Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 94 Outbreak

Chapter 94 Outbreak
"Qian is the third, Gen is the east, Yang Yao is the ninth beginning."

Everything happened too fast, before Zhao Guang had time to react, he only heard the girl speak at an extremely fast speed.

Wait, what is this?
Facts have proved that he can't understand these, what he can understand is the latter sentence.

Under the moonlight, the girl looked up at them and chuckled, "Please pretend to be a former Qin official, so I won't tell anything about you being here tonight."

Her very slight pause made Zhao Guang's hair stand up all over, just hearing her call.

"A young man from Soochow...a boy from Soochow."

Wait, did she just want to talk about secret work?

Zhao Guang's scalp exploded and he was about to speak, but it turned out that he was really not needed here. Before he could answer, Li Ji suddenly moved in the turbulent wind and waves.

No, he was really angry.

A huge amount of true energy shot up into the sky and rushed in three directions. If the true energy of the man in black just now was a huge wave, then the true energy erupted by this man is a tsunami.

Zhao Guang's pupils shrank, and he looked at his elder brother in astonishment, "True essence exploded? Second brother, are you crazy? The immortal officials of the former Qin Dynasty will find out..."

Zhao Guang watched in a daze as Li Ji's zhenqi disappeared in the three directions he was rushing like a mud cow into the sea, and actually merged into...the building in front of him.

"This is……"

However, before Zhao Guang could sigh, a man's stunned voice came from above their heads.

"A fairy official from the former Qin Dynasty? Rank...four?"

"Why are you here..."

Under the moonlight, Ying Baoyue quietly raised her head and looked at the man in black hanging from the skylight on the seventh floor. At this time, the filaments wrapped around him made him look like a big spider.

But the hurricane that had erupted around him before was gone.

The suppression between equal ranks is absolute.

Even though Li Ji's true energy had disappeared, the oppressive force he showed just now was enough to completely swallow the man's true energy.

The realm of this young man is indeed above the fifth rank.

The higher the level, the bigger the gap between each level, and...

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the man wearing the bronze mask in front of her. From the first time she met, she realized that there was something wrong with this man's breath, something...

Before Ying Baoyue realized what Li Ji's disobedience was, at this moment, the man looked at her with dark eyes, then raised his hand upwards.

The man hanging on the seventh floor looked at the palm that slowly stretched out to him, his pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment, there was a gust of wind.

The man in black was nowhere to be seen.

Under the moonlight, only the broken window frame swayed in the night wind.



Runs really fast.

Holding Zhao Guang's borrowed shoulder under the moonlight, Ying Baoyue stepped on a protruding brick outside the wall, looked up at the top and then down at the foot, she looked at the man beside her and said.

"Thanks. It was a great help."

Li Ji glanced at her, "We were the ones who snatched your wall tiles first."

"Wall bricks?" Zhao Guang, who was sulking at first, was startled when he heard the words, and the next moment he suddenly looked down at the bricks under his feet that he and Li Ji used to build a foothold on.

Yes, no matter how great his second brother was, they couldn't stick them directly on the wall.

Practitioners are also human beings, not geckos.

But when he was watching under the building of the Imperial Prayer Province, Li Ji suddenly discovered a very hidden protrusion on the wall, which was where they set their feet at this time.

"Number No. 80 in the southeast, and No. 80 in the left is two yuan." Li Ji glanced at Ying Baoyue, "Ninety-nine and eighty-one to return the original yuan, the number of eighty-two and Erling, the number of the Book of Changes. "

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "It's a good thing you found out."

This is the only protrusion on the smooth mirror-like wall outside the Imperial Prayer Province that Master and her carefully set up. The position is arranged according to the numbers in the Book of Changes, implying that it is used to save lives at critical moments.

"and many more……"

Zhao Guang felt that his brain was not enough after listening to the two people talking, and he looked at the girl beside him in disbelief, "So you fell here before, did you fall here on purpose?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

Thanks to these two, she almost thought that the raised wall bricks suddenly disappeared, and she was about to fall to her death at the door of her house.

Zhao Guang rubbed his head, now he finally understood why his brother had to make a move with a sigh.

She would be fine without them.

It was they who took the escape route of others.

"Wait, brother, then your true energy exploded just now..." Zhao Guang's scalp went numb when he remembered what happened just now, and he looked at Li Ji with fear, "Why did your true energy suddenly disappear?"

Li Ji glanced at him, "Qian is the third, Gen is the east, Yang Yao is the ninth beginning."

So what exactly does this sentence mean?What kind of code are these two people playing?Is this his brother or her brother?

"These three are the directions in the Book of Changes. They are the routes used by the former Qin Xianguan to release his power at night."

Ying Baoyue looked at the puzzled young man and smiled, "Just like the guards in the palace will have a fixed route for patrolling, in order not to destroy the building but suppress the opponent, the fairy officials will arrange a guard to release the power to dispel the power. position."

The special building orientation and surrounding formations of the Royal Prayer Province will absorb these forces.

If there is no such way to absorb power, every shot by her master alone is enough to destroy the surrounding palaces hundreds of times.

Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guang, "Can you understand this?"

Zhao Guang took a deep breath and nodded in humiliation, why didn't he understand something that his second brother understood immediately.

At this moment, Li Ji looked sideways slightly, his dark eyes fixed on Ying Baoyue's.

"Why do you know these three directions?"

The man's eyes are deep.

These three directions are so special, similarly, practitioners who know how to use this route will naturally be regarded as immortal officials in the former Qin Palace by default.

This is what she said before to pretend to be the former Qin Xianguan.

just her...

"I am the princess of the former Qin Dynasty, why can't I know?" Ying Baoyue looked at the man in front of him and smiled.

She couldn't believe what else he could ask.

Li Ji stared at her silently.

Zhao Guang looked at the two people who were in a stalemate that he couldn't understand, sighed in his heart, looked at Ying Baoyue and said.

"So in the middle of the night, what is Her Highness the Princess of the former Qin Dynasty doing here?"

Naturally, she has already recognized him as a person from Soochow, so he has nothing to pretend.

Zhao Guang stared at the girl with a disheveled face, a tattered dress and a sweaty face, speechless in his heart.

He was also someone who had seen several princesses before, but the princess in front of him really... subverted his cognition drastically.

Thinking about the inexplicably appearing man in black before, Zhao Guang felt lingering fear, "You..."

"Oh, me?" The girl in front of me patted the dust on her skirt, looked up at him, "I'm avoiding pursuit."

"Avoid pursuit... so it's..." Zhao Guang responded instinctively, then stared stiffly at the girl in front of him who still had limbs.

hunt down?The former Qin princess was assassinated in her own palace?Wait, it seems there are more important things.

Wait, the man in black just now was rank five, right?
How could a level [-] hide away from level [-]?

Isn't that something that can be killed in an instant?

However, without waiting for Zhao Guang to ask back, the girl in front of him looked at him and his brother, "By the way, can I trouble you one more thing, I will pay the price."

Zhao Guang now deeply understands that if he wants to live long, he should not get involved with this woman. He was about to shake his head, but he heard Ying Baoyue say so.

"Want to go to Ganlu Hall for a night tour?"

Zhao Guang was shocked.

Ganlu Hall, that is the emperor's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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