Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 71 Sisters

Chapter 71 Sisters

The flame on the roof of Guijia's small courtyard had been extinguished under the control of the practitioner at some point. In the faint black smoke, Guichang quietly stared at the woman standing in front of his children and the arrowhead in her hand.

His face was very ugly, just looking at her like this.

See-saw and stalemate are all about reaching a result in the end, the most favorable result.

Before the absolute interests are weighed, other things are not worth mentioning, and the future will be long.

Gui Chen looked at the woman in front of him deeply.

His time was precious, and it would be a waste to pester him any longer.The last laugh is the winner.

After three breaths, Guichang looked at the soldiers pressing down on Guichen.

The next moment, Gui Chen felt the pressure on his body relax.

The three soldiers stood up abruptly, their swords sheathed.

The momentum on Ying Baoyue's body relaxed, he hung the arrowhead back to his ear, gently pressed down the black hair around his ear, and looked at Gui Changdao.

"Da Sima seems to have made a choice."

Guichang looked at her gloomyly and said, "I will report the matter of Heli to His Majesty for a ruling, and the matter of the death camp will be temporarily detained if there is no war."

Let her go today, anyway, as long as His Majesty speaks, everything can be reversed.

"Well, I will discuss it with my brother when I go back." The girl replied quietly as if she didn't understand the meaning of his words at all.

"Elder Sima can't make a decision about Guidi's marriage until Heli's book is written," Ying Baoyue looked at Guichang and said indifferently, "According to Qin law, parents are not allowed to interfere with their children's affairs before the conclusion of Heli's marriage. "

this woman...

Guichang gritted his teeth, looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "It's only natural."

The next moment he paused, "Then, please drive back to the palace, Your Highness."

Ying Baoyue nodded and said, "This is also natural."

She looked around the courtyard and smiled, "After all, everything is over."

Is it all over?

Gui Chen, who was in severe pain all over his body, turned over and sat up in a daze, feeling as if he was in a dream.

From waking up in the morning, only seeing her clothes covering her body, to the door falling down, being sentenced to death by her father, to her reappearing in front of her eyes, with the identity that he couldn't reach.

Then, she gave everything to fight for another life for him and his mother and sister.

And is everything going to end?

Why?Why do this for them?He obviously hasn't had time to do anything for her.

Gui Chen raised his head and looked at the familiar figure from behind.She was still wearing the clothes he bought for her, but the next moment, that figure moved forward.

The soldiers neatly separated into two rows and waited with their swords drawn. Guichang stood in front of her and looked at her coldly.

"Ming..." the young man said in a daze.

Ying Baoyue, who was about to take a step, paused at the sound of her footsteps, but did not turn her head.

Gui Chen shrank, looked at the background and stood up staggeringly, and said in a low voice, "No, princess...Your Highness, Cao Min has offended me a lot before, please forgive me, Your Highness Princess."

She still didn't speak.

Looking at the girl's back and the son who bowed his head and spoke beside him with fists and veins protruding, Mrs. Mu felt bitter and unspeakable.

Taking a deep breath, the woman bowed and saluted, "Your Highness, this body has received such a great favor, and I can't repay it in this life. In the next life..."

"Don't worry about this, Mu Rongyin." At this moment, the woman's voice came.

Gui Li sat on the ground and raised his head in a daze, looking at the girl who called her mother by her name.

She still didn't look back, but her voice returned to the temperature it used to be, the temperature when she lived with them.

"Although it was a short period of time, I was taken care of by you."

"I'm very happy."

She said she was very happy, even though it was such a barren day, she said she was very happy.

"Dian..." Gui Chen looked at the figure and spoke again, but the next moment he seemed to realize something, and called out again, "Mingyue."

Ying Baoyue stood with his back facing him.

"Mingyue." He persistently called out again.


This time Ying Baoyue nodded with a smile where he couldn't see, exhaled slightly, "I heard it."

Gui Chen's eyes lit up.

But the next moment.

"Anything else?" She asked with a smile.

Gui Chen's body stiffened.

What is he trying to say?What else can he say?Can his wish be spoken?
do not go.Did he mean to say this?Does he still have the face to say this now?

All he wanted to say was one sentence but he was not qualified to say it.Only he couldn't say anything to tell her not to go.

She paid the price for him and her sister.

Feeling the pain of the young man behind her, Ying Baoyue's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment she looked ahead and smiled.

"Guichen, there is something I forgot to tell you. I have decided to become a practitioner."

Gui Chen suddenly looked at her back after hearing the sound.Guichang, who was looking impatiently in front of him, also frowned.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?" Gui Chang asked loudly.

However, Ying Baoyue ignored him and didn't look back, just looked ahead and spoke quietly.

"Since you have made up your mind to become a practitioner, you must become a practitioner. No matter what price you pay, you must achieve it."

The girl turned her back to Gui Chen and said quietly.

"This is the path called practice."

Is this talking about herself, or talking to her brother?

Gui Li sat on the ground, staring blankly at the woman in front of him who never looked back, and Gui Chen who seemed to be hit by something and stood there motionless.

"Return away."

The next moment he didn't expect his name to be called, and Gui Li was shocked when he heard the sound.

"You don't have to be big to win the battle. Guili, even if the opponent is stronger than you, women don't need to be afraid."

The woman said this softly to her, but every word was engraved in the bottom of the young girl's heart.

A little bit of peeling off the fear that had been implanted in her bone marrow since childhood.

"Your Highness, have you finished speaking?"

However, at this moment Gui Chang's icy voice came, and Gui Li and Gui Chen were shocked and opened their eyes wide.

Clenching his chest tightly, Mu looked sadly at the woman's back in the corridor.

The time for parting has come.

"Well, it's over." Ying Baoyue said, the next moment his eyes seemed to inadvertently see Chu Ji who was staring at Mu's Guichen and others coldly.

"Weichen sent the princess back to the palace." Guichang looked at Ying Baoyue and said calmly, "Let's go immediately."

Just when he thought that the woman was about to stage some parting scene, the girl's expression remained unchanged and she walked towards him without looking back.

"Okay, let's go, Da Sima."

"You..." Guichang looked at her suspiciously, Ying Baoyue changed the topic, "It's okay to go, but..."

"But what?" Gui Chang frowned, "If you go back on your word..."

"But I hit it off with Mrs. Chu Ji, and I want her to accompany me back to the capital." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

Guichang, who thought this woman was going to backtrack, did not expect to do so.

Chu Ji, who was looking at Mu and the others froze when she heard the words, she looked at Guichang in astonishment, "Master, this..."

"With no one to accompany me, my journey is really difficult," Ying Baoyue dragged his voice, "This is my last wish."

Guichang was really impatient, he waved his hand and said, "Chu Ji, since His Highness wants you to accompany you, I will accompany you."

It happened to be able to keep an eye on this woman.

Ying Baoyue smiled and walked to the door.

Looking at Chu Ji's unwillingness to leave, it was difficult for Gui Li to describe her mood at this time.

Her eyes moved in a daze, and she looked at the back who was not much taller than her, and she had always hated her since her brother brought her back.

She warned her elder brother countless times, said all the bad things about this woman, and regarded her as a scourge.

Although she has never seen it, she has always hated the princess of this country.

However, when these two most hated identities merged into one, the woman was about to leave.

Looking at the back of the person who walked away step by step without looking back,
Gui Xin wondered who is she?

It is the woman picked up by my brother, the princess who wants to marry Chunhua Jun, and...

A raging fire and the smell of barbecue suddenly appeared in front of Gui Li's eyes. The girl with soot on her cheeks beside the red flame turned her head and looked at her, "Why? Don't you like meat?"

Ying Baoyue looked down at the threshold under her feet, and raised her feet steadily.

However, at this moment, a young call suddenly came from behind her.

"elder sister!"

Ying Baoyue paused.

The breeze blew the girl's long hair, and she turned her head.


she replied.

There was joy in Gui Li's eyes, but the next moment the woman looked at them and said so.

"forget me, please."

Gui Li felt the trembling of his elder brother in an instant.

"I can't do it." Gui Li heard his elder brother say so.

However, the woman just looked at them and smiled, "You two must live a long life."

Then, without looking back, she stepped across the threshold.

 It echoes before and after the celebration of Chapter 52.

(End of this chapter)

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