Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 770

Chapter 770
The bright morning sun shone on the boy's iron face.

The mask has a ferocious Shura appearance, reflecting his eyes that seem to be covered with ice.

Looking at the newborn sun, the boy narrowed his eyes, then lowered his head and looked indifferently at the corpse lying on the ground.

After confirming that no one stood up again, he quietly walked to a blood-stained stone and sat down.

The cold wind whimpered through the gaps in his armor.

Even though summer is turning into early autumn, the land is still shrouded in severe cold.

The boy's expression is commonplace, because this piece of land is frozen all year round, and the scenery has never changed in the slightest.

And in such a cold wind, the boy was not wearing any other clothes except for a pair of black armor.The arms protruding from the armor were red from the cold, and ribs could even be seen in the gaps in the breastplate, but the boy's expression did not change at all.

He just sat naked in a pair of armor in the cold wind, like a sculpture, as if waiting for something.

Surrounded by the corpses of dead people, but he seemed to be used to seeing such scenes, his eyes were as indifferent as a layer of ice for a thousand days.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy's neck, which had been sitting motionless on the rock, suddenly moved. The boy slightly stretched out his hand to touch it, and picked off a black spot from it.

It turned out that an ant had crawled onto his neck.

The boy fixedly looked at his fingertips, and the next moment he bent down and gently placed the ant on the blood-stained ground.

Just when he straightened up, a hoarse male voice suddenly came from a distance.


The boy wearing the Shura mask raised his head, and a boy also wearing black armor came from a distance.

This boy didn't wear a mask on his face, and the armor style was even simpler. He was originally handsome, but a tattoo across his face representing a sinner ruined half of his face.

It's just that this boy simply painted thick colored mud on the other half of his face, making him look even more ferocious, not like a person, but more like a ghost.

However, at this time, on that ferocious face, the expression was rare and sad and solemn.

"Abo," the boy wearing the Shura mask straightened up, looked at the thorny boy approaching not far away, and said calmly, "Put that look on your face away."

"That look doesn't suit us."

The young man named He Lianbo was taken aback when he heard the words, gritted his teeth to put away the sadness in his eyes, walked up to the young man in front of Shura, and bowed.

Then he looked up at the person sitting on the rock and said softly, "Master, Ah Heng's soul lamp is off."

The soul lamp went out.

For practitioners, the soul lamp goes out, which proves that the person is dead.

The young man sitting on the stone had a fixed gaze, but the next moment there was no emotion in his eyes.

The cold wind blows coldly across the frozen ground.

The boy's gaze was more like a stone than the stone under his seat.

"Really," he said lightly the next moment, "I see."

"Young Master..." Looking at the mask on the face that would never reveal any emotion on his face, He Lianbo couldn't help but choked up and asked, "Ah Heng, will he come back?"

"Probably not," the boy on the rock looked up at the endless Changshengtian, and at the south he had never been to.

"If he doesn't come back, he has actually obtained real relief."

He Lianbo was taken aback.

"You don't have to feel sad for him," the young man looked at He Lianbo and said quietly, "Being able to die inside the Great Wall can be regarded as fulfilling his wish."

He Lianbo was startled, thinking of the origin of the dead man, he clenched his fists.

"Did his soul lamp shake at the end?" the boy asked.

"No, no," He Lianbo took a deep breath, "Heng's soul quietly extinguished."

"Really?" The eyes of the boy on the stone flickered, "That proves that when he died, he was peaceful."

For that young man full of hatred, it was really a surprise.

At the last moment, the boy who didn't belong here should have received some comfort.

"You should be happy for him," the boy in iron armor looked up at the Great Wall towering far below the sky, "Ah Heng, he has been liberated from now on."

Unlike them, he will be trapped in the hatred of his parents for life, and he will not be able to escape.

"Relief..." He Lianbo repeated in a daze.

"However," the masked boy looked down at the ants leaving on the ground, "Since Ah Heng failed, it means that the woman should have won."

He Lianbo was startled, then gritted his teeth and nodded, "The final result hasn't come yet, but..."

"There won't be any surprises. Even if there were, she should win." The boy raised his head and said, "Yafu's prophecy turned out to be true."

"It turns out that there are dead people who can be resurrected in this world."

He Lianbo was shocked when he heard the sound, "Master Yunwu's divination result came out?"

"It came out a long time ago, but it was only deciphered not long ago." The boy patted his knees and stood up. "If the final result is consistent with the divination result, then I should not be able to stay here anymore."

"My lord?" Helian Bo asked in astonishment as he looked at the boy who got up, "Does the king want you to..."

"I heard that even Mr. Zhaohua of Soochow showed his face," the young man said indifferently, "This time, the Soochow Intermediate Ceremony must be very lively."
"Soochow..." He Lianbo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "After this..."

"The high-level ceremony is unpredictable, but the middle-level ceremony has not been held for six years." The young man touched the mask on his face, "This will be the largest middle-level ceremony on the Shanhai Continent in ten years."

"The news has come that Guanghua from the Northern Wei Dynasty and Fenghua from the Hou Liao Dynasty will definitely go. Needless to say, Chunhua Zhaohua, even Qionghua from the Mid-Tang Dynasty who couldn't participate will go to help his nephew."

"That old man in Zhongtang will go too?" He Lianbo asked in a daze.

"He's not old," the young man glanced at him coldly.

"But...but isn't it already over 30 years old..." He Lianbo lowered his head and said.

"He didn't go to participate, he was probably just making an idea," the young man said indifferently, "but you must not underestimate him, that man probably knows no less secrets than any son of God."

"The talents from the six countries, let's all gather in this intermediate ceremony," the young man looked at the southern sky. "Compared with the intermediate level, this time the elementary level is nothing more than a trivial matter."

The real power on the Shanhai Continent did not show up at all.

But this unusual primary ceremony will also awaken these powers.

"The two-time leader Yakui, the five sons of gods, Jixia Academy, Beihan Pavilion, and the Wind and Rain Building in the middle Tang Dynasty," the eyes of the boy in Shura's mask narrowed slightly, "It's really a group of talents, young and old. what."

Listening to the description of the masked boy in front of him, He Lianbo gradually opened his eyes wide.

And at this moment, a middle-aged man's roar came from a distance, "Master! Your Majesty calls you over!"

"Here we come," the boy wearing the Shura mask got up and walked towards the direction of the voice, and looked back at He Lianbo who was stunned behind him.

"Such a big scene, how can we be missing."

He raised his head, looked towards the southern sky and spoke softly.

"The former Princess of Qin Ying Baoyue, I'll go see her."

The cogs of fate have been turned.

It's not over.

The real Seven Kingdoms.

just now.

just began.

(End of this chapter)

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