Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 671 Story

Chapter 671 Story
Under the light of the moon and the twin stars, under the deserted Jixia Academy's battle stage, two young men with swords faintly confronted each other.

Mo Hua's pupils shrank when he felt the murderous aura emanating from that usually gentle and indifferent young man.

This was not the first time he faced Ji Jiashu's murderous intent, after all, they had exchanged ideas before.

But now that he is at the sixth level, it has to be said that it is very difficult to resist.

But Mo Hua gritted his teeth and did not take a step back. There was a faint blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care, just quietly staring at the 15-year-old boy in front of him.

"So that's why you came to see me tonight." He said lightly, hiding the accident in his heart.

He felt that when he laughed at Ji Jiashu for being incompetent, he should have laughed harder.

This kid is deeply involved without knowing it, and there will be jokes to watch afterwards.

Ji Jiashu, who didn't know what he was thinking, nodded when he heard the words, looked at the bloodshot eyes around Mo Hua's mouth, restrained his true energy, and lowered his head slightly.

"I have to apologize to you first," Ji Jiashu said lightly, "I doubted your character first."

On weekdays, he wouldn't have worried that Mo Hua would take action against Ying Baoyue, after all, in Mo Hua's words, it would be a bit shameless for him to do so.

He will not be friends with a bully.

But Mo Hua himself would not know it for himself, but looking at the girl who silently followed the Northern Wei woman all the way to the present, it seems that she has become a friend of another person, but Ji Jiashu is not allowed to do it because of the woman who disguised herself as a man. Won't.

After all, he gave up his body and participated in the primary ceremony in person. Apart from accompanying him, it was probably to help that woman eliminate her opponents when she had to.

"It's okay, of course you can doubt it." Hearing what he said, Mo Hua shrugged, "After all, I don't have the character like you, and I will do anything for the sake of those close to me."

Although he didn't want to defend himself, Mo Hua felt that it was human nature for him, and the boy in front of him...

It can only be said that it is too gentlemanly.

Otherwise, in order to achieve his goal, Ji Jiashu could directly expose Meng Shi and his identities instead of consulting him in the middle of the night.In this way, no one will pose a threat to the former Qin princess tomorrow, once and for all.

But even though he had all the handles and was in the favorable position of the examiner, the boy still chose to negotiate with him.

Mo Hua had to feel a little bit emotional.

"Of course I won't take the initiative to hurt her," Mo Hua looked at Ji Jiashu and took a deep breath, "but if..."

Mo Hua's gaze sank. In fact, they all knew that, just in terms of words, none of them could stop the two girls...

Meng Shi wanted to go to the end, and if the blood alliance that the former Qin girl made with His Royal Highness Nan Chu was serious, she must also go to the end.

But if they match up...

If it was in the past, he would definitely help Meng Shi realize her wish at all costs, but just looking at the quiet eyes of the young man in front of him, Mo Hua knew what this man saw.

"If you put it in the past, I didn't persuade your confidence," Ji Jiashu said lightly, "Although your feelings are not as good as mine now, you can still feel it, right?"

He stared quietly at Mo Hua and said, "The stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty can no longer use that sword technique, her body should soon be unable to bear it."

Mo Hua's pupils shrank when he heard this, "You can see it."

"Of course," Ji Jiashu said, "Today should be the limit. If she uses it again, it will cause irreversible damage to the meridians, and even threaten her life."

Mo Hua closed his eyes, "That is a sword technique that can only be used freely at the fifth level."

But for the sake of the person in her heart, the girl from the Northern Wei Dynasty did not hesitate to use her true essence. Meng Shi was stubborn, and he couldn't persuade her at all.

At present, he was a sixth-level examiner who was still a little lucky, but the examiner who was a fifth-level examiner in front of him broke his luck.

"I can believe you, right?" Mo Hua stared intently into Ji Jiashu's eyes.

Even if it was to achieve his own goal in the end, the young man in front of him would not fabricate lies to achieve his goal.

Ji Jiashu nodded, "You know, I won't lie."

"And if you fight Baoyue," he stared at Mo Hua quietly, "I can't say that it will be like this, but you watched her fight today, do you think the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty can fight her without using that sword technique?"

If it is with other practitioners, it may be possible, but to fight against the former Qin girl, one must exert all one's own swordsmanship strength.

This is what he saw with his own eyes today.

"Enough, I know what I should do," Mo Hua took a deep breath, and looked at Ji Jiashu in front of him, "Although you are doing it for your fiancée, thank you for telling me this."

Otherwise, if something happens to Meng Shi, he will regret it too late.

To put it bluntly, this time, he must also be a gentleman. This is a matter of the ability of a practitioner, and there is nothing unfair about it.

"You have something you want to protect, and I have something I want to protect." Mo Hua quietly stared at the young man in front of him, "I hope we won't meet in the end."

"I know you are angry, but this is not the end," Ji Jiashu looked at him and said, "If we want to fight, we will go to the middle-level ceremony to fight, and I will have a good fight with you."

"Okay," Mo Hua suddenly laughed loudly, "It's a deal."

After speaking, he stretched out his sword, and Ji Jiashu also stretched out his sword. The swords of the two teenagers touched each other under the moonlight, and then turned and left.

The two put their swords into their sheaths without the slightest hesitation, just as neatly as their figures.



Some people are separated under the moonlight, but some people are chasing another figure.

Layers of dense forests cover the moonlight above the head, and the man in the bronze mask walks quietly into the darkness with a sword wrapped in cloth strips.

But the next moment, a loud shout stopped his pace.

"Second Brother! I found you! Stop!"

Li Ji stopped in his tracks, and the next moment a hand stretched out from the darkness behind him, and it grabbed his wrist tightly, tightly.

The man wearing the bronze mask turned his head and looked at the out of breath young man behind him with some surprise.

"You were able to find me," Li Ji looked at Zhao Guang, "I probably never told you that I would choose this place."

"You... when... who am I..." Zhao Guang ran too fast because he was so anxious, he bent over and opened his mouth wide to pant, and said intermittently, "I have... been by your side... for seven years. year……"

Zhao Guang managed to straighten out his anger when he mentioned Zhenyuan, and looked up at the dark eyes of the man in the mask with wide eyes, "I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Even if you don't regard me as a brother, if there is anyone in this world who can find you, that person must be me!" Zhao Guang shouted.

Li Ji was slightly taken aback, and the next moment he smiled with relief, "Yes, and you."

"Second...Second brother?" Hearing his laughter, Zhao Guang felt panicked for some reason, looking at the sword wrapped in cloth in his hand, Zhao Guang jumped up as if he had been burned.

"Second brother, let's go home. Her Royal Highness asked me to come to you and bring you back..." He Nuonuo said and stretched out his hand to catch Li Ji.

But the next moment Li Ji stuffed the sword into his hand.

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Zhao Guang seemed to be holding a hot potato, grasping the sword at a loss.

"Ah Guang, I'm sorry to trouble you." Li Ji looked at him with a smile and said, "You came just in time. If I fail later and lose my mind, you can kill me with this sword."

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

Zhao Guang's pupils shrank, but the man in front of him smiled and spoke softly.

"Otherwise, even if I get to the bottom, I can't explain everything to her."

she was.

Hearing this word, Zhao Guang held his breath, and was furious the next moment.

He knew that Li Ji came here for one person, but he didn't even know the name of this person, he only knew that it was a person killed by Lin Baoyue, ordered by Shao Si.

"What are you trying to do in such a hurry? Do you know that your meridian is injured? Do you have a problem with your brain? Do you want to fight like this?" A series of questions spewed out from Zhao Guang's mouth, thousands of words turned into one sentence.

"Who is that person?!"

 Finally got to this crucial story.

  Let's unravel this dusty mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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