Chapter 82
That slap came extremely fast.

Everyone didn't react, and even those who did, pretended not to.

He watched indifferently as the man rushing down from the jade steps slapped his sister with bloodshot eyes.

Then I watched helplessly... the girl just took a step back.

The next moment, the man in the black dragon robe swung his round arm and staggered forward.

The palace people around who were originally indifferent opened their eyes wide at this moment.

Looking at the picture that developed in a direction they didn't expect in an instant.

Ying Baoyue maintained her original posture and stood there.

And the man who was originally aggressive was panting and his footsteps were flimsy. After being dodged with too much force, he couldn't stand still, and he fell forward!
"His Majesty!"

The surrounding palace people and officials screamed.

Now those who pretended to be dead, pretended to be stupid, and sympathized but didn't dare to move all reacted.

Guichang led the way, and the familiar eunuch Ying Baoyue reacted the fastest, and quickly stepped forward to support the man in the dragon robe.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

The people around knelt down in an instant, amidst the turmoil, Ying Baoyue stood up straight, staring quietly at the young man surrounded by Guichang and the eunuchs.

That's right, boy.

Although he is old enough to get married and have children in this era, Ying Baoyue clearly remembers his age.

The last time I saw him in my memory, he was still hiding behind the concubine mother and staring at her child fiercely.

At this time, he could be called a teenager, or even a man.

But compared to the position he occupies, he is still young.

He is the youngest monarch of the six kingdoms within the Great Wall.

According to the year she left, he should be 17 years old this year, a little over two years older than her current body.

Looking at the aggressive young man in front of him, Ying Baoyue knew who he was even if he didn't give his name.

Looking at the face wrapped in the black dragon robe that she should have been unfamiliar with for some reason, Ying Baoyue's heart suddenly surged with murderous aura, and she instinctively touched her waist, but found nothing. Just woke up.

The next moment, she bit the tip of her tongue and suppressed the impulse engraved in her bones with willpower.

He is not him.

Looking at the face that resembled that person, Ying Baoyue said to her soul over and over again in her heart, before she could barely control the impulse.

He is not Ying Hao.

Ying Baoyue's nails dug into her palm, and she looked at the face in front of her with a complicated expression, which was almost identical but younger than she remembered.

He and his father look so much alike.

Although she knew it from the memory of the little princess, but the moment she saw that face just now, her killing intent went faster than her memory.

However, the one standing in front of her was no longer the Second Emperor who had a deep relationship with her, but his son, her current elder brother.

The last emperor of the Qin Empire, the current former King of Qin, Ying Hanri.

"you you……"

However, compared to his name, this young man in front of him is really ugly.With the support of his favorite minister, the eunuch, Ying Hanri managed to stand still, pointing at Ying Baoyue and trembling with anger.

Looking at the young brother who has deep dark circles under his eyes, Ying Baoyue quietly looked at him twice, and after confirming that he could control his killing intent, he kept a safe distance from him and walked towards him quietly. present.

"Brother Huang, I'm back."

"" It seems that the slap in the face was indeed a big blow to this young man. It took you a long time to cough and stand upright, and you waved your hand violently to show your dragon power as much as possible. Baoyue yelled loudly.

"How dare you hide!"

Focus on this first?

Ying Baoyue maintained her salute posture and frowned slightly. This young former King of Qin didn't care about state affairs or marriage for the first time when he saw her, but his slap?
"It's been so many years, I didn't expect Ying Hanri to still be so underdeveloped."

Looking at the pair of brothers and sisters in the strange atmosphere in front of the main hall, a boy's voice sounded from a tree in front of a slightly dilapidated palace in the distance.

Zhao Guang looked at the distraught Ying Hanri, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"As expected of Ying Hao's son."

"The second emperor has the throne, at least don't call him by his first name," a man's quiet voice came from beside him, Li Ji's dark eyes under the bronze mask looked at him, "At least in the former Qin land, at least you can't."

"Although that person has disappeared, it is said that he is still in the territory of the former Qin Dynasty."

Zhao Guang was choked and touched his chest with lingering fear.

Although he seemed to be underestimated, Zhao Guang understood what his brother was worried about.

Of course, it's not about worrying about Ying's ancestors.Although they sneaked into the former Qin Palace now, Zhao Guang knew very well that his elder brother was not jealous of the Second Emperor.

That being, who doesn't even call his elder brother by his name, is not a human being.

It was Teng Snake, one of the eight beast gods who formed a pact with the Qin imperial family back then.

The Eight Beast Gods have guarded sleeping regions since ancient times. After Emperor Ying's distribution of the feudal lords ended, except for the one who rebelled against Xi Rong, the other seven Beast Gods returned to their respective regions to protect the major vassal states. The medium, forged a guardianship contract with the local feudal family.

Teng Snake, as the animal god with the deepest relationship with Da Si Ming Lin Shubai, naturally stayed in the original area of ​​Qin State, which is the remaining area of ​​the former Qin State.

Its power is rumored to have been guarding the descendants of the Ying family.

It should be so.


After the great commander Lin Shubai died on the Great Wall, the beast god Teng Snake disappeared.Although the former Qin priest has repeatedly expressed to the Six Kingdoms that Teng Snake God has cooperated well with them...

But ghosts believe it.

No matter how much the former Qin Immortal Official whitewashed the peace.Seven years ago, when the second emperor passed away, Ying Hanri succeeded to the throne, and there was no divine revelation when he offered sacrifices to heaven, which is the best proof.

Back then when Ying Hanri stood at the altar, the former Qin Immortal official shouted to the sky for a long time, and even the wind did not blow on the altar after the ceremony.

Zhao Guang had never seen that scene before, but he knew how embarrassing it was.


Zhao Guang squinted his eyes and looked at the pale little emperor in the distance, or the original little emperor.

Although the Teng Snake God ignored the former Qin Immortals and the royal family, it was not completely gone.

Many people who wanted to test this person and committed blasphemous behaviors disappeared completely later.

The Soochow National Master confirmed with them that unlike the Qinglong God who has completely disappeared, the breath of the Soaring Snake God is still in the world.

As for why it no longer sent divine revelations to respond to the requests of the former Qin people...

His national teacher had once slipped the tongue to him and his elder brother when he was drunk, and he still remembered that his son of god laughed mockingly and muttered.

"The bunch of immortal officials in the former Qin Dynasty think everyone is the chief commander Lin Shubai?"

"You can't even expect that existence to respond to them at the second level? Just dream."

Thinking of this, Zhao Guang deeply agrees.A beast god who originally dealt with a human god of the same rank would pay attention to a third-rank immortal official?


There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings.

Happily, there is no self-knowledge.

This is the current former Qin Dynasty.

Looking at Ying Hanri in the distance who was furious because his sister resisted him, Zhao Guang frowned and suddenly sighed slowly.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings.

It doesn't just refer to immortal officials.

The sneering smile on the corner of Zhao Guang's mouth faded, thinking of that person, he couldn't help sighing slowly.

"If the eldest prince is still alive, how could the country be in such chaos."

Li Ji, who was watching the woman, was startled when he heard the words, his fingers moved slightly, his dark eyes flickered, and he spoke quietly for a moment of silence.

"There are no ifs in this world."

"Yes," Zhao Guang was taken aback, and took a deep breath.

If that person was really alive, many things would never have happened.

The country, no, the empire would be otherwise.

He raised his head and looked at the sky outside the palace wall, as if he saw the gentle appearance of that young man and the words that made people feel like a spring breeze.

The second emperor, Ying Hao, was not at all the orthodox heir of the empire.

Zhao Guang's eyes dimmed slightly.

Taizu Emperor Yingdi had two sons.

The person who should really inherit the throne should be the First Prince.

He became famous at a young age, gentle and refined, the highness whom everyone who met him praised.

The First Prince, Ying Su.

However, just when everyone thought that the future of the empire was bright, nine years ago, that is, one year before the death of Emperor Taizu, the eldest prince Ying Su fell off a cliff during a hunt. He was only 27 years old.

The empire thus lost its most promising heir.

The whole country mourns.

However, all this is not over.

The accidental death of the eldest prince seemed to be an accident, but then a rumor spread across the entire continent in an instant, and the city was full of storms.

It's all because of the hunt that Ying Su participated in, and a prince participated.

That was the second prince Ying Hao back then.

This is enough to show a deep taste of conspiracy.

However this is not over.

Just one month before the hunt, an incident happened, which is said to have caused a huge rift in the relationship between the eldest prince Ying Su and Ying Hao.

Zhao Guang looked at his elder brother who was exuding coldness beside him, with a complicated expression.

That incident was once blamed as the cause of the eldest prince Ying Su Yingnian's early death.

The other master of this incident was also criticized and hated as a disaster.

Looking at the pair of brothers and sisters in the distance, Zhao Guang didn't know why he suddenly remembered this matter, but right in the palace of the former Qin Dynasty, he suddenly remembered the marriage contract that shocked the whole continent nine years ago.

One month before the eldest prince Ying Su died unexpectedly, what happened to him was none other than engagement.

One month before the eldest prince Ying Su died unexpectedly, he had a marriage contract with someone.

And that person is none other than.

It was 17 years old.

Lesser life.

Lin Baoyue.

 Do you feel high energy, my friends.In fact, this plot has been laid out for a long time, and there are more powerful ones behind.

(End of this chapter)

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