Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 86 Burning

Chapter 86 Burning
People in teahouses and gambling houses were chattering, spitting and yelling. Tired of looking up, they saw the figure of the woman who was riding a horse into the city on the road, and shattered the teacup with a bang.

"I'm back... wait, princess Zhaoyang... she... isn't she in Guiyang City?!"

After His Royal Highness Ying Su knelt at the palace gate for two days, a young girl came back.

Alone, travel-stained, wearing a cloak, he rode his horse into the city like this.

If it wasn't for her striking appearance, no one would have realized who she was.However, when she took off her cloak in front of the tea stand, no one would not know who she was.

Half a year after the dispute over the marriage contract, the eldest son of the emperor knelt down and begged His Majesty for a marriage on the third day.

Lin Baoyue, the lord of Zhaoyang County, is back.

It should be said that the other party to the engagement has returned.

But the irony is that no one realized before the girl rode into the city, and no one could have imagined that she was not in Guiyang.

After all, which family's daughter who is discussing marriage is not in the city?
No one can think of it!
The people in Guiyang City, who have been dizzy by all kinds of shocking news for half a year, just woke up like a dream.

"Speaking of it this way... Princess Zhaoyang seems to be guarding the side of the Great Wall of Eternal Night..."

"Border guard? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"She stayed in the Imperial Prayer Province for half a year, stayed on the Great Wall for half a year, and never went out in the palace. She wanted to hide her breath but no one could find her. Who knows where she is!"

Mrs. Mu couldn't help but raise his forehead when he remembered what happened back then. Rumors about her spread all over the place, but the person himself went to the Great Wall and didn't come back for half a year.

Only that woman can do this kind of thing.

At this time, the noble ladies in Guiyang City who had scolded Lin Baoyue for half a year realized that...

In the past six months, Lin Baoyue was not in Guiyang City at all.

At that time, Mu looked at the handkerchief who was talking with him about the rumors, and he was stiff when he heard the news.She also can't laugh or cry.

After the dumbfounding is a strong sense of irony.

While the nobles in Guiyang were commenting on the woman's marriage, the 17-year-old girl was defending the country in the frontier.

The reason for this kind of oolong is because no one has considered the girl's opinion from the very beginning.

Yes, there was a lot of noise about this marriage, but from the very beginning, everyone's eyes were on the two princes, Da Si Ming and Emperor Taizu.

He directly ignored the one who was going to marry.

Marriage matters, parents' order, matchmaker's words, if the man still has some right to choose, the daughter's family just needs to accept it obediently.

Is the opinion of Princess Zhaoyang important?

Even if she is a genius in practice, what role can a woman without father and mother play in this marriage that the royal family takes the lead in and the whole country pays attention to?
However, no one expected that it was this woman who ended the stalemate.

Just when the aristocratic family finally remembered and wanted to see what this woman would do, they didn't expect that Princess Zhaoyang's movements were so fast that people had no time to react.

After returning to the city, Lin Baoyue drank two bowls of tea on the side of the road, and rode directly into the palace without stopping for a moment.

Of course, there is no edict to enter the palace.

At this time, people remembered that this young girl was already a practitioner of the Heaven Rank, and the Heaven Rank could enter the palace without an edict.

After all, only the heavenly ranks can stop the heavenly ranks, and the palace guards are just a piece of waste paper to the heavenly ranks. In case something happens to His Majesty, the heavenly ranks must enter the palace to escort them at any time.

The pigeons from the Aristocratic Information Network were flying around the entire city of Guiyang, but before the pigeons landed, the girl had already passed through the twelve palace gates and came to Ying Su who was kneeling in front of the gate of the Ganquan palace in Afang Palace.

Of course, Mr. Mu did not see that scene with his own eyes, but he has seen the description of the situation at that time from the internal biography of the family.

Princess Lin Baoyue of Zhaoyang County got off her horse and came to Ying Su's side, glanced at him, then knelt down beside him.

No, to be precise, it was when she was about to kneel.

It was at the moment when the girl's move appeared.

The door of the Ministry of Prayer, which had been closed for many days, was opened.

The chief commander ordered Lin Shubai to go out.



There seems to be some kind of induction between the master and apprentice.

When the aura of man and god went straight to the sky, Princess Lin Baoyue of Zhaoyang stood up straight, and stretched out her hand to Ying Su who was kneeling on the ground.

Pulled up the man ten years older than her.

The next moment, the chief commander Lin Shubai floated over, looked back at his apprentice, and walked into the Ganquan Hall where Emperor Ying lived.

The gate of Ganquan Hall closed behind her.

No one knew what the Chief Commander Lin Shubai and the Taizu Emperor Yingdi had said that day inside the closed palace gate.

All I know is that after a few tiles fell off the roof of Ganquan Hall, the two walked out of Ganquan Hall at the same time.

This marriage is done.

Less than an hour after Princess Zhaoyang returned to the city, Emperor Taizu decreed to marry Lin Baoyue, the princess of Zhaoyang, and the eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu.

Just so fast.

The entire family was shocked, and everyone who was watching was caught off guard.

All the forces that jumped up and down because of this matter and thought they could operate here were dumbfounded.

The civil and military officials and the aristocratic family also once again realized the power possessed by the national teacher, the chief commander Lin Shubai.

Originally, the aristocratic family was still lucky, thinking that the emperor's eldest son's marriage would be incapable of being intervened by the national teacher, but as soon as Lin Shubai went out, the matter was settled.

The reason for the stalemate was that she didn't make a move, not that she was unable to intervene.

In the early years, there were many rumors among officials and aristocratic families that Lin Shubai coveted the posthumous position just because His Majesty was on guard against her wolfish ambitions, but at this time, some people couldn't help thinking that if Lin Shubai really wanted to be a queen...

Would His Majesty really disagree?
No, no, it's better not to think too much, after all, why would a woman not want to be a queen?



But Mrs. Mu felt that there would be women who really didn't want to.

She raised her head to look at her son sitting in the yard, her eyes were a little deep. After the marriage was settled, everyone was asking why Lin Shubai, the chief commander who had been silent all this time, did not go out early or late, but went out at that time.

The children of the aristocratic family analyzed various reasons for the court, and the noble daughters of the aristocratic family analyzed various reasons for the rear residence, but the Mu family always felt that something was wrong.

The reason may be really simple.

At that time, Mrs. Mu didn't understand, but from the moment she was kicked out of the mansion and lived with her children in this small courtyard, from the moment her son brought back the girl, and the girl asked her if she wanted to go home, she suddenly seemed to understand. what.

Maybe the man-god was just waiting.

Waiting for Zhaoyang Princess Lin Baoyue's own decision.

It is not someone else who decides that marriage, not Ying Su, not the position of the future queen, not the various games in the court and back house.

It was just the girl's own choice.

Lin Baoyue, the owner of Zhaoyang County, did not say a word from the beginning to the end, but showed her attitude with actions, so that man and god, no matter what the price, would fulfill her wish.

Such a pair of master and apprentice...

Momo took a deep breath.After leaving Guiyang City, she really never saw such a special woman again.

It was also that year that she and Guichang left Guiyang City.

Nine years ago, just three months after the engagement of the eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu, and Lin Baoyue, the princess of Zhaoyang, Guichang inherited the title of returning home, and went out of Guiyang City to build a mansion in accordance with the regulations that military officers are not allowed to build a mansion in Guiyang.

Before leaving, Mu Shi carried four-year-old Guili and Guichang into the palace to meet His Majesty.

In the early morning of that day, she waited for His Majesty to summon her in the Yuyang Hall next to the Ganquan Hall together with the other wives who had met that day.She was carefully eating the tea and fruit snacks presented by the palace people, when she suddenly heard piercing screams from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty!"

"Second Highness!"

"Quick! Come on! Who will stop Princess Zhaoyang!"

"God, it's flooded! Come and put out the fire!"

Accompanied by the crackling sound of crackling tiles, she followed the other women out of the palace gate and looked out, only to see the red light on the Ganquan Palace.

In the billowing flames, she saw the figure of a girl holding a sword standing in the sea of ​​flames.

This scene is forever engraved in Mu's heart.

At that time, there was only shock, but later she knew what happened that day.

On that day, Daqin's most promising heir fell.

Nine years ago, Princess Baoyue, a disciple of Da Si Ming who had lost his fiancée, saw his fiancé's body and advanced on the spot at the age of 17 in the hall, and drew his sword against the second prince Ying Hao, who was later crowned prince.

Later, she was sentenced to exile for the crime of disrespect, but the girl who had just been promoted in the subsequent battle of the second rank defeated all the sons of God except Nanchu Guoshi, and was awarded the title of Shao Commander.

After obtaining the fiefdom in the name of Shao Siming, he went to the mountains and forests to live in seclusion.

And just a year later, Emperor Taizu died.

after that.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue.

Completely lost track.

 Tomorrow is the last chapter before it goes on the shelves. I have prepared a 6500-word chapter for everyone, and I will reveal a lot of foreshadowing in one go. Please look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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