Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 652 Collision

Chapter 652 Collision
Former Qin Ying Baoyue confronts Nanchu Ye Siyuan.

After the report of this group of duels, the people in the audience were silent for a moment, and then the hottest voices of the day broke out.

"Mr. Ye vs. the former Qin princess?!"

"This is wonderful..."

"Speaking of which, this match is also a duel of water and fire! At the Banquet under Jixia, Mr. Ye lost to Xu Yishan, so beating him, his junior sister, can be regarded as revenge..."

"What kind of revenge? This woman has only been in the water courtyard for a long time, and I don't think she even memorized her sword skills in less than a month..."

Regarding the first female disciple of the Water Academy, the common people talked a lot.

"I heard that the former Princess Qin also took over Master Ye's sword when she was screened in the Fourth Palace... Wasn't she also good at making the water magic sword at the Jixia Banquet?"

"But it was Mr. Ye who suppressed the realm at that time! It won't be like this this time, not to mention that Mr. Ye has the sword of the Master of the State Teacher this time!"

The sword of the national teacher.

The expressions of Ji Qingyuan, Zhao Guang and others under the battle stage were ugly for a moment.

Ye Siyuan is a sixth-level practitioner, and he has a high level of swordsmanship, and he is good at swordsmanship. At this time, he has the help of divine soldiers.Through the previous battles, it can be seen that he is as strong as a god dancer. If it weren't for Ji Jiashu, no one could stop him.

For a cultivator of the seventh rank, this is really too cruel a gap.

What's even more frightening is that while Ye Siyuan possessed these powers, he also had a grudge against this woman.

At this moment, Ye Siyuan walked out from the team of Nanchu practitioners, and looked at Ying Baoyue with cold and complacent eyes, which gave people goosebumps.

"You..." Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl who was arranging the sword belt around her waist, and her eyes stopped on her bandaged hand, "Later, if the situation is not right, you must remember to admit defeat in time."

Although with the relationship between the two and Ye Siyuan's character, Ye Siyuan might not stop, but as long as she yelled to admit defeat, the examiner would come to help her.

Ji Jiashu should be able to control all this.

Ying Baoyue checked her sword, looked up at him and smiled, "Do you think it's possible?"

He felt impossible.Ji Qingyuan thought.

She's not one to throw in the towel.

So he was even more worried.

"Northern Wei stepson!"


At this moment, shouts came from around, and Meng Shi and Xu Yishan, who had finished the previous match, walked down from the stage.

Meng Shi's expression didn't change, but Xu Yishan, who was walking behind, was very pale, as if he had received a huge blow, and he looked a little bit out of his wits.

The voices of the people around him became more lively. Meng Shi, who wanted to go to the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, happened to pass by Ying Baoyue and others due to the crowd.

Meng Shi was not used to the gazes of so many people, and just wanted to pass quickly.And just as he passed in front of Ying Baoyue, by accident, he suddenly glanced sideways at the woman.

Noticing Meng Shi's gaze, Ying Baoyue clapped his hands and laughed, "Meng Shi, the swordsmanship just now is really beautiful!"

Unexpectedly, he would be praised so bluntly, Meng Shi was stunned and his ears turned red.

Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform saw this scene and looked to Ji Jiashu jokingly, "It seems that your fiancée really likes swordsmanship."

Ji Jiashu looked at him fixedly, Jiang Yuanyuan raised his hand to stop him.

And at this moment, Xu Yishan, who was walking behind Meng Shi, also walked back here. Ying Baoyue also smiled and looked at Xu Yishan and said, "Brother, the swordsmanship just now is also very..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Xu Yishan just walked past her silently without saying a word.

"Xu Yishan, you..." Chen Zichu's eyes widened, but he found that Xu Yishan still didn't respond to his words.He no longer stood with them, but went to a big tree silently alone, inserted the water-breaking sword into the ground, and sat under the tree silently.

The water wave-like light that has been surrounding the water magic sword has dimmed.

And Xu Yishan's energy seemed to be taken away in an instant, and he was completely depressed.

Chen Zichu clenched his fists, watching this scene with a complicated expression.

Although Xu Yishan is young, he is a pure swordsman.

After staying alone in the water courtyard for so long, the water magic sword can be said to be the spiritual pillar that supports him to the present.Chen Zichu knew that in his heart the water magic sword was better than anything else.

And what Meng Shi did just now is tantamount to smashing what he has accumulated so far, so he will naturally react in this way.

"Senior brother, he..." Ying Baoyue looked at the silent young man under the tree, and said worriedly.

"It's okay, he just has such a bad temper." Chen Zichu raised his head and gave her a nonchalant smile, "Just let him hang out for two days, anyway, he usually doesn't talk much."

"You still have to play, don't worry about him, go at ease." Chen Zichu smiled and patted Ying Baoyue on the shoulder.

"Well, I'm going." Ying Baoyue nodded, high-fived Gui Chen, and walked onto the battle stage.

Chen Zichu watched her figure quietly, and the smile he had just forced to Ying Baoyue disappeared at the corner of his mouth.Chen Zichu glanced at Xu Yishan who had his back to the battle stage, but when he, the only junior sister, was on the stage, Xu Yishan didn't glance at it.

He just sat under the tree, staring fixedly at the scabbard of the Duan Shui sword stuck on the ground.

At this time, Ye Siyuan also climbed onto the high platform from the other side, and when he walked out of the crowd, he had already received a lot of exclamations.

It's just because his whole body puts a lot of pressure on people. This pressure doesn't come from himself, but from the sword at his waist.

The King of Yue Goujian.

Because the name is too long, people in Southern Chu often call it Yuewangjian.

But no matter what it's called, it's the king's sword.

This is the sword that belongs to the king of practitioners in today's practice world.

The dark golden scabbard emitted a dark golden light, which made people's heart tremble even before it was taken out of the sheath, but against this light, Ye Siyuan's whole face looked radiant.

Chen Zichu looked at the iron sword at Ying Baoyue's waist and Ye Siyuan's Yuewang sword, and felt that he had seen the scene where the mantis' arms were used as carts.

Ye Siyuan himself obviously felt the same way.

"I didn't expect to meet you until this round." He put his hand on Yue Wangjian, looked down at Ying Baoyue and sneered, "It actually made you live a few more rounds."

Facing Ye Siyuan's provocation, Ying Baoyue didn't speak, but just held the Sunset Sword by his waist, his expression unchanged.

There was silence on the stage, Ye Siyuan seemed to be singing a one-man show alone, he didn't get the response of begging for mercy and fear at all, his face turned ugly for a moment.

"A mere rank seven, use this kind of scrap metal, haha," the next moment he raised his head and smiled, and suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath!

The bright sword light illuminated the entire high platform!
The people in the audience suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

At this moment, the bell for the start of the match rang without warning, a smile flashed across the corner of Ye Siyuan's mouth, and he suddenly swung his sword.

The sun sets, the ice and snow cut.

The sword light with powerful true energy rushed across the entire high platform, and in an instant it was so powerful that it cut towards Ying Baoyue, as if to split her in half!
The people in the audience screamed.

And the next moment, blood splattered on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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