Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 651

Chapter 651
"The appearance of the real fire sword..."

The people in the audience and other practitioners were a little stunned.

Seeing the skinny young man on the battle stage who overturned his opponent with a single strike, Jiang Yuanyuan frowned at Ji Jiashu and asked, "Was Meng strong before?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes moved slightly, then he shook his head, "No."

In this battle just now, in fact, both of them broke through themselves.

Xu Yishan challenged the superior water swordsmanship, although he was defeated, but the swordsmanship was smooth, if he still had the opportunity to show the swordsmanship of the next few, it would definitely be more powerful.

Not only Xu Yishan, but what surprised him even more was that Meng Shi's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Meng Shi is the strongest fire magician among the younger generation, and this reputation has been established since he left Jixia Academy.But the actual strength and Xu Yishan's disparity is not so big.

According to Ji Jiashu's original prediction, Meng Shi would at least have to fight Xu Yishan hard.

Although there were elements of surprise, but in any case, this young boy showed excellent swordsmanship ability, achieved a single strike against the enemy, and completed an amazing reversal.

Staring fixedly at Meng Shi who was holding an iron sword on the stage, Ji Jiashu spoke softly.

"At least when he was in Jixia Academy, he wasn't that strong."

Meng Shi learned all the existing fire swords after studying at the Fire Academy of Jixia Academy for two years, and then left the Fire Academy and returned to the Northern Wei Dynasty. This incident is very famous in the practice circle.

And as the two influential figures in the Jixia Academy, Ji Jiashu had also faced off against the leader of the Fire Academy when he suppressed his realm.

"When he was in Jixia Academy, his Huoshuyinhua was not like what he was just now." Ji Jiashu said quietly.

"What?" Jiang Yuanyuan turned his head when he heard the words, "What does that look like?"

"It's the same as everyone else," Ji Jiashu said, glancing at Mr. Mengyang, who was thinking about something with his eyes closed, out of the corner of his eye, and said softly, "It's the same as the masters taught."

Before leaving Southern Chu, Meng Shi's fire magic sword was no different from other young fire magicians now, and his strength can only be said to be slightly stronger among human level fire magicians.

But three days away from Shibai is no longer the level of admiration.

The skinny boy in front of him has been completely reborn.

"Today's Meng Shi is probably worthy of the title of the strongest fire magician." Ji Jiashu said quietly.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ji Jiashu in surprise when he heard the words. He knew that because of his own strength, Ji Jiashu looked at practitioners more strictly than ordinary people, and treated so-called compliments even more rigorously. Getting such a compliment is enough to prove Meng Shi's swordsmanship It's not deviant or nondescript at all.

But really powerful.

"But his swordsmanship..." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the young boy on the stage, "Since it hasn't changed when he left Nanchu, why has it changed now? Did he change it himself? Or where did he learn it?"

"And..." Jiang Yuanyuan frowned, remembering the scream before, "Is this sword technique really the one used by Shao Siming Lin Baoyue back then?"

"I don't know," Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, then smiled wryly, "I'm 15, not 25."

Counting the year when he returned to seclusion, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to disappear from the world of practice for a full nine years.

And he was only six years old back then, so it was naturally impossible for him to have seen that person's demeanor.

Nine years can be said to be long or short, but in the troubled times of that year, more than ten years was enough for a dynasty, not to mention the nine years when people deliberately erased the records of swordsmanship.

The practitioner who had seen the woman's swordsmanship carefully in the past either disappeared from the world because of her support, or became silent because of her high position and authority. Even if there are elderly people who have seen it once or twice, who can say Are you sure?
Such things as swordsmanship are fleeting. If there is no sword manual left, the only way to imprint it in your heart is to read it carefully and carefully for many times.

However, nearly ten years have passed, is there really anyone in this world who still remembers it?
However, what Ji Jiashu didn't expect was that someone really remembered it.

"This is……"

Under the stage of the battle, Ying Baoyue and his party were also looking up at Meng Shi and Xu Yishan who were standing side by side on the stage.

"This is Yishan..." Chen Zichu looked at the Duan Shui sword that was knocked down, and his mood was complicated and unspeakable. In the next moment, he looked unwillingly at Meng Shi on the stage and asked, "What kind of sword technique is this?! What is this?" Fire Sword?"

"No matter what it is, it's really beautiful," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, it was rare to find this sword technique so satisfactory, but the next moment her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone.

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue looked over, but found that it was Ji Qingyuan who had never been too close to her in front of people before.

Although she was shocked by the expressions of the people around this battle, she suddenly found that there was a different shock on Ji Qingyuan's face.

There was cold sweat dripping from his forehead, his face was pale, and his pupils shook violently, as if he had seen something incredible.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue opened the barrier and asked softly.

"" Ji Qingyuan looked at her and said with difficulty, "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" She asked suspiciously, and seeing her reaction, the man in front of her had more complicated emotions in his eyes.

The next moment he took a deep breath, "Let me change the question."

Ji Qingyuan stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes and asked, "Have you ever taken in an apprentice?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, then shook his head without hesitation, "No."

She suffered from amnesia for one year, not ten years. Although there are gaps in memory, things like apprentices cannot be taught in one year.

Besides, given Meng Shi's age, she was at most seven or eight years old when she died, and she had to be at least ten years old to learn advanced swordsmanship. It was impossible due to the time difference.

Ji Qingyuan also thought it was impossible.

"But why..." He paused and gritted his teeth and said, "This kid's swordsmanship is exactly the same as yours?"

"Exactly the same?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and then thought for a while, "Although I heard that the sword manuals of the sword techniques I used have been destroyed, there must be some fish that slipped through the net."

"It's not just swordsmanship!" However, Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath when he heard the words, "His habit and appearance of holding a sword are exactly the same as yours!"

The habit of holding a sword?appearance?

"Don't you think that the sword technique he used looks a little awkward?" Ji Qingyuan asked.

Ying Baoyue thought for a while, "There is indeed a little bit."

While most of the time it's clever, there are times when the angle of the sword is a bit awkward, as if it's against his hand.

"Of course it would be awkward," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue's bandaged right hand and said softly, "Because who would have thought that a certain person was best at using a sword with his left hand in his previous life."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, while Ji Qingyuan beside her raised her head to look at the young man who walked down the battle stage, and the sword in his right hand.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to use a sword in a special way, that is, he was good at using a sword with his left hand.

Ji Qingyuan knew that when she wrote the sword manual, she would adapt some characteristics of ordinary people's right-handed swords.

Although Meng Shi used the sword with his right hand, he didn't change his habit of using the sword with his left hand, so it was a bit awkward.

This person... didn't follow the sword manual.

Ji Qingyuan's eyes darkened.

The similarity is not only the sword technique, but also the imitation of the way of using the sword.

Only the use of a sword in the left hand is really not something that ordinary people can change, so it left such a mark.

But whether it's the angle, habit, timing, or appearance of the sword, Meng Shi seems to have reproduced her figure back then.

Even he had never remembered so many details.

It was as if someone once imprinted the figure of the girl wielding a sword in front of his heart with a single glance, reappearing in the world with someone else's body.

What Meng Shi learned was not the past fire sword, but the real sword that belonged to this woman.

"Since he is not your apprentice, why does he know your sword skills?" Ji Qingyuan asked quietly.

Ying Baoyue didn't know either, after all, she didn't remember anything.

"She..." And just as she was about to speak, the bell rang for the end of the first match, and the examiner had already started the second draw.

"Second match, Nan Chu, Ye Siyuan!"

Before the heat wave caused by Meng Shi faded away, the name made the people breathless again.

"Master Ye is going to go? Who is the opponent?"

Who is the opponent?

Everyone was asking, at this time the examiner drew out the second lottery, and when the name was read out, the audience suddenly became silent.All Ji Qingyuan's thoughts just now also became blank.

Just because that sign is...

"Nanchu Ye Siyuan vs..."

The examiner read slowly.

"Former Qin, Ying Baoyue."

 What should come is finally coming

(End of this chapter)

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