Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 654

Chapter 654
"The Azure Dragon God is dead!"

"Water mages can never become a heavenly rank!"

The girl's figure danced on the high platform, Xu Yishan seemed to be separated by layers of mist.Just when he saw the figure of that young girl, these shrill cries that he had heard before suddenly sounded in his ears.

That was the voice of those practitioners who left the water courtyard.It is the voiced or silent cry of Mr. Zhenshan's former seniors, and those who may have become his seniors.

Everyone who left the water yard had despair in their eyes.

They told him with their eyes that they would never come back.

And this place, there will be no new people coming.

Water law is a hopeless path.

to him.

The path of spiritual practice is a lonely path.

What he can do is to close the mountain gate and practice the sword silently.

I don't know if it's because he was disappointed too many times since he was a child, he is a dead-headed person by nature, Xu Yishan thinks differently from others.He feels that even if it is a hopeless road, as long as he walks it seriously, flowers will always bloom on the roadside.

Maybe not as prosperous as others, but it is also his own little flower.

And when he was 15, he finally got his flower.

Xu Yishan looked at the dim long sword in front of him.

He obtained the Duan Shui Sword with a sixth-rank body, and became the master of the water magic sword among the four major sword schools.

He knew that his knowledge of water swordsmanship was still inexperienced, and that he was able to obtain this sword was entirely due to the loss of talents among water magicians.So after he got this sword, he worked harder, hoping that one day he could match this sword.

It doesn't matter even if he can't become a heavenly rank in his whole life, at that moment he made a great wish, as long as he becomes an invincible swordsman in the same realm in this life, this life will be worthwhile.

But he never imagined that his dream of fighting for his whole life would be crushed on the second day of the primary ceremony.

It's not that he doesn't know how powerful Meng Shi is, but it would be fine if Meng Shi used the lower-ranked fire sword, Yueman Xilou, in the legend, but Meng Shi used a sword method that is close to his ranking.

And he was vulnerable.

Then in other people's eyes, it was the water sword that was completely defeated by the fire sword.

He gambled on what he wanted for so long in his life, and it was shattered in an instant.

What made him even more desperate at the next moment was that when he was defeated by Meng Shi, the water-breaking sword in his hand also lost its response to him.

Finally, even it, is it unwilling to admit him?
Then what else is there for him to insist on?
What's the point of him persisting like this alone?
Xu Yishan originally thought so.

Until he heard that roar.

"You gave up, but she hasn't given up yet!"

She hasn't given up yet.

Xu Yishan raised his head and looked at the girl on the stage through his misty eyes.

Looking at the mirror that belongs to him.

His only junior sister.

The maiden's appearance was almost unreal.He knew that there were many secrets in her body, that she knew many ways to defend against the enemy, and possessed combat experience that came from nowhere.

For example, in yesterday's battle, she won the battle without using the water magic sword.

So he was reluctant to teach her the water sword at first.Because he felt that this woman couldn't take the water sword as everything to him like him. Since he couldn't concentrate, he didn't want to hand over the sword technique that he valued more than life to others.

But he didn't expect that at the Jixia Banquet, the woman mastered and demonstrated the sword technique that he had spent a lot of time mastering just by watching him practice the sword.

To be honest, he used to be jealous.

Because he spent all his energy and gambled his entire life to get something, and that girl got it so easily.

But later, after the primary ceremony began, he realized that he was wrong.

Completely wrong, extremely arrogant.

There is nothing easy to get in this world.

People only saw how the girl got the top spot one by one, but no one knew how tenaciously she fought and how much she paid behind it.

He just saw a little bit, and he was already shocked.

How did that girl acquire such fighting ability, recovery ability, reaction speed, and sensitivity to murderous aura? He couldn't even imagine the truth behind it.

But behind these abilities, what he couldn't understand the most was why that woman could never give up in the face of such a huge power gap.

Xu Yishan stared fixedly at the girl on the stage.

Just as Chen Zichu said, the members of their Sword Sect hadn't lost yet, and the girl hadn't lost yet.

But everyone can also see that she can't win.

From realm to weapon, the gap is really too big.

Even if her reaction speed and response speed are superb, if she continues to fight like this, she will only die on the stage covered in bruises.

She's so smart she can't fail to see.

But she still did not admit defeat, just looking at the water magic sword and sword moves she used, she could even tell that she was not passively evading, and was even constantly thinking about ways to counterattack.

Think about how to ensure that you can fight back against Ye Siyuan without the iron sword in your hand.

Even though he was holding such an attached iron sword, he still insisted on using the water magic sword.

Chen Zichu watched the change in the gaze of the man in front of him, and slowly let go of his grip on the skirt of his shirt.

Xu Yishan stood quietly on the spot with his hands down.

"Stupid," Chen Zichu heard the person in front of him whisper, "Can't she use other methods this time? Didn't she use a lot of whimsy?"

"Yeah, really stupid," Chen Zichu looked at him firmly, "I don't know what that woman is thinking, she is obviously at such a disadvantage, but she must use the water magic sword in the water and fire battle. "

As the people said, this duel is also a duel between the water method and the fire method.

It was the girl who replaced him.

And what she chose to use was the water magic sword.

Xu Yishan was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered the compliment he ignored when he walked in front of Ying Baoyue before.

"Brother, the sword technique just now is also very..."

What is it?Xu Yishan suddenly regretted not listening to this sentence.

And he has no chance to make up for it, and he can't even reproduce the previous swordsmanship.

He gave up so he couldn't draw his sword.

However, the girl did not give up.

Just like at the Jixia Banquet that year, she fulfilled her promise to him.

Xu Yishan quietly looked at the dimly lit long sword stuck in front of him.

The flowers blooming by the side of his road may not be just this sword.

"Yishan?" Chen Zichu stared blankly at the man in front of him stretching his hand towards the long sword in front of him, and his pupils shrank in the next moment.

with a snap.

I saw Xu Yishan slapped his palm heavily on the hilt of the Duoshui Sword, and the dark red blood flowed from his palm. The blood flowed into the blade along the gap in the scabbard, and the dim light on the Duoshui Sword suddenly came alive the next moment , as if something that has been restrained for a long time is about to burst out.

"Yishan, you..."

Chen Zichu looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless, because Xu Yishan's action was actually lifting the restriction that the sword master left on the sword!
The process of recognizing the owner of a famous sword is the process of the sword master leaving the restriction. After the restriction is established, if the sword master's true energy is not poured into the sword, the sword will not be easily used by others.

Chen Zichu knew that Xu Yishan regarded the Duan Shui Sword as his life, and it took him a whole year to set up a restriction to allow the sword to recognize its owner.

However, at this moment, Xu Yishan broke the restriction on the sword with his own hands!
At this time, everyone's exclamation came from the ears of the two, and only a muffled sound was heard. Ying Baoyue on the battle stage was sent flying into the formation again. In the big formation, amidst the exclamation of everyone, the originally impregnable formation actually broke a hole!
And at the moment when the formation broke, Chen Zichu watched Xu Yishan pull up the Duan Shui Sword from the ground and throw it towards the battle platform.

The man who rarely spoke yelled that title at the girl for the first time.

"Junior sister, take the sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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