Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 830 Wildness

Chapter 830 Wildness

One second he was lying in the water like a cold corpse, and the next second the boy on the bank jumped up like a carp, his figure was so vigorous that he didn't look like he was seriously injured.

But he did have injuries all over his body.

There seemed to be a rain of blood in the gaps in the tattered armor on his body, but the young man didn't seem to be affected at all, just like a male wolf in his prime on the grassland, the injury aroused his bloodiness instead.

A pair of big hands were like cast iron. The young man strangled Ying Baoyue's neck with one hand, and raised the knife he had held tightly with the other hand and stabbed her heart fiercely!

With a click, Ying Baoyue raised the sword and knocked the knife in his hand away, but the long sword in her hand also fell away due to lack of strength.

The boy's pupils shrank, and in the next moment, he grabbed the neck of the girl under him with both hands.

However, Ying Baoyue lay on the ground without struggling.

The air was extremely quiet, and those green eyes stared at the girl below him from top to bottom.

Even though she was at such a disadvantage, the girl's expression didn't change at all.

Being crushed by a man like this, an ordinary woman would be frightened enough to panic, but this woman's eyes showed no panic at all.

The two stalemate like this.

The masked boy's eyes became colder and colder, staring at him

And Ying Baoyue lay on the ground with open arms, watching him quietly.

As time passed, the man's body gradually stiffened.

"Aren't you afraid?" He stared at her and asked bluntly, with a cold tone, "You think I dare not kill you?"

He straddled her with his palms folded.Although his hand was pinching her neck, Ying Baoyue just looked at him, the next moment she raised her hand and stretched out her index finger, poking the left rib of the person on her body.

The pupils in the man's mask shrank in an instant.

"Afraid?" Ying Baoyue lay on the ground and smiled, "You should be afraid of me."

"You have five broken ribs, three on the left and two on the right," she said calmly, "If you pinch me harder, the sixth will be broken. If you don't believe me, try it."

The man's eyes paused, and he sneered the next moment, "I can easily recover from this small injury. Don't compare me with you, a low-level practitioner."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Recover it for me."

The man's eyes once again burst into anger, and the next moment he leaned over and picked up the dropped throwing knife on the ground, and shot it violently!
Ying Baoyue turned her head slightly, and the flying knife brushed past her ear, and the next moment, there was a sound of the knife piercing into the flesh.

Followed by the roar of a beast.

The stench of beasts' mouths and noses filled the jungle.

Ying Baoyue was lying on the ground, her eyes turned to look up, and she saw a thick hyena lying behind her, with a big gaping mouth still dripping with saliva, it could be seen that it wanted to pounce on the two of them just now.

This hyena is just leading the charge.

Ying Baoyue lay quietly on the ground, listening to all kinds of heavy breathing from all directions.The smell of blood on the two of them had already aroused the interest of the real natives of this forest.

Beasts are actually the most sensitive animals to the breath of cultivation.

The reason why this man didn't become one of the bones scattered around before was that his realm deterred the coveted beasts around him.

But at this time it was already dark, and in the dark night, countless ferocious beasts began to move around.

You know, this is the cloud forest, the legendary cloud forest that you can't get out of the sky.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Ying Baoyue rolled her eyes and looked at the man who was staring at the countless eyes in the darkness after throwing the throwing knife.

The man was apparently also aware of the dangers of the jungle.

"It's already dark," Ying Baoyue said calmly, "Before you recover your strength and strangle me, you will probably become the nourishment of this forest first."

The man's eyes were ugly for a moment, and the next moment he said coldly, "I am rank five, and I will have a way to protect myself after I kill you."

It's just a bunch of evil beasts, if you kill them, it's over.

"Fiveth rank?" Ying Baoyue narrowed his eyes at the young man who claimed to be fifth ranker.

After he woke up, she kept looking at him. The boy's aura was indeed at the fifth level, but she could detect something wrong.

Just looking at his aura, he was similar to Ji Jiashu, but the smell of blood and murderous aura on this person was far higher than any practitioner she had seen in Nanchu.

In terms of breath, it was somewhat similar to the man she had seen before.

She lay on the ground, silently staring at the mask on his face.

"Let me tell you one thing," Ying Baoyue looked into those green eyes and said lightly, "Without me, you can't get out of this forest."

"It's just like rank six, how dare you speak so boldly." The man sneered.

"We have an old saying in Central China, I don't know if you've heard of it," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "It's called a strong dragon that doesn't overwhelm a snake."

Hearing the word snake, the man's pupils shrank.

"What?" Ying Baoyue smiled, "Are you afraid of snakes?"

The man's hand holding her neck froze, and at this moment he felt the icy breath rising from behind him, and his eyes froze.

"I don't know if this pool has a name," Ying Baoyue stared at him leisurely, "If not, I think a name is very suitable for it."

There happened to be a small puddle on the ground next to Ying Baoyue's ear.

"This pool should be called the Snake Pool." The girl lying on the ground said softly.

The man stared at the small puddle next to the girl's ear on the ground. From the surface of the puddle, he saw two long black shadows rising from the pool behind him.

Every muscle in his body tensed.

The other hand went to grab the long sword that Ying Baoyue had dropped on the ground before.

"Don't move," Ying Baoyue said flatly.

The man paused his hand, and the next moment he widened his eyes, watching two long snakes crawl out from the bottom of the pool and swim to her side, and the belly of the snakes rubbed against her cheek.

Feeling the cold touch under his hands, the man let go of his hands as if he had been scalded, and left Ying Baoyue in an instant!
"You are really afraid of snakes," Ying Baoyue sat up, patted the sand on her dress, looked at the two snakes poking out from behind her head but did not hurt her, the young man squeezed through the gap between his teeth. Say two words.


"It's because I have a good affinity, and it's not some sorcery." Ying Baoyue frowned, "Is this a witch? Your knowledge is too short."

The man stared at the snake behind her and was speechless, but the next moment he saw her lightly touching a place on her collarbone. The two snakes, thicker than the mouth of a bowl, left back to the pool as if they were afraid or friendly. among.

"You..." The man looked at her coldly, "Can you manipulate snakes?"

"It's impossible," he asserted without waiting for Ying Baoyue's answer, "otherwise why didn't you kill me?"

The man sneered.

After thanking the ancestor of a certain snake from the bottom of his heart, feeling the approaching aura of beasts around him, Ying Baoyue raised his head to look at him and smiled slightly, "Why do you think I didn't kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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