Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 88 Shocking News

Chapter 88 Shocking News
Everyone knows, everyone is asking him.

He is going to get married, he is going to marry the princess holding the moon.

He, Gao is not happy?

The young man took a deep breath, helplessly took Chen Zichu's hand off his shoulder, and opened his mouth to him.

"How do you think I should answer you?"

As soon as Ji Jiashu heard this, he knew that the bad friend was making fun of him again.

say happy?
It was nothing more than a marriage of nations, so what could he be happy about?

Are you unhappy?

Can he say he is not happy?
Looking at Ji Jiashu Gujing's expressionless expression, Chen Zichu knew what this person was thinking.He put away the smile on his face, and looked at his dead-headed friend and spoke bitterly.

"Just kidding, and this is your home, and there are only two of us now, so you can say no to what you think."

Ji Jiashu's face was flat, "Because it's my family, I can't say whatever I think."

As long as his father has that intention, he can't hide any troubles in any corner of the house.

Ji Jiashu looked at Chen Zichu, "This is my home, not yours."

This is the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, not the Sima Mansion.

The Southern Chu National Teacher's Mansion is also a very special existence among the Southern Chu family.

There is a saying called a more dangerous place than the palace.

Even if you are a practitioner of the heavenly rank, if you come here uninvited, you will never come out alive.

Chen Zichu was shocked and immediately understood. He covered his mouth suddenly, carefully looked around the empty surroundings for a long time, and then tremblingly looked at Ji Jiashu who was calm and composed beside him.

Looking at the smile on the corner of his friend's mouth and thinking about the news he received two days ago, he knew he had been tricked.

"You... you kid, you're bluffing me!" Chen Zichu punched Ji Jiashu's shoulder, "Hasn't Master Guoshi been retreating for the past two days!"

After enduring a punch of [-]% strength from a sixth-level cultivator, but the young man in front of him didn't feel any pain, Ji Jiashu smiled and looked at Chen Zichu, "It's because you didn't think about it, why blame me?"

Although the smile on the corner of the young man's mouth was light, it was enough to please the eyes and the eyes. Under the moonlight, it was bright and crystal clear like pearls.

Seeing him like this, Chen Zichu could only sigh and withdraw his hand, "I said, why did you suddenly dare to invite me to your house? Tell me, why do you want me?"

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, and sat under the eaves of the porch looking at the moonlight above his head, "Zi Chu, what day is it today?"

"Ah?" Chen Zichu wondered if this friend of his was too excited to get married soon and his head went wrong, but anyone in Nanchu could be stupid, but it was impossible for the Fourth Young Master Ji, probably because of that.

Really good fortune.

"The second day of July," Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu sympathetically and added, "Half a month has passed since your fiancée was found."

"Has it been half a month?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback, but the first thing that came to his mind the next moment was something else.

Has it been half a month since he spoke to her last time?
And that... the woman named Soaring Snake.

Ji Jiashu still remembered the night of the blood moon lunar eclipse on June [-]th, that was the last time she answered his call.But after that, no matter how he went to the back mountain to watch the stars every day, no matter how he leaned on the tree trunk and recited poems, the voice of the learned woman who was like a god never appeared again.

In the end what happened?
Did she encounter any accident?

No, it shouldn't be possible for her to be so powerful, or is it because she doesn't want to respond to him?What did he say wrong?or someone else...

"Jiashu?!" Ji Jiashu recovered from Chen Zichu's shaking.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else just now." Ji Jiashu quickly apologized, but the friend in front of him suddenly looked at him with meaningful eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ji Jiashu frowned.

"In the past half month, you have been distracted too many times. What happened?" Chen Zichu looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing." Ji Jiashu shook his head.

He didn't want to tell anyone about that wonderful encounter, let alone at this sensitive time.

"That's right, it's impossible for anything to happen, and I haven't heard that our Fourth Young Master Ji caused any disturbance in the street." Chen Zichu stroked his chin.

My friend can cause riots on the street, let alone go to any restaurant Chu Guan. If he can go once, rumors will spread in Jixia Academy the next day.

After all, he is that Chunhua Jun!

If he can be interested in other things besides cultivation, then the iron tree is about to bloom!


Chen Zichu rested his chin and looked at his friend with dazed eyes, "I think there is still something wrong with you."

Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat but his face remained expressionless, "What's wrong?"

Chen Zichu didn't answer, he just continued on by himself, "During the astrology class before, Yishan also said that something was wrong with you, so I went to inquire about your recent activities with your servants."

A vein appeared on Ji Jiashu's forehead, looking at the enthusiastic bad friend in front of him, he continued to look at him and said, "But apart from saying that you have been running around the back of your house all day, I didn't find out anything."

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu suspiciously. If he didn't know that there was an enchantment in the back mountain of the National Teacher's Mansion that ordinary people could not enter, he really thought that Mr. Ji had suddenly enlightened and hid something there.

"There are nothing but trees in the back of my house." Ji Jiashu heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Chen Zichu and said calmly, "You should know."

"Yes, I know," Chen Zichu nodded unwillingly, but the next moment he looked at Ji Jiashu's sleeve, saw a fallen leaf on it suddenly raised his head, and stared playfully at his friend.

"Jiashu, don't have a sweetheart, do you?"

Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately replied, "What are you thinking?"

He frowned, with the aura of a high-level practitioner floating on his body, and the air in the courtyard seemed to freeze instantly, "Do you think I have it?"

Looking at his friend who was as immobile as a mountain and dripping water in front of him, Chen Zichu touched his nose and begged for mercy, "Okay, I'll try it out."

"Don't make jokes about this kind of thing again." Ji Jiashu slightly loosened his hands under the sleeves, and smiled faintly, "You know I can't make such jokes anymore."

Chen Zichu put away the cynical expression on his face, sighed and apologized honestly, "Okay, okay, I won't ask, so why are you looking for me, tell me quickly, I am very busy at night unlike you."

Ji Jiashu looked at him with a complicated expression, "The National Teacher's Office has just received the information, and tomorrow the palace will receive the former Qin's letter of credence."

The intelligence of the National Teacher's Mansion is always faster than that of the palace, Chen Zichu murmured in his heart.

"Secretary of the Kingdom?" He was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized, "The former Qin princess is coming?"

"Well," Ji Jiashu nodded, "The former King of Qin will let her leave tomorrow."

"The former Qin is really impatient," Chen Zichu was speechless, "Wait, why are you telling me this?"

The boy looked at the friend in front of him in shock, "Jia Shu, it's not you who wants to escape this time, is it?"

"What are you talking about?" Ji Jiashu looked at him helplessly.

"That's right, where can you go? Your father will catch you wherever you go." Chen Zichu said.

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, the next moment the boy suddenly looked at his friend seriously.

"Zi Chu, I have something to ask."

Ji Jiashu said quietly.

"About the concubine princess."

"What are you doing?" Chen Zichu was taken aback by his friend who was suddenly serious. Monk Zhang Er was puzzled. What could he have to do with that princess?
Ji Jiashu looked at his friend for many years.

He opened his mouth with a complicated expression.

"I want to entrust you to protect her."

(End of this chapter)

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