Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 92 The Fall

Chapter 92 The Fall
She might have to change what she said before.

Ying Baoyue lay on the ladder panting.

Not only are the men from the Ying family not in good health, but the women from the Ying family... are also in poor health.

The little princess's body is really lack of exercise.

When she was ten years old, it only took 20 seconds at most to climb this ladder, but now she has only climbed halfway, and she feels that her heart and lungs are about to burst.

Originally, such a ladder was built, according to the master, to exercise her legs and feet when she was a child, although I didn't think so at the time.

At that time, she felt that the man was definitely just torturing her for fun.

But now Ying Baoyue finally understands.

Master, what you said is correct.

It is really born in sorrow and died in peace.

Even though she has been exercising hard for more than half a month, this body is still rusty and stagnant like mold. Hearing the creepy friction sound of the filaments under her feet hitting the ladder, Ying Baoyue clenched her blood. lips.

In this life, she has to work harder.

At this time, exactly 1 minute passed, and with the severe pain that was about to abolish his hands and feet, Ying Baoyue had already climbed to the height of the five-story building, and it seemed that victory was in sight, but unfortunately, the friction of the filaments under his feet The sound suddenly stopped.


Ying Baoyue didn't look at the soles of her feet and didn't look back, because she had discovered this little princess's body before, not only weak...

And afraid of heights.

Now as long as she lowers her head, it's not that the crown will fall off, but that her body may not be able to move for a moment.

However, feeling the extremely slight vibration from the ladder under his hand, he didn't need to bow his head to know what happened.

The man in black at the bottom finally gave up his plan to cut the ladder and began to climb up by himself!
To be honest, she was able to survive until now because the man in black was extremely confident in the filaments in his hands, he didn't bother to climb the ladder, but wanted to cut off this very ordinary looking ladder.

At this time, Ying Baoyue finally confirmed it.

The man in black at the bottom is not a pure assassin.

A pure assassin will only choose the simplest way to kill the task object with the least effort, and will not care about the means and will not be conceited in his own strength.

If it was a professional assassin, he would have directly chosen to climb the ladder just now, even if he did not use his best method, he would have quietly ended her life as quickly as possible, instead of enjoying the fun of cats chasing mice.

Ying Baoyue had sensed something was wrong ever since this man unscrupulously split the secret path.

The person who hunted her down tonight should have a higher social status.

Or the status of a practitioner.

Instead of living at the bottom and habitually shaking the big tree, an assassin who can only regard power as a means rather than a capital.

It was this person's confidence in his own strength, which had been properly concealed, and when it hit the iron plate left by a certain commander of absolute power, it bought her time to survive.

But the gift that Master left her is here.

In just a brief moment, that cold murderous aura rose to her feet.

At most, the man in black is confident rather than conceited, because even if he delays some time, in fact, it is only a moment for a fifth-level practitioner to climb this ladder.

The time Ying Baoyue took to climb one floor was enough for him to climb six floors.

The moment the cutting sound stopped, with a swish, the life-like filaments were entangled on the ladder that was only three steps down from Ying Baoyue's feet.

The man in black only put his feet on the step, and the black shadow rose to Ying Baoyue's feet like a ghost.

Is this filament a three-dimensional mobile device... Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, knowing that death was approaching her feet again.

The man in black raised his head, looked at the girl's white ankles and calves above his head, his cold eyes narrowed slightly.

The silver thread flashed past his fingertips, and he could see the scene of these legs falling to the ground in just a moment.

The only thing he never understood was the woman's reaction.From the beginning, the woman did not utter a cry for help or beg for mercy.

Although it saved him a lot of trouble, it also aroused the vigilance of the people in black.

But no matter what, no one in the palace could save the princess at this time, no matter how strange her reaction was, there was no trace of disguise on this face, so he didn't need to think about it.

Just follow the master's order and kill her.

Even if he is not as powerless as in the information, even if there is a slight fluctuation in his body as a practitioner.

But she is still a weak woman who can't do anything.

So what if you can escape here?
Still can't get rid of the fate of being cut.

Some people are born to be damned.

The man looked at the girl in front of him who was climbing up silently at a snail's speed like an animal waiting to be slaughtered, with an ironic smile on the corner of his mouth.

The resistance of the weak is meaningless.

It will only make the strong laugh.

He raised his hand and looked at the girl above his head expressionlessly. If these legs were cut off, could she still remain silent?

What kind of voice is the scream and mournful cry of the princess of a country?
He hasn't heard of it yet.

Let him try it.

The silk thread was lifted up, just mixed with the moonlight cast by a skylight above the head, as if it had been plated with silver.

The direction of the silk thread is not elsewhere, but carefully designed by him, just waiting in the direction where the girl climbed up.

Just the height to cut her down the middle.

She climbed up, just to make herself die faster.This is the result of mere ants daring to resist.

This is a dead end!

The man's pupils lit up, and the thread in his hand lit up, "Die..."

However, the next moment, the bright and confident eyes of the man in black suddenly cast a dark shadow.

A figure fell from the sky.



Don't be afraid.

You are my heart now, don't beat so violently.

Lung, as if about to burst.

The wrists and legs seemed to be broken.

At the moment when the wind with death sounded behind him.Ying embraced the moon and let go.

This is the moment she's been waiting for until now.


Everything happened extremely fast, breaking all possibilities that normal people can think of.

The man in black opened his eyes wide in astonishment, looking at the woman who had climbed to the top of the sixth floor but still dared to let go and let herself fall.

If she falls from here, she will definitely die in her insignificant realm!

However, at the next moment, an even more unexpected scene appeared. The moment the woman fell, her small body seemed to be pulled by something in the air and circled around the ladder to avoid the silk thread he raised!

There was a click, and the sound of the silk thread hitting the ladder body sounded.

That is……

A small cold light pierced his eyes. At this time, the black-clothed person discovered that the woman's wrist was also holding a thin thread, and the top of the thread was wrapped around the ladder, and the top was connected to a...

Small arrowheads.

Success or failure depends on one stroke, and the meridians are showing signs of drying up. This is the last thing she keeps, a breath of true energy.

The man in black shrank his pupils and looked at the oncoming black shadow.

The girl was actually at the last moment.

Do not advance and retreat.

The next moment, without waiting for the man in black to react, Ying Baoyue, who circled back from the other side of the ladder, sank and fell towards him.

A slender foot.

step on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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