Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 90 Killing the Game

Chapter 90 Killing the Game

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu in astonishment, "What did you say? She..."

"She didn't do anything," Ji Jiashu looked at him and said, "She shouldn't be treated like this."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Chen Zichu narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend in front of him, "How do you know she didn't do anything? What if she heard your reputation and cried out to marry you?"

"Innocent?" Chen Zichu raised his eyebrows, "Don't tell me you don't know what it means to be born guilty."

This aristocratic son of Southern Chu looked coldly at the young man in front of him. Whether it was the royal family or the aristocratic family, they were involved in fighting at birth. What is innocent?

"Besides," he stared at Ji Jiashu, "she is innocent, so are you guilty? You are the most promising young man in Nanchu, but you were tied up..."

In the middle of his words, Ji Jiashu raised a hand to stop him.

"Zi Chu," Ji Jiashu looked into Chen Zichu's eyes, "I have you sympathizing with me, and countless people from Southern Chu sympathize with me, but why no one sympathizes with her?"

Chen Zichu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "That's because she has no talent..."

His words were interrupted again, Ji Jiashu looked at him and smiled, "You know it well, it's not her who can make the decisions."

"Even if this woman may have tampered with this marriage, she is not guilty of death." Ji Jiashu said softly, "Why be so harsh."

"I just follow my heart."

"How innocent is a woman," Ji Jiashu stared at Chen Zichu and said quietly, "If I knew she was in trouble, but didn't help her because of my own selfishness, what kind of person would I be?"

I don't know how other people are, but I know that there are not many men in this world who think like you...

Chen Zichu looked at his friend in front of him and thought.

But looking at this man's serious eyes, Chen Zichu knew that he had made up his mind.

Since childhood, once this friend made up his mind, ten cows would not be able to pull back, leaving him alone would only cause bigger things.

"Okay, because you begged me so sincerely, I will help you this time." Chen Zichu stood up and looked down at him.

"Thank you," Ji Jiashu bowed his head in thanks, then raised his head with a somewhat complicated expression, "Actually, I should have done this myself, but..."

"I know," Chen Zichu interrupted him with a sigh, "How long will your confinement last?"

After the Southern Chu King decreed that he and his pro-prince would marry Lord Chunhua, no one knew that the fourth son of the Ji family was imprisoned by his father, and he was not allowed to go anywhere except the school and his own house.

It is even more impossible to leave Danyang City one step.

"At least until the engagement banquet is held." Ji Jiashu lowered his head, "Actually, if I try my best, I might be able to escape, after all, my lord father is in retreat."

"Come on," Chen Zichu shivered, jumped off the verandah and walked out of the courtyard, turning his head, "You'd better stay at home obediently and wait to marry a wife."

It's a pity that this person was harmed so badly by this engagement and still wanted to protect the fiancé.

Sure enough, none of the Six Masters of the Warring States Period was a normal person, and it was normal for him not to be judged.

Chen Zichu looked back at Ji Jiashu, "Just wait for me to bring your wife back!"

"Wait," Ji Jiashu waved to him, "There is someone else who will go with you. I have already agreed with Yishan, and he will be waiting for you at the gate of the city tomorrow morning!"

"What?" Chen Zichu stopped in his tracks, and said angrily, "You told him to do something and even come to me!"

Xu Yishan's fighting ability is higher than his, okay?He fights with wisdom, he is a counselor!
"But the two of you are safer," Ji Jiashu looked at him and smiled, "After all, Yishan is alone...and doesn't know the way."

"Okay, do you want to be more considerate?" Chen Zichu waved at Ji Jiashu angrily, "There will only be two people, but I have agreed in advance that I will not lose my life for your fiancée!"

"I know, just do your best," Ji Jiashu nodded solemnly, "If you can't beat it, remember to run."

That's all he can do.

The rest is left to fate.

Looking at the back of his friend leaving, Ji Jiashu sat alone on the porch, looking up at the moon above his head.

The former Qin princess, Ying Baoyue?
The boy spoke softly to the moon in the sky.

"I hope you don't die."

After all you are really, really in danger.



Her situation turned out to be really dangerous.

In the former Qin Palace shrouded in moonlight, Ying Baoyue quietly opened her eyes again in the dark, and held her wrist that started to ache again under the quilt.

However, what awakened her was not the familiar curse.

In the dark, she breathed quietly.

Feel the breath around you at the same time.

The night was very quiet, the night candles lit by the maids were burning quietly, everything seemed to be the same as before, even the breathing of the maids was quite different.

Even practitioners can't feel anything wrong.

However, Ying Baoyue's hand under the quilt quietly touched her earlobe.

Yes, even practitioners who can sense the breathing of people around them can't detect something wrong, because the number of people inside and outside the hall has not changed.

But one thing has changed, that is, the breathing rate is wrong.

The palace people have been selected before entering the palace, and they will never snore when they fall asleep at night. All they have learned all day is how not to disturb the master, and their breathing is quieter than ordinary people, so this trick is even more confusing when used in the palace.

If Ying Baoyue hadn't studied these before, it would be really easy to be deceived.

Hard to spot.

The 34 people inside and outside her palace were all asleep at this time.

In an instant, without disturbing anyone, all the guards around her were disabled.

No wonder he was able to quietly steal the princess from the palace. No, stealing the princess should not be as troublesome as stealing her, so is the method of missing a hit even upgraded?
Changed to a higher level practitioner?
Ying Baoyue lay quietly on the bed, clutching the arrowhead by her ear, waiting for that person to arrive.

She was breathing evenly and closed her eyes tightly, as if she was immersed in a sweet dream, but the faint change of air flow from the ceiling in front of her told her what happened, and outlined in her mind what she should be able to see with her eyes screen.

Naturally, people's breath cannot be felt, and even if it is impossible to cover up the breath, it cannot invade here.

This breath is not the breath of the intruder, but just a change in the shape of the ceiling.

And at this moment, this picture appeared in Ying Baoyue's mind.

She lay flat on the bed, and a figure quietly protruded from the ceiling three feet away from her face.

If you open your eyes at this time, normal people will probably be scared to death by this abnormal scene.

The man hung down from the patio like a snake, his arms extended like liquid, obviously exceeding the length of a normal human arm, and slowly, slowly, protruding towards her cheek.

The breath-holding talisman shot by Tianjie, and this length... Did you remove the joints of your own arm?

The man in pitch-black soft armor hanging from the ceiling looked at the girl lying on the bed, and a secret emotion flashed in Furui Wubo's eyes.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand, as if wanting to caress the girl's face, and poked his fingertips towards the center of the girl's cheek that gradually slid in mid-air on the bed.

And a viscous liquid also oozes from his fingertips, with a strange red light emitting from the edge.

The man breathed a sigh of relief as the liquid dripped down, but the next moment his pupils shrank.

The moment the liquid was about to drip onto the girl's eyebrows, the girl on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, slid sideways, and slipped under the bed!
 Let’s start with three chapters, 7000 words, and there will be one or two chapters in the afternoon, depending on the number of words in the chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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