Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 69 Vase

Chapter 69 Vase
The posture of the young woman saluting is graceful and dignified, which is a very beautiful picture.

However, looking at this picture, the small courtyard fell into a dead silence.

"This... this is really..." Zhao Guang looked at the weak woman who no one had noticed before, and gasped.

"You have the guts..." Then he was startled as if he suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which, Guichang's first wife is from the Mu family."

"The Mu family..." The boy's eyes suddenly became complicated.

"It's a pity for the Mu family that their children have been bullied so far," Zhao Guang looked at the Mu family and said, "I didn't expect that this lady, who has been weak for most of her life, would have the courage to make such a request in such a situation."

The woman's proposal to reconcile Li Ke is usually when the status of her natal family is far higher than that of her husband's family.For Zhongyi Hou Guichang, no matter how much he loves his concubines, he needs a regular wife like Mu Shi who is used for appearance.

What's more, the Marquis's first wife just now asked to reconcile and leave. Mu's move was tantamount to stepping Guichang's face into the dust, which was a desperate move.

"How... how could Guichang agree to this?!" Zhao Guang was stunned.

"She is not the only one who is brave." Li Ji said lightly.

He looked at the girl in the courtyard and said two words.

"Qin Law."

"By the way, princess!" Zhao Guang said incredulously, "Speaking of which, Qin Lvli mentioned that the royal family can agree to Heli's request!"

Speaking of which, it was added by Lin Shubai, the chief minister back then.

But for so many years, I have never heard of any royal children doing this.After all, this is completely offending the family with higher power.

As the old saying goes, "It is better to tear down ten temples than to tear down a marriage." In a sense, this kind of behavior is more dangerous than offending the gods.

"As for..." Zhao Guang looked at the girl in Guichang who was alone in the courtyard and was surrounded by countless soldiers, and murmured, "It shouldn't be..."

"En," but at this moment, the girl's voice came.

Her voice was calm and clear, without any fear or hesitation.Facing the woman who bowed down, the girl responded with the same graceful etiquette.

"Princess Ying embraces the moon and agrees to the request of Mu Rongyin, the first daughter of the Mu family."

Ying Baoyue looked at Mu Shi and said quietly, "Get up, Mu Rongyin, from now on, you are no longer a returning home."

There was a dead silence in the small courtyard, and everyone looked at the two women in astonishment, unable to speak, and at this moment, an angry shout sounded.


Guichang, who had always been indifferent to others, looked at the girl who turned her back to him, and his wife who was ignoring him, his cold pupils suddenly burst into anger!
"Mu Rongyin, who gave you the guts to say such a thing? Huh?" Gui Chang looked at Mu Shi and shouted.

"You are a person who returns home in life, and a ghost who returns home when you die! If you want to reconcile and leave, let's dream!"

"According to Qin Law, she is no longer the one who returns home," but facing the anger of her important court official, the girl quietly turned to look at him and said. "Da Sima still needs to pay attention to his words."

"You..." Guichang hadn't been challenged so majesticly for a long time, with murderous aura surging all over his body, looking at Ying Baoyue and Mu family behind her seemed to be looking at dead people.

Under his gaze, anyone in the Sima Mansion, even the mid-rank officials in the court, would tremble all over, begging for his forgiveness.

But the woman turned a deaf ear.

Ying Baoyue ignored Guichang's fiery gaze, and looked at Guili and Guichen who were beside him, "According to Qin's law, children who are married to Li can choose to be with their father or mother. How do you choose?"

What is she saying?
can choose?

Gui Li didn't understand what happened at all, his father was so furious, his mother suddenly proposed reconciliation, what happened to all this...

"Of course it's mother!" At this moment, his elder brother's voice suddenly sounded, and Gui Li looked at his elder brother, only to see him staring at the princess with complicated eyes, and he gritted his teeth and spoke.

"I'm also a mother!" Gui Li was stunned and immediately followed.

"You..." Guichang's eyes became even more angry, but before he could vent his anger, the woman's voice sounded again.

"Okay, from now on, you are no longer the descendants of returning home."

"God..." Zhao Guang stared dumbfounded at the moment when his wife and children were separated, "This... this is simply copying someone's family background..."

"She was going to do this from the beginning." Li Ji said lightly.

He looked quietly at the girl in the courtyard.

Not only did he not choose to whitewash the peace, but he chose the most decisive approach.

Together with that woman, choose to cut everything completely.

Leave no leeway.

At the same time, at all costs.

"Princess, it's not your turn to intervene, see your position!" At this moment, Gui Chang yelled violently, making the brothers on the tree look serious at the same time.

"Guichang is really angry." Looking at Zhao Guang, the man in the courtyard who was already talking nonsense, his eyes were heavy, "This is too bad."

Father, angry.

Sitting on the ground, Gui Li looked at the angry father in his eyes, and his heart trembled.

In her memory, once her father was so angry, someone must suffer.She was ashamed of herself who felt scared in her heart, but the fear of Guichang's anger seemed to seep into her bones and linger.

When she was ten years old, her father was slightly angry, and her elder brother was beaten to pieces right in front of her.

Rebelling against this father is the end.

It wasn't just her, looking at the slightly trembling back of her brother not far away, Guili's heart was cold.My father has also engraved such fear on my elder brother since he was a child.

But her elder brother overcame the tremor and was heading towards Her Royal Highness, he was stronger than her after all.Under her father's anger, she couldn't even stand up because of fear.

Regarding the status of the princess of this country, although she was young, she had heard about it. Once her father got angry, no one could stop her, and this Highness could only submit.

"His Royal Highness, please don't take the good intentions of this humble official as a bargaining chip for wanton behavior." Guichang's tone has completely changed, and it was icy cold, "Before, everything was for His Majesty's face, and please don't make it difficult for the court to order officials. "

"Enough of this matter, I will pretend that I have never heard of it. Come here and send His Highness back to the palace!" Gui Chang waved his hand coldly, the officers and soldiers kneeling on the ground looked down, and slowly got up and drew their swords out of their sheaths.

Ying Baoyue watched all this, and opened her lips slightly, but before she could speak, Gui Chang squinted at her and said.

"Your Highness, I'm a military officer, and if you act recklessly, there's no guarantee you'll do something."

This is a blatant threat.

The pressure and threats that any little girl who lived in a deep palace for a long time could not bear.

everything is over.

Guichang looked at the woman who was quietly watching him and let out a cold snort.

But the next moment.

"The laws of Qin must be obeyed by the people of Qin. It is the power of the royal family to agree to Heli, and it has nothing to do with Da Sima. The matter of Heli is a foregone conclusion, and the palace will not take back the order."

"Murongyin is no longer your wife, and Guichen Guili is no longer a descendant of Guijia."

The girl paused word by word.

Still not giving up?Zhao Guang on the tree was simply amazed.

Guichang's eyes were red, but when the anger reached its peak, he suddenly suppressed it and turned it into contempt, watching the woman in front of him squeeze out that sentence from between his teeth.

"It's just a vase, you really take yourself seriously! Someone! Bring Guichen Guili over to me first!"

With a click, his personal guard's heavy sword was unsheathed, and Gui Chen was suddenly pressed to the ground by the sword.

"Let go of my brother."

Gui Li's eyes were shattered, she got up from the ground and rushed towards her elder brother, but at this moment, a slender hand grabbed her.

Blocked in front of her again.

Gui Li suddenly turned her head, and then she heard that familiar but unfamiliar voice.

Familiar timbre, unfamiliar... is the coldness in the voice.

The woman looked at the man who looked at her contemptuously, and said so.

"Even if I'm a vase, I'm not a vase that someone like you can break."

A cold light shone by her ears, and the cold arrow pointed straight at Guichang's throat.

"If something happens to these two children, I will never let you go."

Under the sunlight, Gui Li raised his head in a daze, looking at Ying Baoyue's profile.

Gui Li didn't expect her to have such an expression.

As if daring to be an enemy of the whole world.

This woman lived in her house for more than half a month, but Gui Li never knew that she would have such an aura.

In the eyes of a 13-year-old child, although this woman is older than her, she has no temperament and should not be taken to heart.

No matter how badly she spoke to her, this woman didn't care, just like a faceless face.

Just like the name his brother gave her, as soft as moonlight, she should also be weak.

But why did he only discover this at this time?
She just never cares about herself.

Moonlight can be very gentle, it can also be very cold.

Looking at her arrogant father who was holding her elder brother under the sword in the distance, Gui Li suddenly understood something.

Some people will only point their fangs at the weakest and most vulnerable people.

But there is a kind of person, her sharp blade will only be aimed at more powerful malice.

Even if that malice is much stronger than her.

(End of this chapter)

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