Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 72 The Fool

Chapter 72 The Fool
"A long life..."

Standing on the tree, Zhao Guang muttered, "Is it normal to say this to teenagers?"

Staring at the girl who walked out of the door without looking back, the boy's eyes were a little complicated.

The siblings would probably never know the meaning of the woman's last words.

"Second brother," Zhao Guang called out in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Li Ji's voice still contained no trace of emotion.

"Is she really going to die?"

"I will die." Li Ji said concisely.

Zhao Guang frowned when he heard this, "But didn't you say that the descendants of the Ying family have some kind of self-protection technique..."

"That's just speculation," Li Ji glanced at him, "I'm just saying what I've seen."

"Your level is too low to see it," he said calmly, "The curse on her body is too dangerous, and the death energy is so strong that she looks like..."

Li Ji paused, with a strange expression on his face.

"Like?" It was the first time Zhao Guang saw his hard-hearted brother stop talking.

"Like someone who just died."

"Hiss..." Zhao Guang took a deep breath, this elder brother would never speak but would scare people to death when he spoke.

Looking at the girl walking along the road in the village, Zhao Guang said tremblingly, "Then... is she alive?"

"Yes." Li Ji nodded.

There is no doubt about this.

Zhao Guang heaved a sigh of relief. His brother's statement was far from what he saw with his own eyes. "To be honest, this princess really doesn't look like a dying person at all. Even..."

It even looks more alive than ordinary people.Under the sunlight, the girl smiled brightly, without any trace of gloom.

Under Li Ji's bronze mask, his dark eyes narrowed slightly.

As a high-level practitioner, not believing one's own feelings is equivalent to doubting the sweat of one's own practice, and he has never doubted it.


There are always unknown mysteries in this world.

In any case, the curse on this woman's hand will kill her within a year, which is absolutely impossible for him to misunderstand, and it is useless to think about it, and what is more important is the next thing.

The law of Qin stipulated that the homes of generals of the third rank and above should not be located in the capital city, and the Sima Mansion was located in a remote place for the Gui clan to avoid suspicion, and this village was even further away.

I am afraid that no one in the six countries knows what happened in this remote courtyard today.Returning to court with the princess will obviously greatly shake the pattern of the mountains, seas and continents.However, compared to finding out the matter with the princess, I didn't expect that the biggest variable in Guichang's trip was this mysterious princess who had never shown up.

"It was really amazing to see."

Zhao Guang sighed, "I didn't expect Ying Hanri to have... such a younger sister."

"The styles of the two brothers and sisters are too different, right?" He shook his head and said, "Is this born by the same parents?"

The tree where Zhao Guang and Li Ji were standing was on the side of the road, and the young man holding the tree trunk watched Guichang Ying Baoyue and his party walking towards the road where they were, but there was no panic on their faces.

Because he knew very well that with the ability of his second brother's true energy barrier, even if ordinary people walked under the tree and looked up, they would only see the branches of the tree.

Even for practitioners, there are at most a few leaves below the heavenly rank.

So Ying Baoyue and the others had all walked under the tree, so he still had the heart to sigh.

"Okay, it's time to go back and write the report." Zhao Guang raised his head and stroked the fluff on the pigeon's forehead, "I have to send a letter to the country as soon as possible..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Ji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he covered his mouth.

The next moment, Zhao Guang's eyes widened.

Just when he came to the tree, other soldiers passed the tree without noticing...

The girl stopped.

No... no?



This is a common locust tree on the side of the road in the village. Ying Baoyue was startled and stopped suddenly when he was about to pass by.

"Your Highness?" Chu Ji beside her realized it after she stopped, and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Guichang, who was walking in front, stopped and looked over with unkind eyes.

"This..." Zhao Guang was covered with his mouth, and his eyes moved stiffly to look at his brother above his head. He didn't speak, but Li Ji knew what he wanted to ask by looking at his eyes.

"I didn't remove the barrier, so no one should be able to see it, and no one should be able to hear it." Li Ji let go of his hands.

As if confirming his words, the soldiers under the tree and Guichang Chuji didn't respond, and no one raised their heads.

"Then it happened to stop under this tree..."

Zhao Guang looked at the girl who was quietly standing under the tree and just stared in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief, "I said, second brother, your level won't drop so badly..."

Yet at this time.

The girl under the tree quietly raised her head.

Zhao Guang took a sharp breath and almost choked to death.

At this moment, Zhao Guang found that Li Ji's aura around him had completely disappeared.The man who hides his breath is an absolute genius.

But did the second brother actually make a real move?
Looking at the sizing eyes of the girl under the tree, Zhao Guang couldn't help but hold his breath.

"Your Highness? What are you looking at?" Gui Chang asked with a frown.

"I feel like I've forgotten something." Ying Baoyue said slowly, her eyes moved slowly from top to bottom from the canopy, knowing she couldn't see anything, but Zhao Guang's heart beat faster and faster.

Her gaze finally moved away from the place where they were hiding in the tree, Zhao Guang heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he was so panicked that he was about to take a breath, but the girl's gaze moved back at the next moment, and stayed on... his on the shoulders.

"Found it." Ying Baoyue said.

Zhao Guang looked at the girl's clear eyes through layers of leaves in disbelief.

"Can I trouble you for a favor?" the woman called to the tree.

Was it really discovered?Zhao Guang's eyes widened and his figure shook.The next moment, his brother's helpless voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Not you."

"Wait... who is it!" Seeing the branches and leaves swaying suddenly on the canopy, Chu Ji, who was suspiciously trying to grab Ying Baoyue, suddenly shrank her pupils and shouted.

Guichang waved his hand, and the other soldiers quickly stood up for battle.

"Someone is here." At this moment, Zhao Guang heard the girl under the tree laugh suddenly, "Then the master of this child is you?"


Zhao Guang's head was numb, and at this moment the shoulder beside him was pushed suddenly.

"Since you've been discovered, go down." Li Ji said coldly, "Cover your face."

Guichang can't do anything to them.It doesn't hurt to go down and have a look.

" are..."

Looking at the two masked men who suddenly fell from the sky, Guichang's eyes suddenly became alert.

"Protect Your Highness!"

What I actually want to say is to be optimistic about Her Royal Highness.

"It's you guys," Ying Baoyue fixed her eyes on the bronze mask that she had met before, and smiled.

"Your Highness, who are these two?" Gui Chang asked Ying Baoyue loudly, his eyes becoming more wary.

On the other hand, Chu Ji looked at Li Ji beside Zhao Guang with a look of astonishment in her eyes, and quickly retreated to Gui Chang's side to whisper a few words.

"What... level..."

Gui Chang was shocked, and his gaze suddenly became complicated when he looked at Li Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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