Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 653

Chapter 653
Accompanied by a rough cracking sound, an ugly crack opened on the ground of historical stone, which was said to be indestructible no matter how hard it was split.

And this time, people are no longer surprised.

The dust fell and people opened their eyes wide.

Drops of bright red fell and seeped into the cracks on the ground.

And on the side at the end of the crack, stood the girl who hadn't drawn her sword yet.

She covered one shoulder, which was already stained red with blood.

"This is..." Zhao Guang lost his voice in the audience, and Li Ji beside him said quietly, "She escaped."

With the help of the true energy poured into the Yue Wang Sword just now, Ye Siyuan's sword has reached the speed of the God Dance Realm. The girl sacrificed the time to draw the sword and finally escaped, but was still injured by the sword energy.

He hadn't drawn his sword yet, he was already injured.

Ji Jiashu, who was standing next to Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform, clenched his fists tightly, and stuck his fingertips into his palms.

With the help of Yue Wangjian, Ye Siyuan was already a formidable enemy not inferior to Meng Shi.At that moment just now, Ying Baoyue had actually done something that was almost impossible as a seventh-ranked person, but he still couldn't avoid getting hurt.

"Did you miss it?" Ye Siyuan squinted at the girl in the distance with some surprise, but the next moment he sneered, "I originally planned to give you a good time, but I didn't expect you to like Ling Chi."

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

Ye Siyuan's power was too strong, and his methods were too cruel.

The next moment, a fiery flame lit up on the high platform, and the air was instantly distorted by the high temperature. In the flames, Ye Siyuan turned his wrist and stabbed at Ying Baoyue again.

"Fire Dance Golden Snake!"

Someone in the audience exclaimed, and Ji Jiashu really wanted to close his eyes.

He knew why Ye Siyuan used this trick.

He had heard Chen Zichu describe to him what happened when Ying Baoyue played three tricks with Ye Siyuan in the screening of the upper fourth palace. Caught in a wonderful way.

But in the face of absolute power, any tricks are meaningless.

With a bang, and a muffled sound on the high platform, Ying Baoyue's back hit the edge of the formation heavily, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and this time her chest was stained red again.

However, all the high-level practitioners stared at her blankly.

Because she dodged again.

Dodged Ye Siyuan's fire method third sword.

In front of the blood-stained skirt, there is a clumsy iron sword, and there are cast marks in the center of the iron sword.

"This is..." Chen Zichu opened his eyes wide, "Water dripping through rocks?"

Facing Ye Siyuan's third fire sword, which is known for its speed, Ying Baoyue drew his sword in an instant, and responded with the second water sword, dripping water and piercing through stone.

Chen Zichu didn't expect this girl to have mastered the stupid swordsmanship that required the effort of thousands of swords.

This was the sword technique that Xu Yishan had used at the Jixia Banquet, but Chen Zichu never thought that a move that was meant to attack could be used like this.

Relying on this solid sword technique, she counteracted part of the sword intent of the Fire Dance Golden Snake, and was able to escape the sword.

Yes, dodge.

So far she was unable to face Ye Siyuan head-on, and Ji Jiashu's gaze on the stage sank slightly.If she confronted Ye Siyuan head-on, the iron sword in her hand would definitely break.

In the territory of Southern Chu, there is no sword that can match the strength of Yue Wang's sword.

The girl brought her speed and reaction to the extreme, offsetting her sword intent with her sword intent, and only then did she gain some vitality.But that move just now had damaged her heart and lungs.

Ying Baoyue coughed violently with her back leaning against her.

"Not dead yet?" Ye Siyuan looked surprised again when he saw her, and before she could catch her breath, he swung four swords in a row, and four sword lights with the aura of death appeared in front of Ying Baoyue!
Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, and the next moment there was another cracking sound on the battle stage.

"Fire tree and silver flower!"

Amidst the crackling sound, the formation beside the stage was also crumbling. Jiang Yuanyuan's face was ugly, and he beckoned for more imperial troops to fill up.

"This... is the former Princess Qin still alive?" Some people who were frightened asked in a daze.

The formation is crumbling, and the formation is like a hell on earth.

But when the smoke cleared, people found that there were two figures standing on the stage, not one.

The girl's hair was flying in the air, her bun had been loosened, her black hair was flying, and there were bloodstains running down her cheeks, and her whole body was stained red with blood.

But she is still standing.

"She escaped." Zhao Guang in the audience didn't need to be reminded this time and said in a daze, but his voice trembled a little.

"It's the moon in the mirror." Chen Zichu took a deep breath.

Even though she was seriously injured again, the woman still avoided a head-on collision with Ye Siyuan's move.She hides her figure with the fourth sword of the water method, the mirror flower and the water moon, and escapes the four swords that must kill.

But even so, she still paid a huge price.

As Ye Siyuan said, this battle was a lingering attack on that girl.

Because the iron sword in her hand could not bear the pressure of Yue Wangjian, she had been unable to fight Ye Siyuan hand to hand, but even so, she did not give up.

Obviously this is a hopeless battle.

"Still hiding?" Ye Siyuan looked at the blood-stained girl, with a hint of anxiety in his happy expression, but the next moment he showed a sneer and swung four swords again.

"Whether it is stabbed to death or consumed to death, I will help you choose whichever you want!"

Chen Zichu only hoped that this duel would end soon, but he did not expect that woman to be so tenacious.

There was another loud bang, and the girl tightly held the sword in her hand. She was injured again, but she also avoided the sharp edge of Yue Wang's sword again.

This time she used the first sword of the water method, Falling Blossoms and Flowing Water.

Still defending with swordsmanship, she never gave up, obviously she could not have the hope of winning.


Chen Zichu stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

When they met her for the first time together, they also saw her still fighting despite being hunted down by the fifth rank.

Him, and Xu Yishan.

Obviously, it was just a request from a friend who received it on a whim.

But let them meet her.

At that time, he did not expect that he and Xu Yishan would form such a relationship with the girl running in the forest, let alone that the girl who seemed to be of a lowly level and weak state had come to the present.

From yesterday to now, they were all defeated, but the woman was still fighting on the high platform.

Fight without giving up.

Chen Zichu's eyes were hot for a moment. Looking at the girl who was beaten countless times on the stage, but still insisted on using the water magic sword to fend off the enemy, he suddenly took a deep breath, turned around and strode out of the place where he was standing.

"Master Chen?" Gui Chen, whose eyes were also red, looked at Chen Zichu's back.

But Chen Zichu strode up to Xu Yishan who was sitting alone under the tree with his back to the high platform.

The light in front of him was blocked, Xu Yishan raised his head silently.

"How long are you going to be paralyzed here?" Chen Zichu stood looking down at him.

"I..." Xu Yishan's gloomy gaze fell on the equally gloomy Broken Water Sword in front of him.The Mountain Gate Sword of the Four Swords School has spirituality, and he has lost all intent of the sword, and is even unable to pull out the sword.

"I can no longer use the sword." He said lightly.

It doesn't make sense for him to do anything else.

However, at this moment, Chen Zichu looked at Xu Yishan who was speechless, and suddenly bent down and grabbed his skirt.

"You guys from the Sword Sect haven't lost yet, why are you playing with me here!"

Xu Yishan was slightly taken aback, but Chen Zichu picked him up and turned his head towards the battle platform.

"Look at her!"

"You are, look at her!"

The boy's voice was roaring, but in the deepest part, there was a trace of sobs.

"You gave up, but she hasn't given up yet!"

The girl on the high platform swung her sword, stood up, bumped into the formation, and stood up again.

In that instant.

Xu Yishan opened his eyes wide.

 You look at her.

  I wrote myself sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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