Chapter 76
"This is yourself..."

Guichang looked at Ying Baoyue and spoke coldly, but his ridicule was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Ying Baoyue looked at him and said quietly, "I said that there will be no more wars, so conscription is unnecessary and can be stopped."

Before Guichang could react, the sound of a weapon falling to the ground came from inside the house.

"Big Sima?"

It was only then that the other soldiers in the room came to their senses, staring blankly at Guichang who was standing outside the room without saying a word, dropped the boy in his hand, and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"The last general is doing his duty with all his heart, and never thought that my lord, you have already finished your important affairs, finished..."

The leading soldier stared blankly at the girl in front of Guichang, poked his probe without showing any signs, and tried to speak.

"Ling... where is Mr. Ling?"

Didn't Master Da Sima say that he would come to this village to take away his own son and send him to the death camp?It is precisely because Master Sima is such an example, even if they don't want to, they have to work hard to catch enough people who can deal with their superiors...

Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chang, who was indifferent and livid, and smiled, "Your Excellency has a heavy responsibility, and there are more important missions. You are also the same, and the duty of conscription can be let go."

The soldiers in the house were at a loss when they heard the words and looked at the strange woman, let alone why the general behind Guichang kept winking at them.

"Your Highness, please don't make decisions for me." Gui Chang took a step forward, looked at Ying Baoyue and said coldly.

"Your Highness?" The confusion on the faces of the soldiers in the room turned into shock, and they stuttered as they looked at Ying Baoyue, "You... no, you are..."

"Your Highness?" The woman and Xu Wenning's father, who were yelling and spitting, could finally see other people.

Looking at Ying Baoyue, who was all in plain clothes, and Guichang, who was all in a beautiful and elegant manner, the two turned their eyes to Guichang and knelt down with a plop.

"Craftsman... folk woman... I don't know that the nobleman is visiting... I'm really offended..."

Standing on one side, Ying Baoyue glanced at the couple kneeling down to Guichang, and noticed that when she looked down into her arms, the little girl didn't look at Guichang and her parents, but just stared at her.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Are you... Her Royal Highness?" the little girl asked.

Ying Baoyue did not expect a seven or eight-year-old child to react faster than her parents, "Why do you ask?"

"My mother told me that only the princess and a dead woman can be called His Highness among the girls of our country of Qin." Xu Wenning said ignorantly.

What she was talking about was Qin, not the former Qin.

Ying Baoyue was startled, is this girl's mother an old man from Qin?
The other woman who died was...

"Sister, who are you?" The little girl's voice interrupted Ying Baoyue's thoughts, Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know..."

"Xu Wenning, you damn girl, why don't you come and kowtow!" The loud voice of the woman beside Xu's father interrupted her, with one eye exposed from her head lying on the ground, staring at Xu Wenning and the poorly dressed girl who was holding her.

"How could the princess come to such a place?" The woman felt amused when she heard their conversation.Although she is a woman from the mountains, isn't it clear at a glance who is superior?

What's more, is it true that the high official, the princess, will have such a non-salty attitude towards this woman?Even a village woman like her can feel that this girl who doesn't know how to watch people order dishes is as stupid as her mother.

"Sir, please do me a favor and let my son go..." The woman lay on the ground and took a few steps towards Guichang, "My son is not in good health, so he really can't go to the battlefield. Why don't you take my daughter with me?" Go ahead, deal with her whatever you want, let her be a maid in your house or something..."

"You woman! Why don't oil and salt come in and talk nonsense!" The lieutenant headed by Guichang couldn't stand it and shouted loudly, "How can you and other mountain people in the Hou Mansion...

"Okay." Just then, a female voice interrupted him suddenly.

Ying Baoyue looked at the couple kneeling on the ground, and the smile disappeared from the corner of her mouth, "This is not your daughter at all. Since you said so, she will have nothing to do with this family in the future."

"This..." Xu's father raised his head, hesitantly looked at the little girl in Ying Baoyue's arms, "Wenning, she..."

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and looked at the girl in her arms, "I have no intention of making a decision for you, you can choose to stay or leave later."

Did she... have a choice?

Xu Wenning stared blankly at the face above his head.

"Your Highness really likes to break up other people's families," Gui Chang said coldly, taking a step closer to Ying Baoyue.

"The ones who can be separated are not the real family members," Guichang heard this slanderous words, unexpectedly the woman in front of him did not waver at all, and just spoke so quietly.

"Really, can I really let my son go?" The woman beside Xu's father looked at Ying Baoyue suspiciously. At this time, she couldn't control whether she was contemptuous or not, but she felt that such a little girl's words didn't count at all.

"Although I can use this to make a deal with you, the conscription is about to end," Ying Baoyue looked at her and said, "Your son will be fine."

She won't pay the price in vain, if she can pay the price, then not only Gui Chen Gui Li, but also the whole village and the entire former Qin Yaozheng will not let them have trouble.

"Your Highness, you can't make any decisions," Gui Chang frowned, and his voice sank heavily, "Don't even try to stand in for me..."

"It's you who can't make any decisions." Hearing this, Ying Baoyue just stood up straight and glanced at him, "A minister has a duty to be a minister, don't try to make decisions for your majesty."

"Conscription is an edict issued by His Majesty in view of the fact that Princess Heqin disappeared. Now that the situation has changed, as a subject, he should report to the court as soon as possible and wait for His Majesty's order, instead of making troubles and making decisions for His Majesty!"

The girl scolded coldly.

Chu Ji behind Guichang slowly opened her eyes wide, and one of them was flickering with an unknown light.Looking at the slender girl in front of him, a general behind Guichang grasped the hilt of his sword and lowered his head deeply.

He is 45 years old this year. He was born in a humble family and had to fight in the battlefield for 30 years before he became a fifth-rank Xuanwu captain, and he was allowed to enter and leave the palace.

When he came from the military camp to the court hall and palace, he felt that he came from the ice cellar to the flowers. Now His Majesty is so weak that he can't even speak. When he sees Guichang, he will ask this and that in fear. Even if he is angry, he can't because of his weak body Just trembling with anger and unable to speak.

The last time I heard someone talk to Gui Da Sima like this...

At that time, Gui Da Sima was not Gui Chang.

Captain Xuanwu buried his head deeply, hiding the disrespectful thoughts in his heart.

The figures that overlapped at that moment.

It is His Majesty Taizu.



It has been a long time since Guichang was provoked to anger like this.

Looking at the overwhelmed girl in front of him, his chest heaved, but he found that this girl pushed everything on Ying Hanri to take over the name and made him unable to express it, so his heart was filled with overwhelming anger.

"Your Majesty has not taken back the order, so it should be carried out to the end!"

After a long while, he squeezed out these words through his teeth, but the girl in front of him looked up at the bird in the sky and said lightly, "Is this really good? Da Sima? In case the news of His Majesty's cancellation of the decree comes, you can just In a place of injustice."

Was that secret letter really sent to the palace?Would Ying Hanri believe her words?

Guichang clenched his fists under his sleeves, he knew very well that Ying Han was a soft-spoken person.

It's easy to control but everything is uncertain.

this princess...

"As for the conscription, I suggest that Da Sima stop for a while," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chang, who was livid in front of him, smiled, and walked towards the side of the road with the little girl in his arms.

She turned her head to look at the couple in the courtyard holding their son who was let go by the soldiers, "Take care of your son, I will take Xu Wenning away first, and if she wants to come back, I will let her go again,"

Xu's father wanted to say something else, but the woman beside him grabbed him, "Then... then whatever you want..."

Looking at the back of the girl who walked out alone, Gui Chang's face was so ugly that the soldier in charge of conscription looked at him in awe, "Master Gui, this..."

Guichang waved his hand with a livid face, "Let everyone in the village evacuate first!"

There was a sound of iron armor rubbing, and with the running and shouting of the soldiers, the entire village gradually fell silent. Guichang watched coldly as he put the little girl in his arms on the side of the road, and rolled up her trousers to check her wounds. back view of young girl.

"Your Highness, what exactly do you want to do?"

Ying Baoyue kept his hands, took out a small bamboo tube from his arms, and applied the ointment inside to the girl's bruised skin.

"What does Mr. Gui mean?"

"These unscrupulous people have nothing to do with His Highness at all, and loving the people like children is not what a princess should do." Gui Chang said coldly, "And you said before that you want to become a practitioner, who is behind His Highness's instigation? "

Women become practitioners?
The big joke of slipping the world!

If it wasn't for someone behind her, how could a little girl like her become so uncontrollable?

"Your Highness, don't daydream, honestly marrying to Nanchu to teach your husband and children is for the sake of our former Qin Sheji!"

Gui Chang shouted, the air became icy cold because of his anger.

However, the girl in front of him seemed to be unable to hear, and just concentrated on applying medicine to the little girl in front of him, which made Guichang even more annoyed.

Ignore his words for these civilians whose lives are worthless?Sure enough, women can't get on the stage, and even the benevolence of women can't be counted, it's meaningless...

However, in this icy air, a small voice sounded, and there was an imperceptible tremor in the voice.

"Sister, do you want to become a practitioner?"

Ying Baoyue, who was applying the medicine, paused her hands, looked at the little girl in front of her, smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

"In this way, we are the same."

"Can women also become practitioners? They all say that women have always been..." Perhaps no one in this world can understand what kind of mood Xu Wenning had when he asked this question.

There is another kind of pain than physical pain.

Nothing is better than your own beliefs being trampled on.

The mother stretched out her hand out of the window before she died, and her desperate eyes will always remain in the heart of the young girl.

Every inch is late, death is not a pity.

Everyone says...

"They said it was never possible?" Ying Baoyue stopped, looked at the little girl in front of her and smiled.And the next moment, she put away the smile on her face and stared at her seriously.

"It's always been like this, right?"

Xu Wenning was stunned.

"Does your leg still hurt?" The next moment she heard the gentle-eyed woman in front of her ask her.

The little girl shook her head blankly.

"This is the elixir that is said to be made only by practitioners," Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled.

"But this is what I did, and it works well."

The effect is not bad.

That woman said so.

Xu Wenning stared blankly into the eyes of the woman in front of him.

It's just a short moment.

Along with the disappearance of physical pain, there was the sound of something being pieced together.

It was just a moment that no one noticed.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound in the air.

Guichang's pupils shrank and his eyes widened in disbelief. Looking at the back of the girl in front of him, he suddenly stretched out his hand, but the next moment the hurricane from her body pushed him away!

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the young girl in front of her.

In the gust of wind, Xu Wenning also stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

A violent breath rose from Ying Baoyue's body and shot straight into the sky.

"Second brother?"

Among the lofty mountains, Li Ji suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at the clouds gathering in the sky in disbelief.

Gujing Wubo's dark eyes shook violently.

 The [-]-word chapter has finally written this plot.

  "It's always been like this, right?" - Lu Xun's "Diary of a Madman"

  All the causes that have been planted have the fruits that are now being borne.

  The way back is far away, and it is in full bloom today.

(End of this chapter)

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