Chapter 75
The small figure was thrown from the air like a sack, drawing a curve.

If it hit the ground, it would be like a watermelon, splashing bright red all over the ground.

But just before that figure fell, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank, and her steps stopped and she stretched out her hands to wrap her arms around her.

The next moment she bent her knees and was hit to the ground by a huge impact.

The smell of blood came, but no one knew whose blood it was.

"Your Highness!"

With a click, the soldiers around drew their swords, and Guichang stopped in front of him and turned his head to look at Ying Baoyue who was sitting on the ground with something in his arms, his teeth creaking.

What's the matter!
Where did this princess get so many troubles?

However, before Guichang could attack, accompanied by the sound of pattering footsteps, a woman's loud voice broke through the door.

"Didn't make a sound? This little are you?"

A fierce woman stood at the door with her hips akimbo, staring at Ying Baoyue and the man in her arms who were sitting on the ground, her triangular eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Who told you to meddle in your own business?"

The woman's voice was so righteous that it made all the men in the village retreat three feet away.

"Speak, are you dumb?"

Looking at the aggressive woman, Guichang frowned with disgust.The shrew was so focused on Ying Baoyue that she didn't even notice the soldiers drawing their swords outside.But looking at the princess sitting on the ground, Gui Chang narrowed his eyes and took a step back without saying anything to stop him.

The stormy cursing of the stout woman only brought silence, and just as the woman put her hands on her hips and breathed in to continue cursing, a voice came quietly from the ground.

"Don't care about this, just watch you kill?"

Is throwing the child out directly to kill people?

Ying Baoyue calmed down and raised her head to look at the woman standing on the threshold.

"So you're not dumb?" The woman stared blankly at Ying Baoyue's face, and then laughed.

"Murder? This is my daughter. I can do whatever I want. Can you control me?"


Hearing this sentence, her small body, which was as stiff and unconscious as a small animal in her arms, trembled suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Ying Baoyue lowered her head and looked at the little girl in her arms.

"It's nothing..." The child raised his head, looking at her red, swollen mouth and familiar face, Ying Baoyue was startled.

Ying Baoyue looked thoughtfully at the woman at the threshold who had no resemblance to this little girl, and the laughter of the children in the village revived in her mind.

"My mother said don't play with her, that she was born with a mother but not raised by a mother..."

"She is obviously a woman, but she also said that she wants to become a practitioner, isn't she a freak..."

"Your mother is a slut, she will leave you as a disaster after death..."



It turned out to be the case.

Ying Baoyue looked up at the woman at the threshold, "So you are her stepmother."

The arrogant woman was taken aback for a moment, and looked warily at the strange face in front of her, "You..."

It's not a face she's seen in the village, how does she know.

"We meet again," Ying Baoyue looked down at the little girl in his arms, "Xu Wenning."

The little girl whose entire face was swollen from the beating looked up at the face of the woman above her head. Xu Wenning, who had been stubbornly biting the corners of her lips without crying, had red eyes.

This was the second time she was held in this man's arms.

"Again? Could it be..." The woman standing at the threshold looked at Ying Baoyue with wide eyes, and shouted loudly at the next moment, "You were the girl who ran into Aunt Wang's family at the entrance of the village a few days ago?"

"It's her, it's her!" A sick man's voice suddenly came from inside the room.Ying Baoyue raised her head, only to see that chubby man who had met once came out with a walking stick.

Out of breath after walking a few steps.

The medicine she took back then was not that heavy. Isn't this person's physique too bad?
Xu's father looked at Ying Baoyue who was sitting on the ground, with resentment flashing across his eyes, "I got this disease when I came back that day, it must be because this woman didn't let me punish this little bitch for breaking the law of heaven to come to our house! "

What logic is this...

Ying Baoyue frowned slightly looking at this family who didn't speak human words.

"Xu Wenning, why don't you get out and kowtow to the officials to make amends!" the woman yelled at the little girl in her arms.

There was the sound of iron armor rubbing against each other in the room, and several officers and soldiers came out, one of them carrying a chubby boy in his hand.

The boy's figure was in stark contrast to the thin Xu Wenning, and it seemed that he was the son of this woman and this man.

But this young man was obviously older than Xu Wenning. Thinking of the slander of Xu Wenning's mother who died young by the children and women in the village, Ying Baoyue looked at the man in the room with cold eyes.

Seeing the officers and soldiers walking out, the woman immediately burst into tears, "Master, my son is just a child, I will compensate you for this girl... Please let my son go!"

"I've said it all. Conscription is an order from His Majesty. If you, a woman, dare to stop you, I will be rude to you!" A ruthless look appeared in the eyes of the officers and soldiers who were stopped, and they drew their swords with a swipe.

The woman's face turned pale, her legs softened and she sat on the ground. She didn't dare to say a word after seeing the officers and soldiers. The next moment she looked bitterly at the little girl in Ying Baoyue's arms outside the door, pointing and cursing.

"A sin!"

"It's you, the catastrophe, who says what the cultivator says every day, that got your brother involved!"

Ying Baoyue finally understood the family's weird thinking.

It's just venting anger.

Conscription is indeed given priority to practitioners and young adults, but this family seems to blame the sudden conscription on a little girl who only dreams of becoming a practitioner.

"No, it's not..." At this moment, the little girl's weak voice came from Ying Baoyue's arms.

"I...I am not a disaster star..."

Ying Baoyue tightly held the girl in her arms.

So painful, so hungry, she spent every day like this after her mother died, Xu Wenning thought countless times that she would die like this, but she was more unwilling to admit it than to die.

I don't want to admit the words of the villagers.

Slander the mother's words.

She is the mother's daughter, so she is not a disaster star.

Xu Wenning raised her head in the severe pain all over her body, and looked at her stepmother in the blurred vision.

But everyone told her that she was the daughter of a female cultivator, her mother was a witch, and she was a disaster.

"I...I'm not..." Looking at the familiar sneer on the stepmother's face in the field of vision, Xu Wenning knew that the familiar ridicule and abuse would strike again in the next moment, and told her that she was...

"Well, you're not." But at this moment, a calm voice sounded above her head.

The little girl with bruises all over her body was shocked, and looked at... the woman who had saved her twice.

Different answer than others.

She heard it for the first time in her life.

Ying Baoyue looked at the little girl in her arms, smiled and said, "Of course you are not."

"Where did you come from, the wild girl?" The woman was stunned when she heard the sound, and then burst out laughing, "What a ghost you"

"Gui Da Sima." Ying Baoyue stood up holding Xu Wenning, and looked at Gui Chang who was standing indifferently, "When do you want to see it?"

She meddles in her own business and now counts on him to back her up?
Guichang looked at Ying Baoyue and sneered in his heart. The princess still couldn't figure out her position. How could she shatter her dream if she didn't embarrass her?

 High energy ahead

(End of this chapter)

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