Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 83 Homecoming

Chapter 83 Homecoming
Just when the former Qin Emperor's Palace was in dire straits, the news that the princess Heqin was about to return to the imperial court also spread to the small mountain village beside Lishan Mountain.

The originally scorched roof of the small courtyard has been roughly repaired, but there are still traces of scorched black.

It was another day when the sun was rising, and Guichen sat quietly on the steps in the courtyard just like the previous ten days.

There was no sadness or joy on the boy's face, he just watched the courtyard quietly, occasionally looking at a corner of the wall, but quickly looked away as if being stung by something.

The girl left, and the days she lived in this yard were like a dream.

Just leave a sentence to forget her.

I don't know if it's because of this unfeeling words, after half a month, Gui Chen can hardly remember how he felt when he saw her back and left.

Gui Chen thought that he would be unwilling to be angry and sad, but after so many days, he found that what remained in his heart the most was emptiness.

He didn't know what to do next, and he couldn't even get up the mountain.

That woman had only lived in this yard for half a month, but she actually had such a big impact on his way of life.

It's just scary.

She made him forget her, but how will the people left behind get out of this dream?
Relying on the life she saved, to survive in this forgotten village like this?

How can people who have eaten meat return to the previous world?

But what does he want to do if he doesn't go back?What can I do?
revenge?Practice?But his biggest enemy now is his father.

To snatch a kiss?

A self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Gui Chensiji's mouth.

He is an ordinary person who can't even save his own life, let alone interfere with the peace between the two countries.

What else can he do?
"Mother, I've been sitting in the yard for another day." Gui Li looked at the figure sitting on the steps in the yard, and sighed in his heart, "If this goes on..."

Mrs. Mu, who was busy on the stove, wiped his hands and raised his head. He was startled when he heard this, and then said lightly, "Leave him alone."

"Mother?" Gui Li was stunned.

Gui Li always felt that his mother's eyes became much more determined than before.

Mu looked up at his son in the courtyard, "If he can't stand up by himself, it will be a waste of His Royal Highness's love for him."

"His Highness's heart..." Gui Li was stunned upon hearing this, biting his lips with a complicated expression.

"You too." Mu Shi turned to face her and leaned slightly, put his hands on the shoulders of his little daughter, and stared into her eyes.

"Don't forget, your body... also has His Highness's intentions."

"I will never forget." Gui Li looked at Mu Shi and said solemnly. "I'll live on."

Only in this way can I not let down... that person.

"Me... me too!"

At this moment, an immature female voice came from the stove, Mu looked at the newly adopted adopted daughter who was diligently peeling beans with a small bench, bent down and patted the little girl's head, "Well, Wen Ning Remember it too."

"Mother too." Madam Mu straightened up while stroking her chest, looked at her son in the courtyard, and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"Although His Highness wants us to forget." The woman looked at her daughters with a smile, which was actually a bit mischievous, "But she can't come back to check, can she?"

Seeing his mother's smile, Gui Li also laughed, as if she had grown up overnight.

Even she understands.

At this time, the more they want to live happily.

It's just that some pain can't be overcome for the time being.

Gui Li looked at his brother's back, "Mother, is she really... not coming back?"

Mu Shi shook his head.

"That's a man who walks the talk."

If there is no accident, she will really marry to Nanchu. At least that His Highness will not run away on the way to see off her relatives if he says he will not run away.

But... will there be no accidents?
The eyes of the woman who had gone through vicissitudes dimmed slightly.

"Then she is really going to marry Mr. Chunhua..." Gui Li said in a daze, the scene of discussing that absurd marriage in this yard before appeared before his eyes, but he didn't know that the words were prophesied at the beginning.

"Are you married..."

Mu Shi suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant clouds through the skylight of the kitchen.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Gui Li could only feel a strange emotion suddenly appearing on his mother's body.

"It's nothing." Mrs. Mu came back to her senses, "Just talking about getting married, Mother suddenly thought of someone."

"Who is it?" Gui Li blinked.

"Holding the moon...Your Highness." Mu Shi was stunned and said.

"Your Highness Princess? Aren't we just talking about Your Highness Princess?" Gui Li became more and more puzzled, wondering why his mother suddenly called him by his first name.

"Speaking of it this way, it's actually the same name." Mu Shi was startled when he heard the sound, and his eyes became farther away.


"Li'er, do you still remember that you asked me why you still believe in Da Si Ming?" Mrs. Mu looked down at her little daughter.

Gui Li was stunned, "Because you have seen her?"

Da Si Ming Lin Shubai is a figure that all people in the former Qin Dynasty can't get around, and for Gui Li, he is a figure from the previous era.

Although her name cannot be mentioned in many places, her name still cannot be ignored.

Most young people who grew up listening to the past hated her, but no matter how much Lin Shubai was cursed, some old people still believed in her.

These people are few, mostly old and destitute because of their beliefs, but they do exist.

Gui Li had heard about it when he was chatting with the villagers, most of these people were... people who had personally met the Commander-in-Chief.

People in the village often say that it must be that witch who knows sorcery and can confuse everyone who has seen her.

"No," Mu Shi shook his head, "I haven't seen her before."

"The one I've met is another one." Looking at her little daughter's ignorant gaze, Mu's eyes flickered with emotions that Gui Li couldn't understand.

"The one I have seen is the young commander."

Chief Commander Lin Shubai is the most beloved, the most gifted, and the most legendary disciple.

Shao Commander, Lin Baoyue.

Gui Li opened his eyes wide, his heart trembling slightly.

"Actually, you have seen her before." Mu Shi patted her head, "It's just that you were too young, and you were still held in my arms."

"Really?" Gui Li didn't expect that he could have anything to do with this kind of woman who lived in legends, and his eyes widened.

"She...what does she look like? What kind of person is she? Is she..."

Is it really as in the legend...beautiful?

Of course, Gui Li didn't have the nerve to ask this sentence.

Rumors can be made up to attract people's attention, and the rumors in the mountains and fields are even more useless. In the rumors related to Shao Siming Lin Baoyue, the only thing related to cultivation is that she is a demon girl repeatedly. I was numb, but I remembered one thing that was often mentioned helplessly.

That is the rumor that Lin Baoyue, the young commander, was said to have been charming since she was a child, and she could even be called peerless.

The 1 tongue-in-cheek women in the village don't want to praise the young commander, but if you want to talk about the "two dragons fighting for the pearl" that made a lot of noise in the capital, it's impossible not to mention it.

After all, in the eyes of those women in the village, if the young commander hadn't had that face, how could he have caused the two princes to scramble?

How is she worthy!
Hearing too many rumors, even Guili became curious about the appearance of that young commander.Seeing how nostalgic her mother was, she must have been impressed by that person's appearance.

It must be so.

"By the way, what does that Shao Si Ming look like? Mother?"

However, Gui Li didn't expect Mu Shi to be taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at her and shook his head.

"I don't know." The young woman said softly, "I have never met that Highness directly."

All she saw was a back view.

However, it was that back view that left an indelible impression on her throughout her life.

That was the last time Mu family had an audience with her husband in the palace, but that audience was unsuccessful.

Because it hasn't started yet.

Something happened in the palace.

 What the young commander ordered Lin Baoyue to look like might become a mystery that has not been solved for thousands of years, because that person himself lacks self-awareness about his own appearance.Everyone will know what her aesthetics look like after seeing it later.

(End of this chapter)

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