Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 670

Chapter 670
Mo Hua's iron sword is very ordinary, but at this moment it looks cold because it is infused with the master's real energy.

Under the moonlight, it actually looks like cutting iron like mud.

Iron can be cut, not to mention human flesh and blood.

However, being held by such a cold front on his neck, Ji Jiashu's expression did not change at all.

He looked down at the murderous long sword on his neck, and raised his eyes at the young man in front of him who was full of vitality and spoke in a young voice.

"Sure enough, you still have such power. In the two days of battle, you should let it go."

Mo Hua's hand holding the sword didn't move, "If I don't release the water, I will be really shameless."

"Who told you to meddle in this?" Ji Jiashu's voice cooled down, "It's okay to lose to anyone who is not good at first, but you really have gone too far with Zichu's younger brother. After that, if you Do not……"

"I know," Mo Hua took a deep breath, "I will make up for that wind magician in the middle-level ceremony, and I won't let him suffer in vain."

Ji Jiashu stared deeply at the person in front of him who was trying his best to make up for it, and finally sighed, "Why are you bothering?"

"In your capacity, you shouldn't have come to participate in this elementary school at all."

Mo Hua's eyes didn't change when he heard his words, "Anyway, I've already participated, and it's too late for Mr. Chunhua to ask the teacher for punishment."

"Don't change the subject, answer my question," he raised the sword an inch up, holding the sword in both hands and staring at Ji Jiashu coldly, "Tell me, how did you know the secret of your stepson?"

If it was another practitioner, it could still be regarded as deceiving him, but looking at the determined eyes of the young man in front of him, Mo Hua knew that Ji Jiashu already had the answer in his mind when he asked that question.

"You said Meng Shi's real identity?" The sword in Mo Hua's hand had already cut the oily skin of his throat, but Ji Jiashu's face remained unchanged.

Looking at the tense expression of the young man in front of him, he said in relief, "Don't worry too much, she... is hiding very well. I guess she used some kind of medicine? If I hadn't discovered your identity first, I wouldn't have been able to see it." from."

After all, Meng Shi's disguise is enough to deceive Tian Jie's eyes, it can be said that it is in place from the inside to the outside.But presumably that woman also paid the corresponding price.

"How did you know that?" Mo Hua was startled when he heard the words, "What do you mean because you recognized me?"

"Seeing the way you look at her, I always feel that's the same thing." Ji Jiashu, who was holding his neck with a sword around his neck, took a look at him, and said the next moment.

"After all, I don't remember you being interested in breaking sleeves."

"You!" Mo Hua's face suddenly tightened, and the sword in his hand was about to be chopped off.

With a click, the Chunlei sword at Ji Jiashu's waist came out of its sheath, and blocked the iron sword in Mo Hua's hand. He took a step back and frowned at the angry Northern Wei boy who was holding the sword in front of him, "You really cut it."

"Anyway, I can't kill you," Mo Hua clenched the sword in his hand, the secret feelings in his heart were revealed, he glared angrily at the boy who was two years younger than him but already engaged first, "What are you talking about! "

"I'm not right," Ji Jiashu looked at him calmly after hearing the words, "You don't hesitate to make yourself like this and come to participate in the primary ceremony, why?"

"You and I both know it well," Ji Jiashu said lightly, staring at the practitioner in front of him whose sword intent had already been perfected, "There is nothing you want in the elementary ceremony."

Ordinary people participate in the primary ceremony, all to improve themselves, and some to gain status.But for the cultivator in front of him, participating with his identity and ability is simply a thankless task.

Since Mo Hua didn't come to Nanchu to gain power, it could only be for people.

"Everyone has the freedom to pursue what they want," Ji Jiashu looked into Mo Hua's eyes, "don't worry, I won't say anything about the identity of the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty."

"I know," Mo Hua took a deep breath and looked at the young man who knew the world but not the world in front of him.If the person who asked this secret in the first place was not Ji Jiashu, he would kill that person even if he burned his whole body with true energy.

After all, this secret is equal to Meng Shi's wealth and life, and he will not allow anyone to hurt her.

But Ji Jiashu was the only one who could be trusted.

Even he had to admit that in this world of corruption, selfishness, rituals and happiness, this young man was the closest to a gentleman and a saint among the people he knew.

"Sometimes, I would think, fortunately you are a good person." Mo Hua silently stared at the frighteningly sensitive young man in front of him.

If Ji Jiashu didn't have such a personality, with this person's eyesight, I don't know how many people's secrets would suffer.

Mo Hua's expression was complicated for a moment, most people would either divulge, reveal or threaten these secrets, but Ji Jiashu alone knew that this person could not do any of these things.

A gentleman deceives him with a prescription.


"Since you don't want to talk about it, why do you want to tell me these things?" Mo Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man who drew his sword in front of him.

"It seems that my guess is right," the young man in front of Mo Hua showed a little surprise when the guess was confirmed, "I didn't expect everything to be as I thought."

"Once you are exposed, your reputation will be gone." Thinking of the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty who hadn't even noticed the true identity of the servant beside him, Ji Jiashu looked at Mo Hua quietly, "You will not hesitate to do this for her. ?"

Not only his reputation and status, but he might even lose his qualifications to participate in the middle-level ceremony, and lose everything he was born with.

So indifferent and irrational.

Ji Jiashu looked at the young man with a bruised cheek in front of him, with a complicated expression, "I don't remember you being such a person before."

However, he didn't expect that when he heard his words, the young man in front of him gave him a strange look, and said with some amusement, "About this, Chunhua, do you have the right to criticize me?"

"I..." Ji Jiashu froze suddenly, "What's wrong with me?"

"Aren't you conscious?" Now Mo Hua opened his eyes wide, "You can sense something from my eyes, I thought you were enlightened!"

"Enlightened..." Ji Jiashu repeated blankly.

"It's terrible..." Mo Hua held his forehead, and looked at the young man who had called him here in the middle of the night, who was clearly aware of so many things, but whose eyes were still as clear as a child.

"Our Lord Chunhua can see so many things clearly, but he can't see his own heart clearly." Mo Hua looked at Ji Jiashu and said amusedly.

"My heart..." Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard this.

"Now I believe the rumor. Mr. Chunhua has never been tempted by anyone. It seems to be the first time for you," Mo Hua sighed when he saw him like this, and he did this before he was tempted. To what extent, if this boy realizes it, what will it look like?

"It's the first time to choose such a difficult one, and you are the only one," Mo Hua looked at Ji Jiashu and said, "Tell me, I almost know for whom you called me here tonight."

After all, there are only those 16 people who will participate in the elementary ceremony tomorrow.

And there is only one person related to Ji Jiashu.

"But let's just say that, even though you have something against me, you have already guessed why I followed this step." Mo Hua's face turned cold, "Even if I want to tear myself apart, I will still Protect what I want to protect to the end."

"I know." Ji Jiashu's gaze also turned cold, "I know you want to protect the Northern Wei stepson."

He had no intention of stopping his friend's infatuation.

"But if you dare to hurt Baoyue because of her," Ji Jiashu clenched the Chunlei Sword in his hand, and said coldly, "I will never let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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