Chapter 84
Two dragons compete for the pearl.

What a vulgar and ironic name.

When it comes to the upheaval in the palace that day, one has to mention the ups and downs of the marriage that year.

Mu Shi slightly clenched his wrist.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the curious eyes of his daughter in front of him, Mu's expression was complicated.

Now that I think about it, when the girl made great military exploits and was named princess, she was exactly the same age as the youngest daughter in front of her.

She was only 13 years old at that time.

When Gui Li was still acting like a spoiled child to her and arguing with her brother, the girl who was the same age as her was brought to the battlefield by her master.And it was also the front line of the most intense and cruel border war between Daqin and Xirong.

Mu raised his head to look at Liu Yun in the distance, and clenched his hands even tighter.

However, that girl was actually younger when she was first involved in that turmoil.

"Why do you want to know what Shao Si Ming looks like?" Mu looked down at his daughter.

Gui Li lowered his head in embarrassment, "It's the rumor about the two dragons competing for the pearl. I heard that His Royal Highness the Second Prince and the First Prince both competed to marry her. I'm a little curious."

Momo took a deep breath.

Rumors in the market never mention the achievements that woman has made for this country, but they always bring up the past nine years ago, which is really ironic.

Mu Shi knew very well what kind of ghostly rumors Gui Li had heard since she was a child, but she was powerless to stop it.Those who spread these rumors have never seen the characters in the rumors, and they don't care about the so-called truth or falsehood. They can only speculate freely based on what they know.

But those people don't know anything at all.

That's why Mu felt ironic.

Regarding the entanglement of the royal family back then, the rumors were mixed with too much malice and conspiracy, and the rumors were so violent that even Mrs. Mu almost believed it back then. There was a lot of discussion.

And that matter, of course, was the matter of Da Si Ming's disciple Lin Baoyue finally getting engaged.

That year, the girl had just turned 17 years old and had not yet received the title of Shao Si Ming. People in the palace still called her Princess Zhaoyang.

Although she hadn't obtained the title yet, at that time, she was already at the peak of the third rank.

Mu Shi is not a practitioner, and she is not sensitive to the level of cultivation, but even she knows that this level is unusual.

Not to mention the home she married into, even if it was her natal family with a deep foundation, if she could be promoted to the sixth rank of the earth rank before the age of 20, it would be enough to be trained as a master of the town clan, and her status would be highly respected.

The earth ranks in their teens are the pride of heaven, let alone the heaven ranks.

At that time, there were no more than 30 people in the entire Shanhai Continent, but she was still so young.

All records of breakthroughs became nonsense after having her. Every time she broke through a level, the entire practice world would be shaken.

The horror of that girl can be seen from this.

Regardless of other things, when she broke through to the heavenly level, Mu still remembered that her father, who was over seventy years old, was silent at home for a day.

In the end, I had to sigh, the younger generation is awesome.

A big commander is enough to make the Qin family vigilant, but who would have thought that the speed of the master's apprentice's breakthrough would easily break his master's record.

However, not only the level of practitioners, but also the Princess Zhaoyang has too many secrets.Even though the whole state of Qin wanted to ignore this woman, the betrothal partner hadn't been determined yet, but when the news came out that this person was going to be betrothed, the whole city of Guiyang was shaken.

For a while, it became the biggest news in Guiyang City and even the entire Qin Empire.

The disciple of the Commander-in-Chief is finally getting engaged!

at last!

In the end, there are too many blood and tears of the noble ladies in Guiyang City.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Mu's mouth.

That year, Shao Siming Lin Baoyue was 17 years old, not too old to talk about marriage, but not too young either.

Generally, if there are no accidents for the children of aristocratic families, they will start discussing marriage at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and they will get married at the age of 15 smoothly.She was named princess in the same year as that girl, but she is already the mother of two children.

However, the reason why the Princess Zhaoyang dragged her to this age was not because no one was discussing her marriage.

On the contrary, it is said that from the time she was ten years old, people in Guiyang City began to propose marriage to Chief Minister Lin Shubai.

Mu's memory went back more than ten years, back to the time when she was still in her boudoir, and recalled the development of that woman's marriage.

That's right, ten years old.

From then on, some people began to want to marry this disciple of Da Si Ming.

And every time she goes out, there will be more people who propose marriage.

If it wasn't for that person who would follow his master to the military camps and other vassal states from time to time, Mu felt that the number of marriage proposals might be even more.

Every noble girl in Guiyang City has almost experienced the experience that her son, whom her mother favored, proposed marriage to Shao Siming Lin Baoyue.

Unless it is the eldest son of Chengzong who is fancy, then the situation will be better.

Mu family's eyes darkened slightly.

Back then, those who proposed marriage to the Chief Commander were mainly rookie military officers and descendants of aristocratic families or the second sons and concubines.

Mr. Mu didn't feel much back then, but only at this age did he vaguely realize that maybe it was because those people had a certain degree of freedom to make decisions.Occasionally, the family would listen to their wishes, and since Shao Siming had no family background, it would be fine to give up a son to try.

However, in the eyes of the noble ladies of Guiyang City, although Lin Shubai, the chief minister, was a celebrity around the Emperor Taizu, he was born in a humble background and never married. Her apprentice was even lower, and she was an orphan.

Not to mention the second son, the concubine of a family with the surname A is not good enough.

Such a low-born woman is actually being chased so much, it's simply a decline in the world, and people's hearts are not old.

In short, regardless of the gossip in the city, Da Si Ming Lin Shubai rejected all marriage proposals on the grounds that his apprentice was still young.

And when Lin Baoyue was 12 years old, the number of marriage proposals became less.

At that time, the little sister of the Mu family happily told her that the children of those aristocratic families should have finally woken up.

However, Mrs. Mu clearly remembered that the news came that year that the girl was promoted to the fifth rank.

12 years old, Shen Wu.

For the first time, another world they were not familiar with experienced a huge shock.

At that time, she and Guichang had not been married for long, and he was still very considerate to her. When the news came, Guichang, who always wanted to maintain a gentle and refined image in front of her, broke two tea bowls.

The Divine Dance Realm is a watershed in the realm of practice, a real threshold that many practitioners cannot cross in their lifetime.

Countless young geniuses fell into this rank even though they became famous at a young age.Either die in a broken environment, or cannot go further for life.

By the way, Gui Da Sima, who is now in his thirties, has not broken through to rank five yet.

Talk too far.

It was also from that year that the humble girl who was scoffed at by the noble ladies of Guiyang City, shed the aura of her master, and officially entered the legendary path that no one else could aspire to but only belonged to her.

At the age of 13, he made military exploits and was named princess.

At the age of 14, he was ranked fourth and retired from Xirong.

Then at the age of 15, wait for the third grade.

Into the sky.

In that year, the princes were abroad, and Qin had not yet reached the second rank.

You must know that such things as ranks cannot be broken once a year!

That year, Princess Zhaoyang was 15 years old and became one of the highest-ranking cultivators in Guiyang City other than her master.

Yet she was still unengaged.

So at this time, another kind of rumors began to spread.

At that time, no one thought that a tragedy that affected the entire Qin Empire would just start like this.

(End of this chapter)

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