called out was not directed at Xu Yishan at all!
When that little boy shouted out this sword, he didn't draw his sword out of its sheath at all!

With a click, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the scabbard around Meng Shi's waist shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

Xu Yishan stared fixedly at Meng Shi's red-hot sword, and finally understood what happened just now.

This short boy actually used this sword in the scabbard just at the critical moment!
Huo Shuyinhua brought a large amount of true energy, and instantly flicked the knife out of its sheath.

The scabbard at Meng Shi's waist was also burnt red, scattered on the ground, really like fiery trees and silver flowers.

"Good swordsmanship," at this moment, Xu Yishan looked at the young man holding his Broken Water Sword close at hand, looked at his sword and said quietly, but the next moment he said softly, "But my swordsmanship is stronger."

Xu Yishan's pupils shrank.

The ear-piercing sound of blade rubbing sounded, and Meng Shi raised his sword, setting off sparks all over the sky.

And behind this spark, there is a more tricky and sharper stabbing move, far better than any other fire magicians Xu Yishan has seen before!

The next moment, there was a bang, Ying Baoyue, Ji Jiashu and others on and off the stage all opened their eyes wide.

Xu Yishan looked at his empty palm, his eyes shook violently, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

There was a dead silence under the battle stage, and everyone couldn't believe what happened.

But it just happened.

On the ground, a dark blue long sword lay quietly on the ground.

Meng Shi had already passed Xu Yishan, and he was still holding the iron sword that had become tattered during several sparring sessions, but Xu Yishan didn't have a sword in his hand.

There is no sword.

Xu Yishan's sword was thrown away by Meng Shi.

This battle did not shed a single drop of blood, and no one was unable to recover, and it was not over yet. Both Xu Yishan and Meng Shi still had the ability to fight.

But high-level practitioners understand.

Victory is decided.

On the high platform, Ji Jiashu looked at the pale Xu Yishan on the stage, and clenched his fists, worry appeared in his eyes.

For a swordsman, being picked off with a weapon is the most ruthless defeat.

Even if you don't have a single scar on your body, but when the sword is picked off, it will be explained.

Your swordsmanship has failed.

The situation Xu Yishan faced was even worse, because he almost represented the water sword faction in the battle.

The people in the audience also reacted at this time.

"This is... Broken Water Sword lost? Meng Jizi's Fire Sword won?"

"I'll just say it! How could the water magic sword beat the fire magic sword!"

The people who supported Huofajian were all smiles, but there were also different voices in the hustle and bustle.

"It's just that Meng Jizi's fire sword... seems different from ordinary fire swords? Is this move really Fire Tree Silver Flower?"

"It feels stronger than those used by ordinary fire it stronger? Why don't other people use it like this?"

Why won't others use it?
"Your sword..."

At this moment, Xu Yishan on the battle stage turned his back on Meng Shi and said palely, "Is it really... the Fire Sword?"

"Yeah," the thin young man held the hilt of the sword tightly, and said every word, "This is the real fire sword."

"Really..." Xu Yishan was taken aback, and the practitioners who heard this sentence were also taken aback.

"I used this trick just to tell those people," Meng Shi said lightly, "Not everyone is qualified to modify the Fire Sword."

Not everyone is qualified to...

The faces of Ye Siyuan and the Ye family beside him suddenly became extremely ugly.

Ji Jiashu on the high platform was startled when he heard the words, and immediately remembered the battle between Ye Siyuan and Xu Yishan at the Banquet under Jixia.

They also used Fire Tree and Silver Flower to fight against Xu Yishan at the same time, but Ye Siyuan suffered a disastrous defeat in that match, but this time Meng Shi won beautifully.

"It's also Fire Tree Silver Flower...Could it be that Meng Jizi's swordsmanship is..."

Someone in the audience also discovered this, and the next moment there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

"Could this be the fire sword that the young Si ordered them to use?"

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

The former swordsmanship genius of Shanhai Continent.

Shao Commander, Lin Baoyue.

That woman was once famous for improving swordsmanship.But right after she died.Her commonly used sword techniques and her changes to the Fire Sword were once again changed back to their original appearance by other "masters" of the Fire Sword on the grounds that they were deviant and nondescript.

As time passed, few people remembered the original appearance and power of those sword techniques.

But at this moment, the former Fire Sword returned to the world.

"Your swordsmanship is pretty good," Meng Shi turned his head to look at Xu Yishan and said softly, "I don't intend to hurt your self-esteem, I just want to tell the world."

"What does the real fire sword look like?"

She just got to tell the world.

How strong is that person's swordsmanship?

This is the reason why she will stand on this stage at any cost.

(End of this chapter)

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