Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 74 karma

Chapter 74 karma
Did everything go as she expected?

Looking at the young girl Zhao Guang in front of him, my heart felt a little cold.

But before that, he finally remembered one thing.

"My pigeon!" The boy let out a mournful cry slowly.

"Ah, I'm sorry," the girl who was confronting Guichang looked over and said apologetically, "It's an emergency, so I'll trouble Heitan first."

Don't be so proficient in calling this name, will someone bypass the owner and communicate with the pigeon first?
Ying Baoyue thought for a while and walked towards him, took out a cloth bag from her arms, and handed it to him.

"This is?" Zhao Guang asked.

"Postage." Ying Baoyue looked at him and said with a smile, "It contains alfalfa seeds, which are very nutritious."

"For me?" Zhao Guang looked at her and asked.

"No." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "It's for Heitan."

Well, he just knew it.

"You...can you understand pigeons?" Zhao Guang, who lost to a pigeon, couldn't help asking, looking at the woman in front of him.

"Well, I'm not too sure," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "It's just a general feeling."

No no, you feel too special.

Zhao Guang really didn't think that the appearance of him and his brother was expected by this woman, rather he didn't dare to think in this direction.

If they didn't show up, how the hell was this guy going to send this letter out, any random bird?

However, this person seemed to be able to hear what was in his heart. Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guangdao, "It went so smoothly, and it is also thanks to the special blessing of the pigeons of the young master."

Not all pigeons can recognize the way to deliver letters, Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in front of him and smiled.

Carrier pigeons usually rely on homing instinct to deliver letters, but the pigeon on the young man's shoulders is not ordinary. It is obviously humane, and it makes her feel like an owl from a certain world.

This is not something ordinary people can have.

And such a pigeon is capable, of course, is not something that ordinary pigeons can do.

Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on Zhao Guang's shoulder again, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in Zhao Guang's heart.The next moment he looked at the girl in front of him thoughtfully... Guichang in front of him.

Zhao Guang's heart skipped a beat, and before he could react, a tall and tall figure suddenly stood in front of him.

"Second...second brother..."

Looking at his brother's back, Zhao Guang spoke in a daze.

"That's why I said stay away from her." Li Ji said quietly in the barrier.

The next moment, he lifted the barrier.

"Since the matter is over, I'll take my leave." He looked at Ying Baoyue and said.

Ying Baoyue was startled, and bowed to him, "Thank you again for your help, I owe you a favor."

It's fine to thank him, but also to thank the second brother?Zhao Guang, who was blocked behind, suddenly wanted to stand out.

"It's nothing to worry about." However, in the face of the woman's thanks, Li Ji's tone didn't change a bit. He raised his foot and was about to turn around and leave. A moment before he turned around, he suddenly looked at Ying Baoyue's wrist.

As soon as Zhao Guang saw the woman, he immediately put his left hand behind his back.

Li Ji turned around, "I remember I told you to shorten your life by doing this."

"I have controlled it." Ying Baoyue said.

"Really?" The man's voice was calm but startling, "Your arrowhead must be poisonous."

What?Zhao Guang's eyes widened, only to see that this time the woman put her right hand behind her back again.

Gui Chang, who was staring unkindly at the side, covered his neck in astonishment, and the scene of being pressed against his throat by that small arrowhead was still vivid in his memory. He didn't pay attention to that little thing at all, and wanted to kill someone with an arrowhead?Turns out this thing is poisonous?
Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji's back and smiled, "It's not something that will kill people."

The poison that sees the blood to seal the throat is not so easy to match.

For her, it's not that it can't be made, it's just that the conditions are limited.Li Ji turned his back to the woman and looked calmly.

"Why not just use poison." Li Ji asked quietly.

"My power is limited now, and I really need to use some other power," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "but because I don't have power, what I can see is limited."

She can see good and evil if she defeats her opponents in battle.

But if she directly seals her throat with poisonous blood, she won't be able to see anything.

So poisoning is a method that can only be used when there is no other method.She hasn't been cornered and can't use it.

Poison killing is not the way.

Zhao Guang looked at the smiling girl and said in his heart, all practitioners know this truth, but if you can kill your opponent easily and quickly, who cares about the means?
What's more, with this woman's physical condition, does she still want to face the practitioner?

"Really." Facing the woman's answer, his brother just responded lightly.

"Zhao Guang, let's go." Li Ji said.

"Hey, good." Zhao Guang, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and followed his brother's footsteps.

"You guys..." Guichang, who took his hands off his neck, watched the two people who had gone in and out like no one had veins on their foreheads, and was about to speak to stop him, but Chu Ji grabbed one of his wrists.

Looking at Jiaoniang behind him, Guichang swallowed the words in his throat.

Zhao Guang followed his brother's footsteps, but still couldn't help looking back at the slender figure standing among the armored soldiers.

"Second brother, she..."

"There is something." At this moment, the brother beside him suddenly paused.

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the sound and waved goodbye to the two of them.

Do you want to say that there is something I don't know if she knows?

The man's calm voice came from far away.

"The way for ordinary people to become practitioners has been lost."

That's it.

Ying Baoyue looked at the back of the man who stopped again in the distance, and felt that he might be a person whose words and deeds were different from his appearance.

His voice has always been calm, and it can even be said to be a little cold.He may have been very quiet, but he stopped talking.

"That's it." Ying Baoyue exhaled slightly, smiled and said softly, "Thank you for letting me know, young master, I understand."

"Really." Zhao Guang heard his brother beside him speak quietly.

Take another step.

This time his pace did not stop, and after a brief pause, the two brothers disappeared from everyone's sight.



"Master Hou, do you want to chase after him?"

The general looked at Guichang who was standing there staring at the direction where the two men disappeared, and asked hesitantly, "These two are really suspicious..."

"Suspicious? Doesn't this Marquis know that they are suspicious?" Gui Chang suddenly turned his head to look at him, his eyes were like lightning.

Under that gaze, the general's shoulders trembled, and he said, "Then..."

"Then what? If it wasn't because you are all a bunch of trash, would this Marquis still be standing here?" Gui Chang looked at him coldly, "I can't even weigh myself, it's embarrassing."

Gui Chang said coldly, "That masked man can kill you all by himself."

"What..." The general was shocked.

Ying Baoyue looked at Chu Ji, whose eyes flickered behind Guichang.

Li Ji restrained his breath when he appeared, the old woman in Chu Ji's body did have two brushes.

It seems that Chu Ji is indeed useful to Guichang, and Guichang also believes her words.

"Okay, quickly escort His Highness back to court!"

Guichang glanced at Ying Baoyue who was on the side. He no longer wanted to question the relationship between the two of them and her. This woman was too cunning, and he didn't know what troubles were going to happen.

He just wants to send this trouble back to the capital to exchange for his achievements.

Become a practitioner?Have a ghost dream!It is only possible for a woman who is obsessed with ghosts to provoke sorcery!
"Let's go, Your Royal Highness."

Guichang stared at the girl in front of him coldly, and stretched out his hand to push her forward, but Ying Baoyue took a step by himself.


Guichang took a deep breath and waved impatiently.

"set off!"

The team went back on the road, and Guichang shouted loudly to everyone to speed up their pace, just wanting to leave this village that made everything difficult for him.

However, his wish came true again.

Just as he walked to the village and passed a house, there was a sudden loud noise accompanied by a tearing cry from a woman.

"Officer, official, please let my son go, he is not a practitioner at all, here you are, little girl, you can take it as you like!"

"No? Why not?"

The sound of a slap across the face.

"It's you, a money loser! It's why I killed my son by clamoring to become a cultivator every day! Why don't you die!"

With a loud bang.

A small figure was thrown out of the threshold from mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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