Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 87 Freedom

Chapter 87 Freedom
Some people say that Shao Si Ming is still alive, but hiding in the mountains.

Some say she died without leaving a body.

No matter what kind of statement, Mu Shi didn't want to believe it.

However, with the passing away of the Emperor Taizu and Lin Shubai, the chief minister, the sudden chaos took away everyone's ability to think, and she was dragged into her own hell, no longer having time to think about the life of that short-lived girl. thing.

until today.


Caressing the soft hair of his little daughter, Mu suddenly came back to his senses, staring blankly at his wrinkled palm.

What happened to yourself?
Why do I suddenly think of something so long ago, why do I suddenly think of...

"Murongyin, do you want to go home?"

Mu's whole body trembled, and those eyes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

belonged to the girl.

Clear and bright eyes.

No matter how dark it is, only her eyes don't seem to be stained by anything.

It's doesn't belong to the same world as myself.

This sudden feeling was strange and familiar, so familiar that it brought her back to the moment when she saw the girl in the sea of ​​flames draw her sword nine years ago.

That was the first time Mu family came into contact with the power of the top cultivators in the world. Almost the moment she saw that figure from behind, she understood how stupid and ignorant she and the ladies who had ridiculed this girl were.

Princess Zhaoyang never participated in the tea party and poetry meeting of the noble ladies in the capital, let alone recite poems, compose calligraphy and painting with them and cook tea with them. Being ridiculed by the noble ladies is a freak without the slightest upbringing and daughter's family skills.

The girl never clarified and never participated in these tea parties to prove her ability, which made it self-defeating that the Zhaoyang Princess who came out of the palace actually knew these abilities.

After all, if it will, why not show it?

But why is she showing it?

On that day, when he saw the girl's back and the flames soaring up to the sky around her, even if he was so far away, he could feel the aura that could destroy the world, and Mu suddenly understood.

That girl was not in the same world as them in the first place.

At that time, almost everyone around the Mu family said that Princess Zhaoyang agreed to the emperor's eldest son's marriage proposal for the position of queen, but when she saw her sword, Mu family realized that it was ridiculous.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to destroy the entire palace if he had that intention.

So what does the queen's position mean to her?
And the girl who saved her children...

Seeing Gui Li, Mu Shi clenched his chest. Everyone said that being able to marry Mr. Chunhua was a gift from the vase princess, but only the people in this small courtyard understood why the girl agreed to the marriage contract.

The young woman takes a deep breath.After leaving Guiyang City nine years ago, she has never seen such a burning woman again.

until today.

Until her son walked into the house one day and carried the girl back.

She saw such a woman again.

But what will happen to the girl who returned to the capital for her and her children?Do I still have to be the same as nine years ago, only watching everything happen?


"Brother?" At this moment, Gui Li's startled voice interrupted Mu's thoughts, and Mu raised his head in a daze, looking at his son's tall back in the morning light.

"Brother, what did you see?"

I saw Gui Chen who was sitting on the steps looking around, fixedly looked at the corner near the courtyard gate and stood up.

That corner... was where the girl used to sit.

A premonition suddenly surged in Mu's heart, he didn't care about wiping his hands and ran out of the kitchen, Gui Li followed behind with wide eyes and shouted, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Mu hasn't run for many years. When you are a lady, you should pay attention to your manners, and when you are Mrs. Sima, you should pay attention to your dignity. However, looking at his son rushing down the steps in the morning light, Mrs. Mu has only one thought in his heart.

To hell with everything!

The morning wind brushed against her wrinkled cheeks, but Mu felt that her heart was beating faster than ever when she was young.

But after all, her footsteps were not as fast as her grown son.

Mu stood still and watched squatting in front of the corner, raised his hand in a daze to touch his son who had a scratch in the corner, and watched Gui Chen's fingertips touching the... handwriting deep in the corner.

"This is her..." Mu Shi took a deep breath and said in a daze.

"Yeah." Gui Chen squatted on the ground and stretched out his hand to caress the gully on the wall, "Mom, I just saw it just now."

This corner is where Ying Baoyue used to sit at his house before, these days he has been very resistant to look there.But just now when a ray of sunlight pierced into Gui Chen's eyes, he turned his head and saw something in his blurred vision.

There are traces on the wall in that corner.

Then he saw it, saw the handwriting left by the girl on the wall.

Gui Chen's heart beat violently.

It was the girl who inadvertently often drew on the wall with her hands when she was thinking about things, which left scratches after a long time.

And it was at this time that he found out.

That's two words.

And the two words she wrote on the wall of his house are.


She had longed desperately for freedom.

But for them.

gave up her freedom.

Gui Li, who was chasing out the door, stopped abruptly, stood behind his elder brother and followed Gui Chen's fingers, staring blankly at the blurred handwriting.

The boy's fingers still had the blood bubbles left by the rope skipping, and the blood bubbles just brushed across the mottled ravines on the wall, one after another, as if the wish and warmth of his youth remained.

Gui Chen suddenly roared, jumped up from the ground, then rushed back into the room, and began to put away things.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Gui Li's whole body trembled, and he suddenly turned around.

There was a pause in the room, and Gui Chen appeared at the door with a bundle of hemp rope wrapped around his body, looking fixedly at Gui Li.

"I'm going to Nanchu."

Gui Li's eyes widened in astonishment, although Gui Chen had long said that he was going to Nanchu, but what was he doing all of a sudden?
At this moment, she saw the hemp rope on Gui Chen's shoulder, her gaze fixed, and Gui Li suddenly understood something, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other quietly in the courtyard.

"Brother, you..."

Gui Li looked at Gui Chen and asked quietly.

"Are you going after her?"

Gui Chen's shoulders trembled, but the next moment he looked at his sister and spoke seriously.

"No, I'm going to chase my dream."

It was his dream that was awakened by the girl he had never met before.

"I'm going to Nanchu to attend the primary ceremony." Gui Chen looked at his sister and laughed, this was the first time he laughed in half a month.

The boy's smile did not have the slightest haze under the sun.

Gui Li stared blankly at her brother's smile, but the next moment she remembered something, "Wait, brother, but you are not a practitioner yet!"

Gui Chen had already turned around and walked into the house, saying as he walked, "There will always be a way, let's talk when we get there."

When did my elder brother become so crazy? Guili Fue looked at Mu Shi behind him, then at Guichen's back, and said with a complicated expression, "Brother, do you really want to leave this house?"

Gui Chen stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at Mrs. Mu in the courtyard, he bit his lips tightly, apology and struggle flashed across his eyes.

The mother and son looked at each other quietly, and before the grown-up son could speak, Mrs. Mu suddenly smiled.

"Chen'er, you go."

Mu Shi looked at his son who had grown up, and the pain accumulated in his heart for half a month seemed to dissipate in an instant.

The world, and people, will change.

She can also change.

Mu walked up the steps, stretched out his hand to caress Gui Chen's cheek, "Go ahead, leave me alone, mother can..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Mu and the others turned their heads, only to find a dusty young man standing at the gate of the courtyard.

"You are..." Gui Li was taken aback, and suddenly turned back to look at the stranger at the gate of the courtyard. Speaking of which, he did hear the sound of a carriage just now, but their house never had any visitors, so Gui Li thought they were passing by.

Unexpectedly, the carriage stopped at the door of his house.

"Young master, you are..." Gui Li was about to continue asking, but he didn't expect his mother's trembling voice to come from behind him.

"Sixteen... Sixteenth brother?"

Sixteenth brother?
Both Gui Li and Gui Chen were stunned, and they stared stiffly at Mu Shi who was walking towards the man in front of the courtyard in disbelief.

The young man wearing a cloak at the gate of the courtyard also had some red eyes, bowed his head and raised his head to look at Mrs. Mu.

"Long time no see, Seventh Sister."

Seventh sister?

Mother's brother?

It was the first time for Guili and Guichen to see Mu's natal family since they were sensible, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

Mu Shi tremblingly walked towards the young man at the gate of the courtyard, and looked at the carriage at the gate as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You, why are you here?"

The young man took out a piece of blood-stained cloth from his arms, his eyes were serious.

"The family received a letter from Her Majesty the Princess, and my father sent me after reading it..."

The man's voice paused, and he looked firmly at the young woman, "Let me pick you up."

your Highness?

Looking at the cloth strip in the man's hand, Mu looked at it tremblingly and stretched out her hand to take it. After seeing clearly the handwriting on it and the emblem of the royal family stamped with blood, at this moment, she finally burst into tears.

At the last moment of leaving, the girl had arranged all her paths.

What qualifications do you have to stop yourself?
The man at the gate of the courtyard supported Mu's shoulders, "Although this matter is undecided, my father said that since someone in the royal family speaks, the Mu family can get rid of the restrictions. No matter what the price is, it is worthwhile to bring you back."

The Mu family is not powerless, but they are unable to take action due to the loyalty of the monarch and ministers.

But now, that girl broke the bondage with her own hands.

Gui Li looked at his mother's trembling shoulders, and at his elder brother who walked up to him, and suddenly spoke.

"Brother, I'll go with you."

The 13-year-old girl's eyes were firm, "I'm going to Nanchu too."

Mu Shi turned his head and looked at his little daughter who had grown up suddenly.

"Mother, you and uncle can go back." Gui Li watched his mother kneel down and kowtowed.

"You have done enough for us."

"In the future, please only think about yourself."

"My daughter is unfilial and wants to go out and have a look."

Gui Chen looked at his younger sister, as if meeting her for the first time, but the next moment he took a deep breath and knelt down beside her.

"Gui Li, have you made up your mind?"

"Don't underestimate me." Gui Li didn't look sideways, "I've been bored after staying here for 13 years, are you allowed to go out and I'm not allowed to go out?"

Gui Chen smiled wryly, "This journey is no joke."

"Of course I know." Gui Li replied back to him as usual bickering, but the next moment the little girl slightly lowered her eyes and spoke softly.

"I want to see her again."

Gui Chen was taken aback for a moment, then knelt on the ground and looked at his mother, kowtowed three times and looked up.

"Mother, leave my sister to me, you can go back with your uncle at ease."

In the morning light, the boy was still the same boy, but his gaze was as firm as that of an adult man.

Mu took a deep breath, feeling proud from the bottom of his heart.She wiped away her tears and nodded, looking at her other daughter who walked behind Guichen Guili.

"Wen Ning, what about you?"

The shoulders of the little girl holding the bean-peeling dustpan shook, and she was exactly the same height as Guichen Guili who was kneeling on the ground.

Gui Chen looked sideways at the six-year-old girl who came to his house after being rescued by that woman with a complicated expression.

This child should have the same complex feelings for that woman as his sister, she should...

However, at this moment, Xu Wenning's hands holding the dustpan tightened, and his gaze shifted from Gui Chen's face to Mu Shi's body.

"I...I won't go to Nanchu anymore."

Gui Chen was startled, and looked at the little girl in disbelief, "You..."

"To be honest, I...I want to go," Xu Wenning clenched her lips, but she looked down at her tiny hands and feet.

In the past few days when she returned home, she already knew who that sister was, and even more understood where the woman told her to go to in the distance that day.If she could see her again, she would try her best to go.

But she did not forget what her sister said that day.

"But now I can pull my brother's hind legs." Xu Wenning hated why his hands were so small and his legs were short more than ever.

With her, Guichen and Guili might not be able to catch up with their sister at all.

"My sister runs very fast." Xu Wenning looked up at Gui Chen, tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, but he tried hard to wipe them away with the back of his hand, "When I grow up a bit, I'll chase you."

"Yeah." Gui Chen knelt on the ground and looked at the little girl in front of him, "Let's go after her first, she doesn't want to run away alone."

"It's an appointment." Xu Wenning laughed through his tears, and stretched out his little finger to hook Guichen.

Gui Chen smiled and flirted with her, then Mu walked up to the three of them, stretched out two hands to Gui Chen and Gui Li respectively.

Guichen and Guili supported his mother's hand and stood up.

Looking at the daughter who was about to be taller than her and the son who was taller than her, Mrs. Mu smiled and said.

"Go ahead and do what you want to do."

Then she stretched out her hand to Xu Wenning, "I'll take you home to meet your grandfather."

The morning light hit the faces of the four people, everyone had tears in their eyes, but there was also a smile on their faces, bright without any haze.

On this day, when night fell, a carriage left the home courtyard.

A pair of brother and sister stood side by side at the gate of the empty courtyard, watching the carriage of mother and little sister leave.

"Speaking of which, I've never seen what Grandpa looks like." Seeing the carriage gradually disappear, Gui Li suddenly spoke while standing beside Gui Chen.

"Do you regret it?" Gui Chen looked sideways at his sister.

"How could it be?" Gui Li looked up at the bright moon in the sky, "I'm just doing what I want to do, when I want to see Grandpa, I will naturally go to see him."

There is nothing in this world that can stop her.

And the one who taught her all this was the girl who was not a few years older than her.

"Let's go, big brother." Gui Li stretched out his hand to hold Gui Chen's hand, "Let's go see her."

"Well," Gui Chen held his younger sister's hand tightly, and also raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky.

He is just a son of an aristocratic family who is not favored and is no different from a commoner.

He cannot set her free.

But at least.

He can chase his own freedom.

He can choose.

Be by her side.



got windy.

Just as a brother and sister in the distance left their hometown in full dress, Ying Baoyue, who was lying in a palace, quietly opened his eyes.

She turned over and sat up looking at the moonlight outside the hall. The night of the new moon had just passed, and she thought that there would be no moonlight, but she never thought that the crooked moon could be so bright.

Tomorrow should be fine weather.

Well, suitable for traveling.

"Your Highness? What's the matter with you?" Sensing the movement of the person in the bed, the trembling voice of the maid came from outside immediately.

The supervision is really strict enough, it seems that countless pairs of eyes are watching her every move on the bed.

Can't wait for her to lie on the bed motionless.

Ying Baoyue sat on the bed and supported her forehead. The problem is that she can't sleep at all so early, okay?

At this time, Shen Shi had just passed and the moon was just rising, but she was locked in this palace and ordered to sleep, and was going to be packed and sent to Nan Chu to marry early the next morning.

It's nothing.Sitting on the bed, Ying Baoyue recalled everything that happened during the day and could only sigh again, what happened.

Ying Baoyue never expected that her first meeting with Ying Hanri would end so quickly.

That's right, only an hour has passed since Ying Hanri rushed down in front of the main hall and slapped him empty-handed.

At that time, Ying Hanri stared wide-eyed, pointed at her with trembling fingers and didn't know what to say, Ying Baoyue recalled some bad memories from seeing his face, and was thinking about whether she would faint from the exhaustion of the journey. Dizzy, in order to avoid this awkward first meeting.

She is not dizzy yet.

Ying Hanri suddenly passed out.

what happened?

Ying Baoyue's eyes widened, and with the panic-stricken shouts of the palace servants and imperial physicians, the surroundings suddenly became chaotic.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty hasn't slept well these days, and now I'm feeling anxious again, ouch! Your Majesty!"

"An imperial physician, an imperial physician!"

Guichang supported Ying Hanri who fell limply, and looked at Ying Baoyue with heaving chest, "Come here, please return to the palace to rest, Your Highness the Princess!"

Then she was taken to the little princess's original bedroom by the palace people, and she was strictly guarded.

And just half an hour ago, a eunuch came to convey the order, saying that Ying Hanri had woken up but did not want to see her, and told her that he had sent the letter of credence to Nanchu overnight, and that she would set off for Nanchu immediately tomorrow morning. Chu.

that's all.

How much does her elder brother want to marry her to Nanchu immediately?

Ying Baoyue sighed inwardly for the dead little princess, and looked towards the palace above her head.

In any case, she never expected that she would return to this palace after nine years, but she could only stay here for such a night.

She will leave for another country early tomorrow morning to fulfill her marriage contract.

Are you married?
Ying Baoyue herself didn't resist going to Nanchu. Rather, she thought about it when she rescued Guichen and Guili. Although the engagement was troublesome, she planned to go to Nanchu to participate in the primary ceremony. It's also a good way.

However, she does not intend to marry anyone else.

She no longer wants to hurt anyone.

Ying Baoyue looked at the cold moonlight outside the palace, staying in this palace, she couldn't fall asleep at all.

This palace is called Taishi Palace, where Princess Baoyue lives now, but 20 years ago, it was the residence of the eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu, before leaving the palace.

that person……

She will go to Nanchu, but she will find a way to break up this engagement.

The reconciliation between the former Qin and Nan Chu was of no avail, let alone marrying Nan Chu Guoshi, the youngest son of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

She actually wants to marry Ji Mo's son?
Ying Baoyue felt dumbfounded thinking about it.

Southern Chu State Teacher, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, named Ji Mo.

He was one of the most hated men in Ying Baoyue's previous life.

I really didn't expect that she would have such a relationship with Ji Mo's son one day, should I say that it is his youngest son.

When she heard that the marriage contract partner was the son of the Southern Chu State Master, Ying Baoyue immediately confirmed with Gui Li that the one she had a marriage contract with was the youngest son.

After hearing this, she let out a long sigh of relief, feeling helpless and grateful at the same time.

Although she didn't plan to marry, if it was Ji Mo's eldest son, she really didn't know how to deal with it.

Because the mother of the eldest son of Southern Chu Guoshi Ji Mo is not someone else.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

It was her master, Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

Chief Commander Lin Shubai and Ji Mo were lovers and fiancée in the early years, but they never got married due to various reasons.

Later, Ji Mo married another woman. The master never married but gave birth to a child out of wedlock. There is a pair of children between them.

It was Ji Mo's eldest son and eldest daughter.

Because of the resistance in his heart, Ying Baoyue stopped paying attention to what kind of children Ji Mo and others had, let alone the youngest son.

And Ying Baoyue learned from Guili's information that Ji Mo's youngest son and Master's youngest daughter are only one year apart, and she was even more upset. In addition, she had no intention of getting involved with this marriage contract at the time. , I didn't care about her fiancé anymore.

But it's different now. If she wants to resolve the marriage contract, Ji Mo's problem should be put aside first. She needs to confirm what kind of person her fiancé is.

Guili only said that he was a young genius, but for Ying Baoyue, this evaluation did not have much effect.There are too many young geniuses in the aristocratic family.

Jimo's youngest son...

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and at this moment she suddenly realized something.

Young genius?

Before she could think about it, maybe it was because she sat up for too long, a skinny hand suddenly reached into the gauze curtain beside her bed, Ying Baoyue looked at the side of the bed in shock, the disturbed face of a middle-aged female officer into her eyes.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Do you want some water?"

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "Not too good."

She's not all right.

The lady officer didn't expect the princess to speak so bluntly, she was stunned and tried to comfort her, "Your Highness, you... don't think too much, Your Majesty is for your own good, Chunhua Jun of Nanchu is one of the six sons of the Warring States Period , that is the husband that all women dream of..."

According to the female officer's own understanding, even if she married far away, this husband can't be found even with a lantern, so what's wrong...

However, the girl in front of her interrupted her words and looked straight at her.

"Since he is said to be the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period, the name Chunhua Jun should be his nickname, right?"

The female officer looked at Ying Baoyue and nodded blankly.

how?Didn't His Highness know?
Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at the female officer in front of her and asked.

"Then this Chunhua-jun, what's his name?"

The female officer was even more confused, but looking into Ying Baoyue's eyes, she couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Chunhua is the second son of Lord Ji Mo, whose name is..."

The female officer paused word by word, and said the name known to the whole world.

"Ji Jiashu."

Ying Baoyue was shocked.

The scene in front of her spread, the bright red star on the banyan tree flickered, and the sweet voice of the young man rang in her ears.


He said.

"Ji Jiashu."



"Jia Shu? What's wrong with you?"

In the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion, among a pair of teenagers who were admiring the moon under the eaves, the older one suddenly looked at his friend who was distracted.

Ji Jiashu just recovered from the memory of the conversation with the woman named Soaring Snake, and looked at the bad friend beside him.

"Zi Chu, what's wrong?"

"You ask me what's wrong? Why have you been distracted all day long recently? What are you thinking about?"

Chen Zichu, the eldest son of the Grand Sima of Southern Chu, looked at the most prestigious son of their country's national teacher speechlessly, and then he suddenly remembered something and suddenly realized something, and laughed teasingly.

"I didn't expect to find it. The princess of the former Qin Dynasty is coming soon," the boy sighed, patting Ji Jiashu on the shoulder.

"Jia Shu, you are going to marry that princess holding the moon soon, are you happy?"

 "Big Moon Ballad" will be on the shelves tomorrow. Not much else to say. Tomorrow, it will be updated every day. If the subscription results are satisfactory, it will continue to be updated. Thank you for every favorite vote and comment during the free period. Next, we will set foot on new journey.

  From the previous laying, you should also be able to see that "Ode to the Moon" is a world with a very grand setting. From the recovery of the foreshadowing in the last chapter of the free chapter, you should also be able to see that all the plots are fully structured at the beginning . "Dayue Ballad" is a book with a complete structure and a large volume. There are more unexpected mysteries and foreshadowing climaxes waiting for you, so stay tuned.

  "Dayue Ballad" will embark on a broader road. I want to see a bigger world with you. I want to draw a complete picture scroll of the Seven Kingdoms with you and write countless wonderful characters. I am looking forward to this day very much. 's arrival

  The wind blows the dead leaves and leaves, and the fallen leaves grow rich soil, and the rich soil is full of fragrant fruits. "Big Moon Ballad" is still a seedling now, but it will grow into a big tree in the end. I will water it with my heart and soul, and every subscription, every tip, every vote, and every comment from everyone nourishes this tree. tree grows leaves.The first order is really very important for newcomers and new books. I hope everyone will support the first order no matter what, thank you.

  I hope that everyone can join me and Baoyue to walk into this magnificent world and witness the growth of this tree.

(End of this chapter)

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