Chapter 93
The foot feel is okay.

Of course, as long as the soles of the feet were not corroded, Ying Baoyue would be satisfied.

After all, she didn't do this for pleasure. If she was not careful, there would be an abyss below, but she couldn't step on the ladder, and the filament couldn't be stepped on, so she could only step on his face.

Fortunately, she had watched it when the teacher taught a certain dance in her previous life, but...

This kind of dancing on the wire, she really didn't want to experience it again.

Perhaps this place where she lived for many years is protecting her, a ray of moonlight hit her face, Ying Baoyue gathered all her strength on that foot, and leaped vigorously!
It's like when that little girl jumped directly from the stairs on the sixth floor to her bed on the seventh floor many years ago.

Speaking of which, she had never climbed the ladder on the seventh floor.

She uses jumping all the time.

The foot left, and the black-clothed man angrily opened his slammed eyes, but the sweat rolled down from the girl's chin and dripped straight into the eyes of the man in black, making him in a trance for a moment.

Then, amid the stinging pain in his eyes, he saw that the girl rubbed the thin wire on her right wrist guard against her left wrist, and the golden silk thread melted instantly. A closed skylight on a seven-story bed!

Is this person courting death?
Is this crazy or stupid...

The pupils of the man in black shrank, but he saw the girl leaping up lightly, reaching for an extremely complicated lock on the skylight in the air.

The lock snapped open.

what's the situation?
The man in black took a deep breath, and with the help of Filament, he rushed towards the woman's back, but the next moment the girl's figure quickly broke through the skylight and disappeared out of the window.

This woman!

He must kill her!

Do you think that if you escape from the Imperial Prayer Province, you will be able to escape from birth?


It's time to wake up from the dream.

A violent wind rose from the body of the man in black wrapped in filaments, and in an instant the inexplicably opened skylight was completely smashed open.

In the Divine Dance Realm, everyone has their own dance.

The dance called death.

Outside the building of the Royal Prayer Province, there is a completely smooth wall. Ying Baoyue stepped on the damaged window frame, and her broken fingertips scratched at the cracks in the wall. Under the hurricane, she was blown down like a boat in a big wave.

The man in black holding the window frame lowered his head, watching the fallen girl fall backwards with a pale face.

Into the endless abyss of night.

The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

"Goodbye." He imitated the man's tone and moved his lips softly.

"Go to hell, princess of the former Qin Dynasty."

However, at the next moment, in the strong wind, the man opened his eyes wide again in astonishment.

Just as she was falling, the girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at him quietly, as if a flame was burning in her eyes.

The next moment he saw her looking at the empty wall.

Then, he watched her stretch out her hand towards the smooth, empty bricks of the Imperial Prayer.

The moment she stretched out her hand, the shape of the wall actually changed.

There was a snap.

Ying hugged Yue's hand.

Grab a straw rope.



Straw ropes growing from the walls seemed to appear out of nowhere.

There was a rough touch in the palm, and the next moment the grass rope snapped and couldn't bear the sudden forceful break.

Ying Baoyue fell down again.

And at this moment, accompanied by a slight sigh.

A big hand came from top to bottom, grabbing her collar.

As the moonlight fell, the man's black hair rose.

Ying Baoyue held the straw rope tightly, looked into the man's dark eyes and smiled.

"good evening."



The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

However, Zhao Guang's mood is not very good.

Because of Ying Hanri's sudden fainting during the day, the original schedule of intelligence collection was interrupted, but this time the mission was not urgent at all, not to mention that he was able to walk with the second brother this time, so he was able to meet again after late at night. Li Ji sneaked into the palace together to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

That is, the wish to visit the imperial palaces of the seven countries in the mainland at night.

Well, Xi Rong put it aside for now, at least it was his childhood dream to be able to visit the palaces of other six countries at night.

Or rather, his mother's dream.

His mother's... last wish.

Zhao Guang looked up at the bright moon in the sky. Before his mother died, she only regretted one thing. She was trapped in a tiny place all her life, but she had no chance to go out to see it.

"I haven't seen any other countries, other imperial palaces, other high mountains, or other grasslands. Is this concubine about to leave?"

Those were the last words left by his mother.

At that time, he was still young and couldn't fully understand his mother's regret. He just wiped away his tears and swore on his mother's bed that he would definitely travel to the most powerful places on this continent in his life.

Needless to say the natural scenery, if you want to say that the place with the most powerful treasures in all countries is naturally the imperial palace.

The oath was made in this way, so the imperial palaces of Soochow's own country were naturally not counted, but it was a pity that he had lived to almost 20 years old, and he had never been to many imperial palaces in other countries.

The Southern Chu Imperial's scary to think about having that Eastern Emperor Taiyi guarding it. As for the's also scary.

In the end, only the former Qin Palace had hope.

After the former king of Qin stepped down from the throne, he sealed off half of the original palace to show his sincerity. This is what makes Zhao Guang regretful.However, regrets are regrets, this time he was lucky enough to be able to visit the palace at night.

If it wasn't for the coincidence that his second brother cooperated so well, coupled with the breath-holding talisman made by the national teacher, how could a country's imperial palace be so easy to enter.

With the help of Li Ji's power to stand outside the wall of the former Qin Dynasty, Zhao Guang was really emotional at that moment.

"This is actually the place where the human god once lived." Under the moonlight, he sighed, "It will not be discovered by the immortal officials of the former Qin Dynasty after invading here, and the breath-holding talisman of the master of the state is really good... "

Very useful.

That's what he meant to say.

But just in the middle of his words.

A girl fell off.

Zhao Guang's eyes widened suddenly. Recently, whenever he wanted to sigh something, it was difficult to finish.But now inside the breath-holding talisman, absolutely no one can see them this time, and no one can hear them speak.

They look like a wall from the outside.

It all happened so fast, he didn't even have time to think about whether to hold her, after all, they are a wall's impossible to see...

However, at the next moment, Zhao Guang watched helplessly as the girl quietly looked towards them while falling, and then stood between the sword light and flint.

Reaching out, grabbing the hairband on his brother's head...

No, straw rope.

The straw rope broke.

Zhao Guang lowered his head deeply, looking at the girl who was held by his brother.

"good evening."

She raised her head and said this to them.

Where is it.

The moment she fell, a hurricane rolled down like a huge wave, attacking the three menacingly.

Then he heard the girl say this to him.

"Let's make a deal."

(End of this chapter)

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