Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 91 Life and Death

Chapter 91 Life and Death
Between life and death, sometimes it is a matter of who is faster.

Ying Baoyue slid into the bottom of the bed like a fish swimming, and then she tilted her head slightly, only to hear a snort in her ear.

The viscous liquid dripped, penetrated the entire bed board, and fell straight to the ash-filled bottom of the bed, leaving a deep pit and a wisp of green smoke.

Who said that aqua regia could not be manufactured in ancient times?
Ying Baoyue was lying on the bottom of the bed, looking through the hole in the bed board, looking expressionlessly at the stunned eyes of the man in black on the ceiling.

A caustic, pungent smell filled her nostrils.

This corrosion effect is much stronger than aqua regia.

If she was a moment later and the drop of liquid dripped between her eyebrows as this person wished, then what penetrated now would not be the bed board, but her head.

So, do you want to try to see if you can kill the legendary descendants of the Ying family?

When it comes to invulnerability, the first reaction of people in this world is probably invulnerability, so the first round is fire, and the second round is replaced by water immersion.

Shenhuo was used in the first round, of course, ordinary water cannot be used in the second round.

Ying Baoyue and the man on the top looked at each other for only a moment, and the next moment the man's wide-eyed and twisted arms waved instantly, and a cold light shone on his fingertips, which turned out to be a thin silver thread!
Ying Baoyue wondered if the thread was corrosive.But according to her intuition, cutting the bed board and her under it into pieces in an instant should be...

No problem.

Everything happened in an instant. As a killer, he had an extremely stable mental strength. The long-accumulated killing move that should have been a one-hit hit was dodged, but the second move was almost the same as the first move, and even sharper.

With a light chirp, he cut gold and jade.

The three-person bed of the former Qin princess was cut into 46 parts.

Even without heartbreak water, he can complete the task.

In fact, how can it be so troublesome, what kind of self-protection technique, he doesn't believe that there are still people in this world who are divided into several parts and can still live.

With a crash, the big bed was torn apart, and the man in black on the ceiling landed lightly on the fragments, quietly looking at the soles of his feet.

However, the next moment, his pupils shook violently, filled with anger, and stared at the debris.

A deep hole.



Master, why did you agree to the man Emperor Ying to set up this kind of self-protection technique for the royal children...

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been assassinated by such fancy tricks in this life.

Assassination is fine, but there are so many tricks.

In the palace late at night, the disgraced Ying Baoyue secretly slandered while running in the dark passage.

While running fast, she turned her head to look at the entrance of the collapsed secret passage. If she didn't happen to live in the Taishi Palace tonight, Ying Baoyue really doubted that she was about to confess that she was there just now.

It's actually... a cultivator of the fifth rank.

She is so good and capable, she has been mixed up like this in her life, and the first assassin she met was actually a god dancer.

He also carries a spell produced by Tianjie on his body.

And the man in black gave her a very strange feeling. Although the sense of oppression was far inferior to that of the man wearing the bronze mask that he met in Lishan, there was an ominous aura all over his body, and the slender mask he used Although Ying Baoyue hadn't fully penetrated the silk weapon, she saw it at that moment.

The wind is actually wrapped around the silk-like filaments.

Very high speed wind.

I'm afraid it was the wind that gave the thin thread the power to cut gold and jade. Once touched, everything would be split in two silently.

It's really a very good skill for a killer.

Maybe that person is not the strongest to face him on the battlefield, but at this moment, the palace shrouded in darkness is his killing field.

Hearing the light crackling sound of green bricks being cut behind her, Ying Baoyue clenched her lips and mobilized the insignificant real energy she had accumulated not long after breaking through, and ran desperately.

This secret road has many forks in order to hide people's eyes and ears, but there is only one place leading to it.

That is where the Immortal Official in the Palace works, the Imperial Prayer Province.

Looking at the deep road ahead, Ying Baoyue looked a little complicated.

Although the crisis was not resolved, that person saved her life again in this life.

At that time, she slid to the bottom of the bed with a mentality of taking a gamble. After all, it is basically impossible for her to survive under the rank five subordinates in her current state. She never expected that this secret passage...

It's still there.

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists tightly, and her fingertips dug into her palms.

The secret passage of the Taishi Palace is almost unknown in the entire former Qin Imperial Palace. After all, who would have thought that there would be such a secret passage under the bed of the emperor's eldest son, who was usually the most well-behaved?

Of course, such a secret passage is not used to do unruly things.

Although it was indeed used to find her, otherwise she would not know.

Although the Imperial Prayer Province is the office of the Immortal Officials, the Immortal Officials have their own dignified residences in Guiyang City, and they will live in the Imperial Prayer Province day and night.

Only the chief minister Lin Shubai and her disciples.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

This secret passage was used by the eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu, to see a doctor late at night.

Thinking of her elder brother who passed out without saying a few words, Ying Baoyue felt a little complicated.

In fact, most of the men in the Ying family are not in good health.

The eldest son of the emperor, Yingsu, suffered from a disease called asthma in another world.Once the weather gets cooler, no matter how much medicine is used, it often recurs at night.

However, if the prince who is in the battle for the reserve position often calls the imperial physician, it will cause unnecessary panic.So since Ying Su was a teenager, she went to the Imperial Prayer Province at night to find a witch doctor, that is, to find her master to solve it.

After Ying Su turned 20, after she helped him with a matter, and the master gave her the task of compiling the pharmacopoeia, he changed from looking for her master to looking for her.

Although she hadn't experienced the stage of being a tenth-level genius doctor back then, she was still a witch doctor, not to mention that it was her duty to do these things as a fairy official, and she was very happy to lighten the burden on the master's shoulders.

In those nights, when she heard the sound of knocking at the entrance of the passage, she would get up, open the door of the secret passage, mix the medicine for the man and use the true essence to suppress his disordered breathing.

But apart from the medical treatment, in many years, she and he never talked about anything else.

Even after a series of procedures became routine and no consultation was required, she and him did not speak a word for three years.

It's just that one person mixes the medicine and the other takes the medicine.

The two sat in front of the silent passage, watching the sun rise.

However, the silence of this passage was broken in this way after many years.

Hearing the sound of green bricks being cut continuously behind him, Ying Baoyue forcibly suppressed the memories in his heart and tried to speed up his pace.Even though she is familiar with the terrain, but the man in black uses destruction instead of searching, she definitely can't outrun him!
Life and death, faster than anyone else!
There was tearing pain in her legs, but Ying Baoyue finally arrived, looking at the dead end in the dark, she reached out to the dusty door in her memory.

There was a creaking sound, as if the man had pushed the door countless times, and the decayed door bolt fell and brought up a large cloud of dust.

The door opened.

In the dust rising up at that moment, Ying Baoyue seemed to see a figure of a little girl holding a lantern standing in the distance.

But the dust fell and there was nothing.

There is no longer that person in the door, and her soul will not wait for him here.The dust choked into her nostrils, and what Ying Baoyue saw was the ladder she was familiar with.


The most special building of the former Qin Palace, the interior of the Imperial Prayer Province.

This is a full seven-storey pavilion, and under her master's whimsical idea, the interior structure is not like a yamen but like a...


Half of it is a normal pavilion, and the other half is her and Master's residence, from the first floor to the seventh floor are completely connected.

That's right, the room where she and Master used to be... was as tall as a seven-story building.

Coming up from the ground, first of all, there is a huge ladder leading directly to the seventh floor.

Ying Baoyue looked around, but found no sign of other immortal officials, and the door was locked tightly from the outside.

As for the building of the Royal Prayer Province... the sound insulation effect is very outstanding.

No one would notice if she yelled loudly.

This means that if she wants to escape from the man in black's pursuit, she has to play an escape room.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath. If no one had remodeled the pavilion, she remembered that the skylight leading to the outside on the seventh floor used a mechanism lock.

And the designer of the mechanism lock.

It was just her in the future.

The murderous aura behind him was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that he had found this direction. Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked at the long milky white ladder in front of him.

The sky ladder was made by Master, who claims to have a ten-year warranty. Since the quality is guaranteed, it is probably not so easy to be cut off.

Can only climb?

Time couldn't stop her from hesitating, Ying Baoyue bit her lips, rubbed her palms, and rushed towards the ladder in front of her eyes!

Just after three breaths, the dilapidated old gate was shattered into powder.

A dark figure appeared in the doorway.

His gaze was as cold as ice, and he looked up.

 Thousands of words reached.

(End of this chapter)

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