Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 832 Slaves

Chapter 832 Slaves
The girl's voice was calm, but it broke the dead silence in the night.However, the person sitting on the other side of the fire just stared at the flame, his eyes were cold and silent.

Ying Baoyue looked at the snake pool full of corpses on one side, and touched her collarbone, "Then let me ask you another way, what's your name?"

The man's eyes paused for a moment when his eyes touched the deep pool that could climb out of a long snake, and the next moment he coldly spit out two words from his throat.


"Helian?" Ying Baoyue was startled when he heard this.It is actually the surname of a northern aristocratic family.

The Helian family is one of the four major surnames in the Later Liao Dynasty. If it is the original family, its status is equal to that of the Tuoba family and the Helan family in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

But the children of aristocratic families generally will not become killers, let alone become such dead men.

You must know that among the killers, the dead have always been the most humble.

As the saying goes, a life is cheap, and those who are willing to be dead usually have criminal or slave status in their families. Erlang sells his life in exchange for the gold and silver that the whole family can get out of their citizenship and survive.

"Helian what?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and asked calmly.Helian is just a surname, even if it is a code name, doesn't this person have a name?

"I don't have a name," but the next moment, the man sitting by the fire with a short knife said calmly.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him really said that, Ying Baoyue narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

The man with green eyes looked at her quietly, "I am a slave of the Helian family."

"Slaves don't have names." He said flatly.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were dark, his words were equivalent to explaining his identity and his origin.

In her previous life, her master devoted his whole life to the abolition of slavery and achieved considerable success. At least practitioners do not need to be slaves.But the thousand-year-old system cannot be completely abolished at once. In the end, only the northernmost Northern Wei Dynasty and the Hou Liao part of the country in the Great Wall of Eternal Night retained slavery.

Of course, the country outside the Great Wall does not count. The reason why Hou Liao failed to completely abolish slavery is also because the northern part of Hou Liao is adjacent to the Great Wall, and it is a nomadic people who surrendered to Emperor Ying.In other words, the city is too close to that country, and many customs and habits are still preserved.

"Are you from Houliao?" Ying Baoyue asked looking at the man by the firelight.

The man's eyes paused slightly, and he nodded.

He was wearing a mask and the details were unknown, and she didn't know whether it was true or not, whether it was true or not depended entirely on her mouth, naturally Ying Baoyue would not believe all of his one-sided words.

"Even if you don't have a name, there is always a title," she said lightly, "You can't be called Helian by everyone in Helian's family, right?"

That is bullshit.

The man narrowed his eyes and remained silent for another three seconds, then looked up at her the next moment, and said three words one by one, "Helianyan."

"Isn't there a name?" Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

This name is not like the name of the north, but more like the name of a person from the south.

"That's what they call me when I go out to kill people." The man who called himself He Lianyan said calmly, "No one called me that when I was at Helian's house."

So this is the code name of the killer.

Ying Baoyue put away her smile and looked at him quietly, "Then, what are the people from the Helian family trying to do to kill me?"

Although this person's identity statement fits his eyes, which are rare among Han people, there are too many doubts in it, which cannot withstand a little scrutiny.

The first to bear the brunt is the identity of the Hou Liao people.

Later Liao was not one of the three powerful countries, and there was no feud with former Qin.During the Qin Empire, Emperor Ying treated them well. In order to allow the Hou Liao people to guard the border for him, he subsidized a large amount of tea and shredded property every year, and the supplies would double every time there was a snow disaster. Hou Liao never rebelled.

Coupled with the incident with Princess Hou Liao, Hou Liao and the country outside the city also fell out. Even though they broke away from the control of the Qin Empire in the past seven years, they did not return to the embrace of their original master.

Staring at the man by the fire, Ying Baoyue was curious about how this man would justify himself.

"It's not that the Helian family wanted to kill you," the man suddenly had a strange smile in his eyes, "The Helian family just wanted money."

"I'm a mercenary." Two laughs came from the mask, "I'll kill anyone who gives me money."

Ying Baoyue's eyes paused for a moment, and it really made him happy.

There is a saying called "drought to death from drought and flood to death from waterlogging".Among the six countries within the Great Wall, if the greatest feature of the Middle Tang Dynasty was wealth, then the greatest feature of the Later Liao Dynasty was poverty.

The deity he believed in was the white tiger, one of the four spirits of the sky, but Hou Liao failed to become one of the three most powerful countries in the mainland. The biggest reason was that Hou Liao was too poor.

The land is barren and the climate is harsh. Most of the land is covered by snow and plateaus, and there is almost no harvest.

According to the information that Ying Baoyue learned after returning, there was a severe snowstorm in Liao Dynasty last year, and most of the cattle and sheep froze to death. In a hurry, the emperor of Liao Dynasty began to collect disaster relief taxes from the aristocratic family.

To put it bluntly, it is to ask the family for money.

But the cattle and sheep of the disaster-stricken family suffered the same disaster. For the family that was also in trouble, there was a way for the Hou Liao family to hand over the money, and that was to send the servants and slaves in the mansion to work.

Mercenaries are obviously a very suitable means of making money, after all, to support a practitioner for a day is to use a practitioner for a while.In the eyes of the aristocratic family, the life of a slave is not a fortune teller, it is just a property that can be doubled.

The identity of this young man is very reasonable and seamless.

"So you don't know who is going to kill me?" Ying Baoyue smiled and looked at the people behind the fire.

The pair of green eyes behind the mask flickered, and instead of answering her question, she stared at her face and suddenly said, "Aren't you the former Princess Qin?"

Ying Baoyue was startled when he heard this, this is a new question.

"How to say?"

"When I came this time, I only said that we wanted us to kill the former Qin princess." The man looked at the girl beside the fire who was covered in wounds but her face remained unchanged. "According to the portrait they gave, you should look like this."

Oh, so she has portraits circulating now?

However, the appearance of the former Qin princess Ying Baoyue itself is not a secret.

"Then why do you think I'm not?" Ying Baoyue asked him leisurely.

"How could the princess in the deep palace look like you," the man looked at her and sneered, "Although I haven't seen many princesses, I know you are not like a princess at all."

"This is a new way of saying it," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "You are the first to say that in Nanchu."

She was not treated as a princess, probably only when the former Qin Guichen picked her up for the first time.

"Are those southerners blind?" The man sneered, "Like? Don't you know there is something called a shadow double?"

Did this person even think of a reason for her?

Ying Baoyue flipped through the barbecue on the fire, smiled and said, "Your Excellency guessed right, I am a stand-in."

In order to save their lives, the aristocratic families and princes and children often choose servants or maids who look similar to themselves as substitutes, and pretend to be the master to block the knife at critical moments.

"Sure enough," the man continued to laugh, and the killing intent on his body suddenly dissipated, "You are also a servant, right? How about we work together to escape from this ghost place? What's your name?"

Ying Baoyue stood up and smiled.

The next moment, he suddenly threw him to the side of the fire.

"I can tell you," she smiled, leaning on him, "but before that, let's be honest."

 Senior Actress Moon Sister

(End of this chapter)

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