Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 70 Finally

Chapter 70 Finally

"your Highness!"

Accompanied by the worrying cry of the woman, Zhao Guang on the tree opened his eyes wide, watching this magnificent battle that he had never seen before.

A battle between a 15-year-old girl alone and court officials surrounded by countless soldiers and practitioners.

No one saw how she moved. Originally, Guichang and the princess should be five steps away, and there were soldiers and practitioners climbing up between them.

But at the moment when Guichang's son was overwhelmed by the weapon and the daughter rushed towards his brother, the woman grabbed the little girl, and the next moment, she was already in front of Guichang.

Guichang's originally angry and proud expression froze on his face, and his cloudy eyes moved down, looking at the cold light against his throat.

"That's... an arrowhead?" Zhao Guang asked in amazement, where did he take it out, and the next moment he suddenly looked at his brother.

"Second brother, did you see it?"

Li Ji's dark pupils flickered slightly, "She hangs in my ears."

"Hiss." Zhao Guang gasped, looking at the woman's black hair hanging down one shoulder, it seemed that it should have been hidden in the woman's long hair.

Except for his elder brother, who would have noticed... No, before that, who would have thought that there was such a thing hidden in the princess.

"Isn't she afraid of cutting her face?" Zhao Guang was amazed.

"This is the fastest way, and it's not easy to be discovered." Li Ji nodded and said, "It's a good idea."

However, his elder brother didn't feel like a normal person like him at all, and he actually agreed somewhat.

Zhao Guang looked at the courtyard silently, with strange eyes and admiration at the same time.

A girl with a cold and sharp blade.

What else can she do?


"Your Highness, where did you get this kind of thing?" After being stunned for the first time, Guichang regained his expressionless expression again, and said coldly, "Golden branches and jade leaves shouldn't touch these, it's dangerous, let them go."

"As expected of Da Sima," Ying Baoyue smiled, but continued to move forward with the arrow in his hand, "It's not me who is in danger, but you."

"Do you know what you're doing?" Guichang asked without changing his expression as his throat was pressed.

"It's very clear." Ying Baoyue said seriously, "I'm threatening you."

"You are an ordinary person, do you think you can kill me with this arrow?" Gui Chang stared at the slender girl and said calmly.

Ying Baoyue put away the smile on her face and raised her head, but instead of looking at Guichang, she looked at the other person behind him through his shoulder.

Gui Chen on the ground followed her gaze, his pupils shrank.

At this moment, the person she was looking at was... Chu Ji.

Ying Baoyue's eyes met Chu Ji's one eye quietly, and half of Chu Ji's face suddenly twitched.The next moment, it seemed as if something flew under the woman's sleeve, and she was about to raise her hand uncontrollably.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly deep, and he looked at Guichang and said lightly, "I don't think I can kill you."

Guichang smiled contemptuously, and said proudly, "Your Highness, as long as you know. I'm a first-rank military officer, and it's only a matter of seconds to break your arm."

No... It's probably not because of you that she thinks so.

Zhao Guang looked at the proud man in the yard and said silently.

"She's very fast." At this moment, the elder brother beside him said lightly, "It's faster than Guichang."

The man's dark eyes fixed on Chu Ji, "There is something strange about that woman."

Zhao Guang was startled suddenly, his eyes became serious, "Sure enough..."

"It's just how this matter will end?" Zhao Guang looked at the confrontation between the girl and the man in the courtyard, and his head ached.

"Since Your Highness is self-aware, what's the point of doing this?" Gui Chang stared at Ying Baoyue as if looking at an ignorant child, and said with a cold smile, "Stop making trouble, and go back to the palace."

However, facing the man's condescending words, the woman did not let go.

"I just don't understand why the big Sima has a better choice, so why did it have to be like this." Ying Baoyue also smiled when she heard the words, "Stop making trouble, and end this farce."

Guichang frowned, and looked at the woman in front of him coldly, "What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Ying Baoyue looked up and stared into his eyes, then lowered her hand holding the arrowhead, looked sideways at Guichen Guili who was behind her, and opened her mouth slowly.

"Compared to dedicating a son, wouldn't it be more loyal to bring back the exiled Princess Heqin?"

The girl's voice sounded quietly in the courtyard.

Gui Chen's mind suddenly went blank.

What is she saying?
Guichang narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him.

"There is no need for Guichen to go to the death camp, and there is no need for this village to recruit soldiers." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled slightly, "Because there is no possibility of war."

Say no more.Gui Chen groaned in pain in his heart.

However, the woman who had always been able to read his heart didn't look at him this time.

Just looking at his father.

"There will be no war," Ying Baoyue smiled at him.

"Because I will marry."



Accompanied by the woman's words, there was a dead silence in the small courtyard.After a long time, Gui Chang watched the woman speak stiffly.

"Your Highness is about to marry. This minister will take you back home."

He has found her, so even if he uses coercive measures, he will take her back.This is not a condition for trading.

"That's hard to say," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "because I can run away."

"If you find the princess and let her run away on the way back to the palace, then it will be your responsibility, Da Sima." Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and said.

"It's impossible." Gui Chang narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe you still don't know, I'm running fast," Ying Baoyue's smile faded, and she looked at Guichang quietly, "After all, so many immortal officials in the palace didn't keep an eye on me, did they?"

Guichang's pupils shrank, and Ying Hanri had guarded the princess layer by layer when he made the marriage agreement, so how the princess disappeared has always been the biggest controversy in the court.

Guichang clenched his fists again, his heart turbulent.

"If you say it this way, I'm afraid Guichang is not sure." Zhao Guang on the tree sighed, "It's impossible for a princess to escape from a general like Guichang, so why is it possible for her to say that? Woolen cloth?"

"Her words are possible." Li Ji looked at the arrowhead in the woman's ear and said calmly.

This princess is different from all previous impressions.

A gap in intelligence that never existed.

"What is the difference between a married princess who was kidnapped and a princess who is willing to go with her? Is it possible that Gui Da Sima, as a general, doesn't know?" Ying Baoyue said indifferently.

Guichang stared at this familiar yet unfamiliar woman, feeling a sense of gloom in his heart that couldn't be driven away.

Reason told him that what this woman said was right, but it was absolutely impossible for him to be manipulated by a 15-year-old girl.

"Your Highness, I will definitely send someone to protect you, so that Your Highness is absolutely safe on the road."

it means.

Absolutely no escape.

"So Your Highness doesn't need to..."

However, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes at the next moment, and the familiar arrowhead was placed by the woman's ear.

No... it's the cheeks!
"Mingyue!" Gui Chen shouted and pierced the sky.

Holding the arrowhead in his hand, Ying Baoyue looked down at him and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't commit suicide."

She ordered her to keep it for big things.

"How can there be absolute safety?" Gui Chang said in the next moment, looking at the woman helplessly, "You can indeed bring me back, but the princess you brought back may not be able to make a kiss."

Guichang looked at the girl holding an arrowhead close to her body.

"Your Highness is threatening me?" Gui Chang said in a deep voice.

"How come, I just gave Da Sima a choice." In such a tense situation, the girl could still laugh.

"Should I be a meritorious official and find and bring back the princess, or be a sycophant who, because of his own greed and dereliction of duty, actually shot the princess and caused her appearance to be damaged and her body injured."

Guichang never thought that the princess could have such eyes.

The clear eyes looked at him deeply.

She lightly parted her lips.

"Such disrespect deserves death."

He deserves death.

Guichang stared deeply at the girl in front of him, his eyes looked around, and the dark tide was surging.

"You can also have someone come and take my arrowhead, but Da Sima..." the calm girl said, "You want to try, who is faster, your man or my hand?"

She means it.

She shows with her actions so far how far she can go.

The brothers on the tree stared quietly at the scene in front of them, while Li Ji stared deeply at the girl in the courtyard.

Cut everything, no matter the cost.

This is the final wreck.

Then she will be victorious.

(End of this chapter)

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