Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 833

Chapter 833
The fire was crackling and burning.

The flames illuminated the girl's clean white face that had been washed away with blood, and the man's black mask was orange.

The atmosphere is a little dry and hot.

However, listening to what she said, the green eyes in the man's mask flickered quickly, and the next moment he flattened his limbs and said, "Girl, this servant is powerless."

It is quite different from the attitude of wanting to kill her by the pool before, as if she really regarded her as the "stand-in" of the former Qin princess.

Few people know that killers have a characteristic, that is, most of them are not easy to kill, because they want money to kill.For people who are not their objects, the attitude has always been that there is no harm in feelings.

After all, who wants to work part-time without money?
This person acted reasonable and reasonable in everything, as if he believed what she said.

Ying Baoyue stared at the man below him who changed his attitude quickly after weaving a speech, his eyes moved slightly.

"Slave?" She laughed, "You can understand Chinese and use idioms clearly. How can you be a slave?"

You can even say it if you want to.

You must know that even ordinary people on the Shanhai Continent can't afford to read books, let alone slaves.

Just looking at the brightness of his eyes, the clarity of his speech, and the preciseness of his words, this person is not like a slave, but rather a child of an aristocratic family.

What's more, practice requires talent. Since he is a practitioner, unless he is not a natural practitioner like her, then one of his parents must be a practitioner.It is impossible for practitioners to do poorly on the Mountain Sea Continent. How can such a person of the same rank become a slave?

If you want to pretend, don't you pretend to be like some?
However, the people under her said calmly, "Since you want to go to the Central Plains to kill people, you should learn everything you need to learn."

Those green eyes stared at her, "What's more, my mother is Han."

Ying Baoyue's eyes lighted up.

Although the Qin Empire had ruled Hou Liao for nearly ten years, she had heard a saying that in northern Hou Liao, children born from intermarriage with Han people were not so popular.

"My father is an aristocrat of Hou Liao," said the masked man nonchalantly, "but so what, I am still a slave."

Ying Baoyue's eyes dimmed. The story this man told was a very common story in northern families.

Aristocratic families in the north have the habit of keeping female slaves.The female slaves in the north are the same as the prostitutes in the south. No matter who the father is after giving birth to a child, if the child is not released, the child is still a slave.

"The reason why I understand idioms is because I once accompanied the young master of the Helian family to study," the man said indifferently, "It's a pity that I don't look like the young master, and I didn't become a shadow."

"That's right," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Whether I'm a shadow or not, at least I look like one. Don't you want to take my head back to my life?"

"I think so," the man sneered, "but if you are really the former princess of Qin, why hasn't anyone come down to save you?"

"The real ex-Qin princess is probably already on her way under the escort of Mr. Chunhua and others. By then, it will be reported that she is not dead. I, who caught the wrong person, may have to hand in my head first."

Well, that's a reasonable inference.Ying Baoyue smiled, "But if you escape like this, you won't be able to recover, and you won't be able to exchange for money."

"I originally planned to die with you by this pool," the man smiled, "But even if I die, no one can go back and report the news, and my mother can't get the money."

His life is for sale, not for fighting.

Well, that makes sense.

This man is very smart.

Ying Baoyue looked at the people below him, they were not at all like the furious thunderbolt quarter of an hour ago.

"So, what do you mean, you want to cooperate with me?"

The mask nodded up and down, "It's hard to find a substitute like you, the former Princess Qin wouldn't let you die casually, do you have a map of this forest on you?"

Here comes the problem.

Ying Baoyue smiled by the fire, "Yes."

The man's green eyes flashed, "Where is that? If there is, we don't have to fight to the death in this forest. Let's find a way out first."

"Yes, yes," Ying Baoyue rubbed his chest regretfully, "but it fell into the puddle before, and I couldn't search for half a day. It must have been swallowed by a snake."

The man's pupils shrank, and then his eyes turned cold, "Then why did you say before that I would not be able to get out of this forest without you?"

"Although I lost the map, I know the way," Ying Baoyue looked at the man and smiled, "My family used to be mountain people who lived in this forest."

"You're lying," the man quickly retorted, firmly saying, "There can't be mountain people in this forest!"

Ying Baoyue's eyes darkened slightly, "You are a native of Hou Liao, but you know the situation in the Southern Chu forest very well."

The man's eyes paused, "It's true that I'm here for the first time, but to say that there are mountain dwellers in the Cloud Forest is as absurd as saying that there are people living in our Yunling Snow Mountain."

"But there are indeed people on Yunling Snow Mountain," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Isn't Mr. Mountain Ghost a human?"

The man's eyes darkened, then he shook his head, "That doesn't count."

Ying Baoyue's eyes also turned cold, but the next moment, the man said quietly, "That's God."

"I heard that there were people living in this forest before." He stared into the eyes of the girl in front of him, "But those are not people."

Being classified into the inhuman realm for no reason, even Ying Baoyue couldn't laugh or cry, but she pressed his hands with no expression on her face, "Regardless of whether I am a mountain man or not, since you want to cooperate with me, then we Let's be honest first!"

"You woman!" The man's pupils shrank, "How can you be so ignorant..."

"what are you thinking?"

Before he could utter those words, Ying Baoyue stretched his hand towards his face, "If you want to cooperate, you can. Take off your mask first."

"I don't work with people who don't show their true face."

The man's whole body trembled, and his breathing changed.

"I heard that there was a masked person next to the former Princess Qin," he said coldly while watching Ying Baoyue, "Why didn't the princess take off his mask?"

"That is the princess' friend," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "but you are the one who wants to kill the princess, so I don't have to respect your portrait rights, otherwise I don't know if someone will be replaced someday."

After she finished speaking, her hand had already touched the edge of the man's mask, and the breath on the man's body rose in the next moment, as if he was going to tear her into pieces the next moment.

"There's too much meat, do you want to ask two snakes to eat it?" Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

As expected, the man froze for a moment, and at this time interval, Ying Baoyue reached out and opened the buckle next to his ear.

The sound of metal rubbing against each other sounded, and the next moment, the thick mask rolled off the man's face.

There is a hint of haze in the clouds.

Ying Baoyue was stunned by the flames for a moment, because although the face exposed under the mask was handsome, there was a huge scar on it, which stretched across the entire face and behind the ears, making it look particularly terrifying.

"What?" The man sneered, "Scared?"

"It's quite individual," but he didn't expect the person on his body to look at the scar and smiled, "It's just that your face is also fake, right?"

The man's pupils shrank, and it was too late to speak, but Ying Baoyue's hand was like lightning, and the next moment, another piece of skin was lifted from his ear!
 Mission Impossible
(End of this chapter)

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