Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 828

Chapter 828
After entering Shimen Pass, no one came back.

How high is this barrier of life and death?

There was a whistling wind in his ears, and in the weightlessness, Ying Baoyue tightly clenched the sword in his hand.

When falling into the abyss, ordinary people's brains would go blank because of panic, but she didn't lose consciousness, and she couldn't lose consciousness either.

She didn't roll off the cliff alone.

Countless men in black hurled themselves at her like bats.On the Shanhai Continent, even sky-level cultivators can't fly. These people want to use their bodies to knock her off the cliff. These killers actually have the goal of dying with her from the beginning!
These people are no ordinary killers.

But the dead.

Although she let go of her hand and fell off the cliff, she didn't intend to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff, and she never let herself fall freely from the very beginning.Ying Baoyue supported the cliff with one hand, and swung his sword with the other.The cliff rubbed off her palms, and the long cliff was stained red with blood. However, there were always dead men who were shot down by her side, and fell down the cliff before her like a dumpling.

Seeing that the girl was able to fight back in this situation, the eyes of those killers who were originally imperturbable gradually became emotional.

This emotion is called fear.

Terrified by this woman's will to live, terrified by the lack of fear in her eyes.

There is no companion by her side, but the long sword in her hand is like a sharp blade that splits the army formation on the battlefield, continuing to harvest lives incessantly.They could have died together with her, but now she was the one who took a large group of them away, even if they rushed over like this, they could still be dodged by her.

They saw the gates of death, but not hope.

Even if they smashed down desperately, they couldn't kill this woman!

Watching this scene can't help but make people have an idea.Even if they fall off a cliff with this woman, they will die first!
They could die together, but they couldn't take this woman with them.

Such an impact is terrifying enough for a dead man. Watching this scene, the killers who had followed one after another stared wide-eyed, and instinctively stretched out their hands to grab the rock wall to survive, but they saw another person beside her. At that time the whole body was stiff.

There is one more person.

With a click, the two swords intersected in midair.

While avoiding the fallen soldiers, Ying Baoyue instinctively raised her hand to block the long sword coming from her right.She raised her head abruptly, and a cold mask was almost stuck to her face.

The mask covered his entire face except for his eyes.

And these eyes are green.

She knew from the very beginning that her real opponents were not these miscellaneous soldiers.

Through the cold mask, Ying Baoyue quietly looked at those green eyes in the clouds.

"Go to hell."

The man behind the mask spit out these words coldly.His limbs could have been attached to the rock wall, but when the woman let go of her hand and fell, she actually cut his palm with a sword and pulled him into the cliff together.

At this time, amidst the falling and tumbling, the man's big hand firmly pinched the woman's shoulder, and slammed his sword at Ying Baoyue's face, but Ying Baoyue turned his head to avoid it, and slashed his sword at his right shoulder .

The man dodged, and the two tore, rolling down and fighting at a very close distance.

The difficulty of this woman was beyond the man's imagination, and he was unable to mobilize his true energy during the rapid fall. The two of them punched and kicked like children. The person's pupils shrank.

Under this cliff, there is actually a pool of water!
However, this water pool does not mean life to everyone. When they saw the countless figures twisting and turning on the clear water pool, all the men in black uttered screams.

On this pool, there are all twisting and entangled long snakes as thick as the mouth of a bowl!

For those born in the north, such a scene is like a nightmare.

The masked man was also shocked, but at this moment, he saw a smile on the corner of the girl who was fighting with him.

not good!

The man's pupils shrank, and when he said it was too late, then soon Ying Baoyue took advantage of the man's distraction when he saw the snake in the pool, he dropped the sword, grabbed the armor on his shoulder with both hands, and exchanged it in the air. The position suddenly pushed him under her body!

The man roared like a trapped animal, but Ying Baoyue refused to let go, and pressed him under him in mid-air, and the two of them overlapped and fell into the pool like this!
A huge splash of water rose up, and the violent impact of falling from a very high place caused the two of them to rush straight to the bottom of the water, and Ying Baoyue's eyes went dark in the tumbling water.

Water splashed into her ears.

But just before she fainted, at that moment, she heard the muffled groan from the back of the man who was being held under her as a cushion.

With such a large impact, even if it is a sky rank, it is probably either death or injury.

This was her last thought before losing consciousness.



When people are suffocated, they can often see hallucinations.

Hallucinations and dreams often make it difficult to distinguish reality.

But Ying Baoyue seldom fails to distinguish reality.

She knew very well that this was just a dream.

Because in the dream, she saw many people, many people who were not around her, and at the end of the crowd, she saw that person.

"I've said it's dangerous here. If you are taken away by a snake, what will Master do?"

In the dense forest, she saw the unparalleled woman climb up the tree, and carefully hugged her down who was forced to get down by a big snake entangled in the tree.

In the icy pool of water, the girl who sank quietly had warmth seeping from the corners of her eyes.

And in those vague memories, she saw the figure she remembered, but also saw the figure that made her feel confused.

"You are here."

She heard herself reaching out to a man with these words.

She saw the same figure who was stuck in one place and couldn't get down.

who is here

The person was surrounded by raging fire, and in the raging fire, she desperately stretched out her hand to that figure, but the moment she touched the flame, her body disappeared.

Her silhouette gradually dissipated under the burning flames, no matter how much she shouted, she couldn't get close to that person's figure.

Who is this?
She stumbled and wanted to run forward, but at this moment, she felt something grabbed her leg, and the icy pool of water rushed in, and she was dragged deep into the bottom of the water.

In the biting cold, Ying Baoyue suddenly opened his eyes!
The lake water pierced her nose and mouth, she opened her eyes wide with the pain in her body, and then lowered her head.

Well, sure enough, someone was dragging her.

She could float by herself, but the masked man who fell into the water with her before had passed out, but he hugged her leg tightly and dragged her to the bottom of the pool.

In the dark pool, Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the man holding her leg, and then calmly raised the other leg.

Kicked him down.


The man sank to the bottom of the pool.



(End of this chapter)

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