Chapter 85
There are many suitors, but at the age of 15, there is no engagement. This situation is a bit strange.

With the improvement of Zhaoyang County's cultivation status, fewer and fewer people dare to pursue her openly, but if the chief commander Lin Shubai wants to arrange, how can he arrange a suitable marriage for her, even if the family Mu feels that There are still many children from aristocratic families who are willing.

However, the girl was not engaged to anyone.

Many aristocratic families began to speculate whether Princess Zhaoyang wanted to imitate her master and have children out of wedlock. The chief minister was out of line enough back then, and her apprentice might be even more out of line.

But this speculation did not come true in the end.Even the astonishing Da Si Ming had a fiancée when he was a teenager, but Princess Zhaoyang didn't even have a rumored partner, let alone having a child out of wedlock.

Gradually, that rumor emerged.

Rumor has it that someone in the palace is blocking this.

Then, there were rumors that the second prince Ying Hao had actually taken a fancy to this apprentice of Da Si Ming.

Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, when he heard the news, Mrs. Mu was sweating for that girl.

The second prince is famous for his absurdity, not to mention that he has already built a mansion and got married, but it is rumored that he has long wanted to take Princess Zhaoyang as his side concubine.

Even so, many aristocratic families were surprised that the second prince was willing to take the position of side concubine. After all, only the daughters of first-class aristocratic families could take the position.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ying Hao's reputation was really bad, Mrs. Mu felt that many noble girls in Guiyang City should be sulking again.

But even Gao Pan, I don't know if Lin Shubai withstood the pressure. Lin Baoyue was 16 years old, but the rumors were still rumors and did not come true.

But the news that the second prince wanted to marry Lin Baoyue became more and more true.

At this time, after all, no one from the family dared to propose marriage to him.

After all, who dares to rob a woman with the prince, do you want to die?

But the Chief Commander remained silent all the time, as long as Lin Shubai did not let go, no one in this world could touch her apprentice.

However, something unexpected is yet to come.

As Zhaoyang Princess Lin Baoyue grew up, the rumors about her marriage became more and more terrifying.

Mu Shi took a deep breath, remembering the rumor that she was shocked when she heard it for the first time.

In that year, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to be 17 years old. In the first month of that year, Mrs. Mu suddenly heard the rumor when he was entertaining guests at home.

"Hey, have you heard? The reason why His Royal Highness the Second Prince has been unable to get what he wants is because he heard that His Majesty actually intends to accept that person into the harem!"

His Majesty?

This rumor was too outrageous, Mu Shi shuddered suddenly, and the woman who spread the rumor thought it was absurd, so she didn't mention it again.

But this terrible rumor spread quietly in Guiyang City like this. After all, the emperor Taizu's marriage was a bit absurd.

Although that Majesty is the No. 1 emperor in the Shanhai Continent, he has established his capital in Guiyang for several years, and even has several grandsons.

However he.

But has never stood up.

Since the time of Long Qian, countless ministers and families have written letters asking His Majesty to stand up as soon as possible to calm the hearts of the people.But the emperor turned a blind eye, not for a few years, but for decades.

Your Majesty has no wife.

Emperor Ying has a prince, but even his son has married a regular wife, but he hasn't yet.

It was so outrageous that it was rumored among the aristocratic families.

It is really puzzling for an emperor to not stand up for a long time, without even mentioning a reason.

So speculation abounded, and the most common rumors were still about that woman, Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

The two met when they were young and have been together for nearly 20 years, but nothing happened to the man and the woman. Who would believe it?Anyway, the rumors in the market are unbelievable.

Many aristocratic families had speculated that His Majesty wanted to make Lin Shubai queen, gearing up and even drafted a letter of opposition, but after so many years, it has never been used.

Emperor Ying did not marry a regular wife, and Lin Shubai did not marry either.

The two have maintained this weird relationship for more than ten years.

However, just before the rumor appeared, Lin Shubai expressed his intention to marry a controversial son of God in the north during the rank battle of the Eight Gods.

Before the entire Shanhai Continent recovered from the shock of the news, rumors that His Majesty Taizu wanted to expand the harem began to spread secretly.

Then, about three months later, the news that Lin Baoyue, the chief minister's disciple, was going to be engaged suddenly spread out.

The whole country was shocked, but even more shocking was yet to come.

The person who was engaged to her was not Ying Hao, let alone anyone who was rumored to have proposed marriage before.

It was the eldest son of Emperor Taizu, the Great Prince Yingsu praised by everyone.

This is really unexpected, no one expected.

There is a ten-year age difference between the two, and they have never heard of any intersection before.

What's more, the eldest prince has never been close to women and has outstanding virtues, and he has not remarried for seven years since Yuan's wife passed away.And Ying Hao's evaluation is polarized, the whole existence is like a saint.

How could such a person get involved with that girl who was full of controversy since she was a child?
What's even more frightening is that this marriage, it was rumored that the Eldest Prince personally went to ask His Majesty for a kiss, knelt in front of the palace gate for three days, and asked to accept her as his wife.




Mrs. Mu regained consciousness from the past, looked at her daughter who was shaking her clothes, "Sorry, mother remembered some past events."

"It's about that Shao Si Ming... getting married?" Gui Li asked with wide eyes, she still remembered the beginning of their topic.

"En." Mu Shi nodded.

Xu Wenning, who was peeling beans at the side, was attracted, "I... I heard that the young lady... almost married His Royal Highness the First Prince?"

"I heard that she almost became a concubine... Is this true?" Gui Li looked at her mother in front of her. She thought the rumors were too outrageous and never asked.

Mu Shi nodded with a complicated expression. "it is true."

"It's actually true?" Gui Li's eyes widened. Although the First Prince is not a direct descendant, His Majesty does not have a Queen. He has both virtue and ability, and is almost equal to the Crown Prince.

If this marriage is successful, and once the eldest prince Ying Su succeeds to the throne, doesn't it mean that the girl almost became the... queen of this continent?
And also the first queen.

Looking at her daughter Mu's eyes, she knew what she was thinking.

That's right, Ying Su's marriage proposal back then was tantamount to giving away the position of future queen, and the whole continent was shocked.

All kinds of conspiracy theories are rampant, Guiyang is full of wind and rain, and everyone's eyes are focused on the palace.

However, in the Efang Palace in the Nine Heavens, the master of the country on the dragon chair was silent.

Ying Su knelt outside the palace gate and begged for a marriage, but the Taizu Emperor Yingdi did not speak for a long time.

The second prince Ying Hao was furious in the mansion, Ying Su's cronies stopped him outside the mansion, and the chief minister ordered Lin Shubai to stay behind closed doors in the Imperial Prayer Province without saying a word.

The whole situation presents a strange stalemate.

At that time, everyone was discussing how this matter would develop, and the eldest prince Ying Su knelt at the gate of the palace until the third day.

A woman came back.

(End of this chapter)

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