Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 769 End

Chapter 769 End
Listening to the last bell ringing on the high platform, everyone on Nanchu Mountain today seemed like a dream.


Some practitioners murmured.

When the bell rang, it meant that the month-long ceremony had finally come to an end.

Too many things happened this month, too many accidents happened.

Before it started, no one would have thought that Zihua Mountain would eventually collapse, no one would have thought that the retreating national teacher would leave the seclusion, no one would have thought that the Soochow king would be mixed in with a pseudonym, no one would have thought that the final battle of the primary ceremony would be repeated. The previous Quebec was involved.

No one thought that after a month of hard work, the one who climbed above hundreds of practitioners was a 15-year-old girl who came to Nanchu from Qin Dynasty to get married.

It was already dark, the night wind was cold and the moon was like water.

Looking at the pair of young men and women who walked down the high platform side by side, all the practitioners showed awe and complicated expressions.

Under the instruction of King Nanchu, their marriage contract was not broken.

This is a pair of young fiancee, but what is even more astonishing is that this pair of fiancees are both the leaders of the primary ceremony.

This has never happened before in the history of the practice world.

"It turns out that both of them have become the first in the primary ceremony..."

"Such a woman with cultivation talent..."

"This scene looks like..."

The scene where unmarried couples are both at the top of the primary ceremony has indeed never happened before, but the scene in front of them is not unfamiliar to the old people of Nanchu.

"The two of them walked side by side, and they looked like the Commander-in-Chief and Master Guoshi back then..."

"Hush! What are you talking about, old man! The National Teacher is here! Don't worry about mentioning that woman!"

The uproar in the crowd came to an end, and people's unfinished words were interrupted.However, Ji Qingyuan, who was standing in the crowd, was taken aback when he heard the words, and closed his eyes as he looked at Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu who walked down the high platform side by side.

He knew why some elderly people would think so.

Because it really is.

A young unmarried couple, both of them are stunningly talented.

He had never seen his father and his mother together.But Ji Qingyuan has no doubt that when his mother and father traveled together in Southern Chu, it must be what it is now.

As it is now, a picturesque look.

Although Ji Ange and their mother look exactly like each other, Ji Qingyuan knows very well that the person who resembles his mother the most will always be her.

Thinking of this, Ji Qingyuan suddenly thumped in his heart.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at his father who was standing behind the crowd and was giving orders to the immortal officials to arrange for the people to go down the mountain.

Then he clearly saw that after his father finished the order, he raised his head and glanced at Ying Baoyue's back.

No one can understand that look.

Ji Qingyuan's heart was slightly cold.

His father had spared no effort to send this woman back to his country, perhaps not just because he hated her.

Ji Qingyuan looked at the veil on Ji Ange's face beside him, and his breath became short of breath.

For so many years, that man didn't even want to see his daughter's face.

Ji Qingyuan knew very well that although eight years had passed, he had grown from an ignorant boy to a man who could think independently, but it was still impossible for him to understand his father's love-hate relationship with his mother.

It is even more impossible to figure out what happened between the previous generation.

But now the engagement between Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu has not been broken.That means that the girl will return to Nanchu Guoshi Mansion with Ji Jiashu later.

There is the National Teacher's Mansion where his father is.

So what happens after this...?
No matter what happens, today's primary ceremony is over.Although there were still many immortal officials who were still dissatisfied and doubtful about the result, the King of Nanchu on the chariot spoke at this moment.

"It's almost dawn, and I've been tired all day. Let the common people go down the mountain quickly, and the immortal officials too. Don't delay going to court tomorrow."

The king of Southern Chu was about to go to court after a long absence, and all the immortal officials didn't have the heart to argue with the national teacher, and hurried down the mountain to go home to prepare, leaving faster than the common people.

Only the people who like to be lively are still staring at the boys and girls coming down from the high platform.

Since the chief commander could not be mentioned, people could only look at Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue and sigh.But at this moment, the other two teenagers also walked off the stage, and the four of them walked together behind the two.Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to them.

After all, these two are...

"It's King Tangling and Lord Zhaohua!"

The two walking behind Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue are also very eye-catching.Especially Li Ji, even though he couldn't see his face clearly with a mask on, all high-level practitioners couldn't take their eyes off him.

"Mr. Zhaohua... the 21-year-old Tianjie..."

"He shouldn't be participating in the Intermediate Ceremony, right?"

"Age is fine, but what if he joins other people's games? Probably not..."

"But Mr. Zhaohua was speaking for the former Qin princess just now, right? What is the relationship between these two people?"

"This Soochow man didn't make a successful marriage proposal and didn't react at all. Will he rob people after this?"

The gossiping eyes of the people were burning, and Ji Jiashu, who was walking beside Ying Baoyue, twitched his brows slightly when he heard the discussions of the people around him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the eyes of Li Ji who was walking behind suddenly stopped on Ying Baoyue.

Everyone was cheering and looking at him, but the man was only looking at the girl in front of him.

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue also stopped.

At this time, there were still about ten steps left under the tree where Chen Zi, Chu Ji, Qingyuan and the others were standing.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, wondering if she had noticed the gaze of the person behind her, but at this moment a man's steady voice came from behind the girl.

"Is the time limit up?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled with her back turned to him, "It looks like this."

"Time limit?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback when he heard the words, what time limit?
"It's a good thing you've survived until now," Li Ji's voice came from behind the two of them again, and the dark eyes of the man in the bronze mask were complex.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt."

Li Ji quietly watched the back of the girl who was a step away in front of her.

In her life, she would probably never tell anyone that she was in pain.

"How much longer?" He asked lightly.

"About three breaths." Ying Baoyue replied.

Li Ji raised his head and estimated the time it would take to reach Guichen and the others, then took a deep breath, "You don't have to hold on any longer, I will take you to his side."

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the big tree not far away, and smiled slightly, "Can you catch me?"

"I can," Li Ji said, and then glanced at Ji Jiashu beside her who had already realized the problem, "He can too."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Ying Baoyue said, she turned her head and glanced at Li Ji who had rushed over behind her unexpectedly.

"Don't hold on anymore, I don't need anyone to help me heal, just let me sleep."


Ji Jiashu's heart was shocked when he heard the words, and then the man wearing the bronze mask behind him looked up and said quietly, "Okay, I promise you. Go to sleep."

After Li Ji finished speaking, Ji Jiashu saw the girl beside him smiling at him, "Then I'll go to sleep first."

After speaking, she seemed to lose all her strength, closed her eyes and fell backwards.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, and the man standing behind her seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, he took a step forward to support her back, and the next moment he pulled out a few silver needles from her shoulder with his backhand.

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide, looking at the blood-stained silver needle in Li Ji's hand.

"She has already reached her limit," Li Ji said quietly, looking into the eyes of the young man beside him, "The meridians are all empty."

Holding on with one breath, no one on and off the stage noticed her strangeness.

"But you don't have to blame yourself too much," Li Ji explained to Ji Jiashu who gritted his teeth, "She hides it so well that normal people can't find it, and your father may not be able to see it."

If the Southern Chu State Teacher finds out, I don't know what will happen.

Even he was plotted against by her before, there is nothing she can't hide.If he hadn't seen such a technique before, he wouldn't even know her physical condition.

However, it was such a young girl who finally got the leader and walked down the stage with her own feet.

Li Ji looked at the girl who was quietly sleeping with eyes closed in his hands, and lifted her into the hands of Gui Chen who was not far away with an anxious face.

"Carry your princess back home, she has worked hard today."

Only the back of this ex-Qin boy can make her feel more at ease at this time.

Gui Chen carried Ying Baoyue on his back, and at this moment a ray of dawn broke through the sky, and the boys and girls under the tree raised their heads to look at the sky.

The long night is over.



The wind with ice and snow rolled up from under the broken rock wall of Zihua Mountain, blowing from south to north.

At this time, on the distant frozen soil, there is also a young man looking up at Zhaoyang.

This is a wasteland.

On the frozen soil covered with dark red blood and corpses, a young man in black armor was thrusting a sword into the chest of the soldier in front of him.

Bright red blood flowed from the blade to his palm, but he remained indifferent.

The cavalryman who was hit by the sword stared at the face of the person in front of him in astonishment and widened his eyes, "Ghost..."

The man couldn't finish the sentence, because the young man with the sword stabbed another three points with the sword.

The corpse on the sword slid down softly, making a muffled sound on the frozen ground.

The boy in black armor just watched this scene quietly.

At this moment, a ray of dawn hit his face, and the young man raised his head quietly, looking at the sun rising on the horizon.

I saw a hideous ghostly face on his face.



 The end of everything is just the beginning of everything.

  The character finally made his debut.In fact, he appeared in the chapter when Teng Snake woke up.

  This is also the role I have been thinking about. If he doesn't show up, everything can't start.

(End of this chapter)

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