Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 89 Innocent

Chapter 89 Innocent
"I hope you will protect her."

The friend in front of me said so word by word.

The moment Chen Zichu heard it, he couldn't believe his ears.

But he is a practitioner, he can't get it wrong, and the friend in front of him has clear eyes and calm expression, and he doesn't look crazy.

Well, just looks.

"What did you say?" Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu, "Say it again?"

Chen Zichu's reaction was within his expectations, so Ji Jiashu explained patiently, "I would like to trouble you to set off from Nanchu tomorrow to meet the princess along the route of seeing her off. If something happens..."

He paused, "At least save her life."

Chen Zichu was startled when he heard the words. Although he was always cynical, he was also a son of a family who grew up in the midst of intrigue and deceit. He understood the meaning when he heard this.

"You mean..." Chen Zichu narrowed his eyes, "Will there be an accident on the road with my princess?"

Ji Jiashu's gaze was slightly deep, and he looked down at his palm, "The information about Princess Heqin's departure tomorrow was not sent to me through normal channels."

Chen Zichu's eyes widened.This means... This person cut off his own intelligence line?

"Truncate to the point where it's impossible," Ji Jiashu said quietly as if he knew what he was thinking, "but I'll take a look at it occasionally."

From childhood.

But in order to avoid being found out, he would put it back intact. It is probably not an exaggeration to call it stealing information.

It's not as simple as taking it back and putting it back.

Sure enough, no matter how old he is, this person is indeed the son of the national teacher.

Chen Zichu sighed inwardly as he looked at his friend who was downplaying in front of him, but the next moment his eyes became serious.

"Where will this information... be sent?"

"It doesn't matter where you send it to," Ji Jiashu shook. "Even if it's later, the credential will be delivered in a few days. The important thing is..."

Ji Jiashu looked deeply.

Someone is interested in this intelligence.The information obtained not only contained the exact departure time, but even the route map of the sending-off team was clear.

And his family's intelligence network not only collects information on its own, but also intercepts information from other forces.

His father's staff and confidants will naturally know, but these people also have their own confidants and subordinates, and this country has other intelligence channels.

Where did the information come from, and who was collecting it, all are unknown.

What he could feel was another breath in the information flow.

murderous look.

Chen Zichu felt the cold aura rising from Ji Jiashu's body, and tentatively asked, "Is it... an assassination?"

"Everything is my speculation," Ji Jiashu looked at him and said, "But there should be many people in Nanchu who don't want that princess to enter the country."

The lost and found princess.

The orphan of the Second Emperor Ying Hao.

When this news came out, how many undercurrents were surging under the water surface, those who were not in it could not know.

"And it's not just Nanchu." Ji Jiashu tightened his fists resting on his knees, "The next step is my intuition as a practitioner."

He looked at his friend beside him and spoke.

"There is also a taste of other countries."

Chen Zichu's eyes widened in surprise, and then he sighed, "It's also because the princess was unlucky that she married at this time."

Ji Jiashu and Chen Zichu looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

Primary ceremony.

The three-year grand gathering for practitioners, the Beginning Ceremony, will be held in Danyang, the capital of Southern Chu, on the first day of September.

In order to welcome the arrival of practitioners from all the mountains, seas and continents, from the first day of August, Nanchu will lift the entry restrictions for practitioners from the five countries in the Great Wall of Southern Chu, and practitioners below the ground level can enter freely.

Southern Chu at this time is the period when many forces are gathering and the darkest tide is turbulent.

"It's too messy," Chen Zichu shook his head, "Not to mention anything else, killers from various countries can enter the country pretending to be students participating in the grand ceremony."

The only good thing is that practitioners below the ground level can cause limited harm.

Otherwise, Nanchu would not lift the restrictions as usual.

It's just that if you want to kill that princess, everything is hard to say.After all, the current power of the former Qin Dynasty in the practice world...

very debilitating.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to send enough practitioners to protect her.

Originally, the experience of this princess was strange enough. She disappeared from the palace and was found again. It is said that she should have been assassinated, but she was still alive. ...

It is a miracle that the princess can live till now.

Chen Zichu touched his chest with lingering fear, and looked at Ji Jiashu, "Qianqin's marriage should be easy this time, right?"

After all, being alive is the most important thing.

Ji Jiashu shook his head, "The former King of Qin is going to guard her according to the original ceremonies. At the same time, additional practitioners will be sent to protect her."

"What?" Chen Zichu was simply amazed, "What practitioners can the former Qin come up with now? Heaven rank?"

Ji Jiashu shook his head, "Practitioners above rank five should protect the former King Qin in the palace. The former King Qin said that the descendants of the Ying family have their own self-protection techniques, and they will definitely reach Southern Chu safely to complete the marriage contract."

The so-called invincible technique for the descendants of the Ying family?

Chen Zichu wanted to laugh when he heard this, he was so confident in this technique, why did the former King of Qin keep so many high-level practitioners by his side?
He stretched out his hand and patted Ji Jiashu's shoulder, "Brother, it seems that you don't have to worry so much. Whether or not your marriage contract will be concluded is another matter."

In this situation, who knows if the former Princess Qin can survive to Southern Chu.

Chen Zichu said in his heart.

However, in the face of his comfort, Ji Jiashu looked calmly and looked up at him seriously, "So I hope you will pick her up."

Chen Zichu was completely dumbfounded, and at this moment he finally understood Ji Jiashu's intentions.

Knowing that the former princess of Qin was in danger, this Fourth Young Master Ji, who was sitting at home but was forced into the marriage contract for no reason... wants him to protect that princess?
Protect your... fiancée?

"Wait," Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu, "Are you not crazy?"

Ji Jiashu looked at him calmly, "I'm very awake."

"Then why do you care about this matter?" Chen Zichu stared at him, "You don't really like that former Qin princess, do you?"

Ji Jiashu's expression became calmer, and he could be called Gujing Wubo, "I've never seen her before, so how can I like her?"

"That's right," Chen Zichu shook his head. His friend's asceticism made him feel that this person would become a monk sooner or later.

"To be honest, if you hadn't been put into this engagement, I would have thought you were going to marry Xiu Xun." Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu and said.

"Cultivation has its own way," Ji Jiashu said, "what is the direction of my heart."

"Stop, stop," Chen Zichu stretched out his hand to stop, put away the smile on his face, and looked at Ji Jiashu seriously.

"Since you didn't want to bring about this marriage yourself, why did you intervene?"

The young man's eyes looked deeply into Ji Jiashu's eyes, "As a cultivator, you should do things according to your heart and out of morality. When encountering such a thing, I will naturally not persuade you to add insult to injury, but this matter has nothing to do with you. Nothing to do, you..."

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu, his voice trembling slightly.

"What's the trouble?"

Isn't it painful for a man to be forced into a marriage contract he doesn't like?

If he was in Ji Jiashu's position, as a man, he would think that he would be benevolent if he didn't contribute to the flames, but this stupid man in front of him still wants someone to protect that marriage partner?

"Jiashu," Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu solemnly, "We grew up together, tell me, do you... want to marry her?"


Before Ji Jiashu could speak, Chen Zichu stared into his eyes, "Bet on the Dao heart of a practitioner, and tell the truth."

Ji Jiashu looked straight into his eyes, paused, and shook his head.

"I don't know her, so naturally I don't like her, and naturally I don't want to marry her."

He doesn't want to marry her.

I don't want to marry a woman I've never met before.

He has never been tempted by any woman in this life, but if possible, he wants to marry a woman who tempts him.

"I don't want to marry her, and I will break off the engagement with her."

"Then..." Chen Zichu said excitedly, but his words were blocked.

"But I also don't want her to die because of it."

Ji Jiashu looked into his friend's eyes and spoke seriously.

"She is innocent."

(End of this chapter)

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