Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 768

Chapter 768
"Yes..." Although she spoke boldly, Li Jinniang was still a little nervous if she really wanted to say such a thing.

However, at this moment, a girl's clear voice came from above the high platform.

"it's me."

The people in the audience sighed. Although there were many twists and turns before, the onlookers did not expect that the woman would dare to say such a sentence in front of the King of Nanchu.

"Miss Li Er, thank you."

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl beside him, watched Ying Baoyue clenched the hilt of his sword again, and said softly to the girl under the throne of Nanchu who had accepted the marriage contract.

"However, I can say what belongs to me."

something that belongs to her.

Jiang Yuanyuan who was beside Li Jinniang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In front of his moody father who never knew what he was thinking, he still didn't dare to speak loudly, but the girl on the high platform showed no fear.

She was inherently fearless.

"Oh? It's you?" The old man on the chariot really made people wonder what he was thinking forever. Looking at Ying Baoyue on the high platform, he narrowed his eyes, "So you are actually a female cultivator."

"I've been participating in the primary ceremony for so long, so Your Majesty didn't know about it." Ying Baoyue smiled, looked at Jiang Yuanyuan who was under the chariot, and said, "Second Highness, the blood alliance with you has now been realized."


Jiang Yuanyuan, who was originally worried about others, widened his eyes when he heard this.

She really delivered.

The practitioners and common people who had participated in the Jixia Banquet and witnessed the blood alliance with their own eyes were all stunned.

Once upon a time, the promise that I thought was an impossible joke when I heard it for the first time, is now really fulfilled by that girl.

In one month, six rounds of confrontation, countless battles, countless opponents, countless accidents, countless traps and conspiracies.

That girl has already broken through one by one, becoming the one standing above the young practitioner.

"At the Jixia Banquet, I made an agreement with the Second Highness Nanchu that I can participate in the primary ceremony, but I must get the leader."

Ying Baoyue stared at the Southern Chu King Jiang Liang on the chariot and said quietly, "If you can't get it, please enter Ninggu Pagoda."

"Now, I fulfilled the agreement and got the leader."

"Enter Ninggu Pagoda if you don't get the leader..." The old man on the chariot closed his eyes and repeated, and Jiang Yuanyuan got goosebumps all over his body underneath.

He knew very well that the news of the matter had been sent to the palace long ago, it was impossible for his father not to know, and now he was pretending not to know again!

"Well, this agreement is nothing. A Yuan likes to embarrass others as always." After a breathless silence, the old man on the chariot opened his eyes and said calmly.

Like embarrassing others... Jiang Yuanyuan sneered in his heart, but he was glad that he escaped.

It seems very likely that his elder brother's condition has worsened again, and because he is the only son left intact, his father reluctantly gave him a step up.

When the blood alliance was first established, he never expected that things would become such a big mess. In the end, even his marriage was brought forward.

"If you can really get the leader, this agreement is nothing." Southern Chu King Jiang Liang squinted at the girl on the stage, "It's just that you really got it..."

"His Majesty the King of Southern Chu," and at this moment, a man's cold voice came from the stage.

Ying Baoyue was startled, and looked at Li Ji who suddenly spoke beside him.

"I have heard that the rules of the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony are clear, and the duel is fair, so it is true at first sight," said the man wearing the bronze mask, looking at the old man on the chariot with his dark eyes. It really set a good example.”

Zhao Guang stood beside Li Ji in a daze, and then he clenched the jade pendant around his waist and echoed loudly, "Yes, yes! I must talk to my elder brother carefully when I go back, Nan Chu really does not stick to one pattern to drop talents!"

Looking at the two Soochow people on the stage, Southern Chu King Jiang Liang's eyes turned cold, but his wrinkled face was full of smiles.

"Oh, the Duke of Dongling also thinks so?"

"Of course, I'm sorry to say that the boy concealed his identity and participated in the primary ceremony as the stepson of Soochow Wu." Zhao Guang took a deep breath and looked at Ying Baoyue beside him.

"But watching the former princess of Qin go all the way to the final round, to the final, and finally to the final battle, it is really inspiring."

"Encouragement..." Jiang Liang stared at Zhao Guang and asked.

"Yes," the eyes of the old man on the walking chariot carried unspeakable pressure, but the eyes of another brother beside him were more determined, Zhao Guang gritted his teeth and said, "It's already been expected We met her at Soochow's Intermediate Ceremony, and had a good fight with Her Royal Highness, hahaha!"

"Intermediate Ceremony," the old man on the chariot narrowed his eyes and said leisurely, "Will Zhao Muren and Dongfang Yi allow her to participate in the Intermediate Ceremony?"

"Yes," Li Ji answered the question.

"Our Soochow naturally welcomes the leaders of this year's primary ceremony to come to Soochow to participate in the primary ceremony."

He reached out and took off Zhao Muren's Yuchang Sword from Zhao Guang's waist, "We Dongwu people never regret what we say."

Li Ji quietly drew out the king sword of the Eastern Wu today, "If you repent, the blood will splatter three feet, and you will never die!"

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this.

Zhao Guang was taken aback, looking at Xueliang's long sword, he could only scream in his heart, "Second brother, if you want to make a blood contract, don't pull him...

He doesn't usually work that hard...

"Soochow welcomes the leaders of the primary ceremony, regardless of gender?" The old man on the walking chariot squinted his eyes at Li Ji and Zhao Guang standing in front of Ying Baoyue, and the room fell into silence again.

Jiang Yuanyuan felt his father's cold breath on the chariot, this time he knew what his father was thinking.

Nan Chu is indeed unwilling to take the lead in admitting the first female leader, but Dongwu, the host country of the intermediate ceremony above the primary ceremony, has said that they will admit that they welcome each other to participate in the intermediate ceremony. Nanchu is no longer ready to deny it .

"Then, the former eldest princess of Qin," Jiang Liang looked at Ji Mo who was standing on the stage this time, "we all know that she entered the final battle, but did she really get the leader?"

"The National Teacher of Southern Chu has already sworn in the name of the Suzaku God, and publicly acknowledged his position as the leader," but before Ji Mo could answer, Ying Baoyue had already opened his mouth.

"The oath of the Eight Beast Gods is related to the destiny of a country, but I would like to thank the National Master of Nanchu for being such a firm guarantor for my little girl." Ying Baoyue said lightly, but the meaning in the words made people tremble with fear.

Ji Qingyuan was under the stage, looking at his father's tense jaw, he took a deep breath.

In any case, just now his father had publicly acknowledged Ying Baoyue's position as the leader.

It's just that the idea of ​​sending her back to Nanchu has come to nothing.

But everyone heard what was said before.

There was a dead silence on and off the stage.

Everyone was waiting for Suzaku Shenzi's response.

And right now.

"As the leader of the previous term, congratulations on the birth of this year's leader." In the dead silence on the high platform, Ji Jiashu took a step back and bowed to Ying Baoyue, speaking sincerely.

The boy was the first to send his blessing and acknowledgment to the girl before everyone else.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

"Yes," the man in black on the high platform closed his eyes, spoke quietly, and finally said those words under the eyes of the surrounding practitioners and the King of Nanchu.

"The leader of this year's primary ceremony has been determined, and it will be the former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue."

On the high platform, a bell rang.

People opened their eyes wide, opened their mouths wide, and under the moonlight, watched the moment when history was refreshed.

In the seventh year of the Warring States Period, the leader of the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony was born at this time.

She is.

The first woman in history to enter this position.

She is.

The former Qin princess, Ying Baoyue.

(End of this chapter)

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