Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 829 The Wild Wolf

Chapter 829 The Wild Wolf
He had never seen so much water in his life.

Before leaving, the witch god said that there are deep pools of insects, snakes, demons and ghosts everywhere in the south.

Sure enough, it's not sensational.

In the North, he never encountered any defeat.But he never thought that just a short moment of distraction would be seized by that cunning woman.

The information clearly stated that she was only at the sixth rank, but why would a sixth rank have such vitality and strength?
Who is she?

But no matter who she is, the only thing he has to remember is who he is.

He is a man who cannot die.

The lower body was washed by the current, and the whole body was attacked by ice cold.In the biting cold and stiffness, the man quietly opened his eyes.

He was in severe pain and couldn't move, but the expression in his eyes was quite indifferent.

The moment he woke up, he began to look at the environment soberly, in order to understand his situation.

There was a dense fog all around, and the sky was already dark.

He moved his fingers slightly, touched the wet ground under him, and realized that he must have been washed to the bank by the current.

His lower body was still soaked in the pool water, and his posture was twisted and tilted, as if he had been dragged out of the water.

Thinking of the vague memories of being in the pool, the boy's eyes were cold.He remembered that he seemed to be kicked by someone.

The mask still weighed heavily on his face, and the green eyes in their sockets rolled to one side, and then his pupils shrank.

There are no living people around him, but there are corpses all over.

The bones were still mixed with fragments of armor, obviously those who followed him.

The meat on it was eaten clean by wild beasts.

And the number of these bones is obviously less than those who jumped down, but this makes his teeth even colder.Just because he knew it well didn't mean he might have one of his men escape.

Thinking of the snakes he saw and the screams he heard before falling to the bottom of the pool, the man's eyes sank.Those people were probably swallowed whole by those snakes.


But at this moment, the boy's eyes froze.

What about that woman?
He turned his head vigorously, but he didn't see a single figure. The man lay his head back on the sand, calmly staring at the sky covered by clouds and mist where he couldn't see where they landed.

That woman must have been buried in the belly of a snake.

Although there are many sacrifices, there are still gains in the end.But after that, he had to find a way to get out of this forest.

Looking at the corpses around him, he has already developed great fear of this weird jungle.

Lying quietly on the shore, the man mobilized his true energy and estimated his recovery time.Even in such a predicament, lying among dozens of corpses, his expression did not change at all.

According to his estimate, it only takes a quarter of an hour for his hands and feet to be able to move.

It's just that the injuries on the body are more troublesome.

There was a trace of disgust in the man's eyes.

If the woman hadn't pinned him down when he fell, he might not be hurt at all now.

All because of that dead woman.

However, at this moment, the pupils of the boy lying on the shore shrank.

At the edge of the silent pool at the bottom of the cliff, he suddenly heard the sound of splashing water!
Is it a snake?

Borrowing the dim light, the green eyes in the eye sockets of the boy's mask slightly widened.

Just because the next moment, he watched a slender figure break through the water with a sword in his mouth.


Before the person out of the water looked over, he suddenly closed his eyes, and his fingers under the armor dug into the sand under his palm.

That woman is still alive, and just now she went into the water to pick up the sword she dropped in mid-air!
The cliff was extremely quiet, and the boy's palm felt a slight breeze.

With the five keen senses of a high-level practitioner, he felt that the woman looked in his direction for an instant, paused for breath, and then walked towards him.

He should have been rushed up after the woman went into the water to find the sword.

The young man judged calmly, the fingers of the palm hidden under his body moved slightly, and he had slowly touched a short knife under his armor.

The true essence in his body was running rapidly, and the next moment he held his breath.

He has practiced the technique of holding his breath, and in the eyes of ordinary people, he is just a cold corpse at this time.

That woman is no exception.

The boy felt the girl walking towards him, her footsteps were so light, his ears could even hear the sound of water dripping from her hair.

As she approached, he quietly clenched the short knife under his body.

Although he couldn't move his whole body and the opponent was still holding a long sword, he was as calm as water.

This woman's realm is much lower than his.

He had killed those who wanted to kill him countless times in this state.Hiding among the dead and killing people is his specialty.

He knew he had an advantage, and that was wearing a mask.

When ordinary people saw his corpse, they would immediately try to remove his mask.And the moment the opponent reached out to lift his mask, he could seize the opportunity and kill him with one blow.

This woman is no exception.

This cold pool and abyss cliff cannot kill her, but she will die under his dagger.

Like the best hunter on the prairie, the boy lay on the bank and waited quietly with his eyes closed.

He felt that the woman was only an arm's width away from him, and if he was an inch closer, he would be able to draw a knife.

However, he didn't wait.

The man felt the people around him crouch down, but did not move.

Time passed minute by minute, and he felt a suffocation in his chest, but the people around him remained motionless.

Not moving.

But he doesn't believe in that evil.

Even if this woman is timid by nature and dare not approach him, she will at least slash at him with a sword. Even in this case, he can find a loophole and violently kill her!

However, he didn't wait for a sword either.

Even if he didn't dare to kill or flog the corpse, he should turn around and leave at this time.

But the woman didn't even turn away.

Well, at least find a log to push him back into the lake!

However, no.

The atmosphere is suffocating.

The sky was completely dark, and the surroundings were extremely quiet, only the sound of the pool water beating against the shore, and the faint snorting of wild animals in the distance could be heard.

Under the turtle's resting condition, his physical strength could not recover as soon as possible, and he could only lie on the shore like a real corpse.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the boy regained his breathing.

"It's a pity." At this time, a light female voice came from beside him, "I thought you could suffocate yourself to death."

The masked boy opened his green eyes suddenly, and the moment he opened his eyes, he met another pair of eyes that were quietly looking at him.

The boy's pupils shrank.

The girl squatted at an arm's length away from him, holding a sword in one hand and resting her chin in the other, watching him quietly.

She knew from the beginning that he was not dead!
"The knife in your hand is hidden under your waist, isn't it annoying?" Ying Baoyue said lightly, "It's not good if it's stabbed where it shouldn't be."

There was a hint of anger in the man's eyes, and the next moment he let out a muffled groan and jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the girl beside him.

He pressed it under his body!

 Sister Yue squatted on the side watching the scene of people pretending to be dead. For some reason, it made people feel very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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