Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 854

Chapter 854
In the cold wind, Li Ji hugged the girl's body, and retreated a circle to relieve his strength.

The sand was flying under the cliff, and Ying Baoyue put his arms around his neck.

The force of falling alone is not insignificant, but the man under the cliff seems to have been prepared long ago, catching the girl who fell from the sky very accurately.

"You're here," Ying Baoyue raised her head in her fragrant embrace.The cold bronze mask on top of her head seemed to have warmth and initiative, and it would never touch her head.

Li Ji slightly raised his head and turned around three times, stood firm, and glanced down at her, his eyes still filled with anger, "Didn't you push me down?"

"But this is not where I pushed you down," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

But he caught her just below the cliff where she jumped off.

Not an inch.

Li Ji's dark eyes under the mask moved slightly, and he sighed slightly, "If I don't pick you up below, what will you do?"

Ying Baoyue laughed, and looked sideways at a small puddle ten feet away from him, "Then I'll jump a little to the side."

When Li Ji heard the words, the blue veins on his forehead twitched, "If you don't know how deep the water is, if you dare to jump, you won't be afraid of falling into trouble."

"Didn't I not jump?" Ying Baoyue looked up at the top of the cliff, thinking of the young man with a sword in his chest but still smiling. "Anyway, it's time to jump."

The boy on the cliff was far more dangerous than she had imagined.

Li Ji stared at her with complicated emotions in his black eyes, "I thought you were going to stay on top and fight him to death!"

"Are you saying it the wrong way?" Ying Baoyue glanced at him when he heard the words, "I won't push you, I think you're going to fight him to death on it."

Li Ji was speechless and didn't know what to say for a while.

He knew very well that once He Lianyan broke away from the restriction of the big formation in the forest, He Lianyan would show his true colors. If He Lianyan made a move, he would naturally make a move.

It would be fine if he was far away in Southern Chu, but it is impossible for him to watch that young man kill someone in front of him.

"It's a good thing you're not impulsive," Ying Baoyue patted him on the shoulder, "I'm still worried about you climbing up."

Even though Li Ji's realm is higher than Helianyan's, but the young man's kung fu is quite evil, and practitioners who follow the orthodox and unifying path are at great risk of fighting against him, and they might be swallowed.

However, let's not talk about this matter, mentioning Li Ji's eyes quickly turned cold, he glanced at the person in his arms lightly, "What are you doing climbing up? See if someone proposes to you?"

Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment, and laughed in his chest the next moment.

"You heard it."

"Still laughing!" Li Ji gritted his teeth, "If you keep doing this, I will..."

"Just?" Ying Baoyue asked with a smile.

Li Ji couldn't find a reason, so he took a deep breath, "I'll tell Ji Jiashu!"

What are these ways of handling, Ying Baoyue didn't know whether to laugh or say something for a moment.And at this moment, a large rock rolled down from the cliff, and the eyes of the two of them froze at the same time.

Looking up, Ying Baoyue clenched her lips when she saw the flash of the knife on the man on the top of the cliff, and the pack of wolves that started to gallop down the mountain from both sides.

"It seems that he is going to chase."

Li Ji's body also surged with real energy, and he looked down at her, "What are you going to do?"

Now he already knew that this woman had already made all the arrangements in her heart, and for some reason he vaguely knew what she wanted to do.

Like he knew where she was going to jump off and she knew he was going to catch him underneath.

"Okay, I won't laugh anymore," Ying Baoyue put his arms around his neck again, "let me down."

Li Ji complied, Ying Baoyue landed on both feet and stood up straight.

She pulled out the Sunset Sword that fell on the ground with her, and seeing the blood on the tip of the sword, Li Ji's eyes deepened, "Did you hurt him?"

"Well, the sword in the chest is six inches and four centimeters, and the knife is rotated at ninety degrees." Ying Baoyue looked at the blood on the tip of the sword, "If the lungs of ordinary people have been crushed."

For practitioners, breath is the most important, so the fatal point of practitioners is not the heart but the lungs.

But the young man in the body acted as if nothing had happened, and even made her suspect for a moment that he had deliberately let her stab him with the sword.

"Your swordsmanship is fine, it's because your realm is too low." Li Ji's eyes paused, "I'm afraid he used his true energy to protect his heart."

He was secretly shocked when he heard what the girl had done.

If they were of the same level, or if the sword was stabbed by him, then even that little monster might die.

But he couldn't reach Helianyan's position.

Li Ji quietly looked at the side face of the girl in front of him. If she could ascend to the heaven rank, even if it was the fourth rank, how strong would she be?
"Anyway, you must have hurt him with your sword just now, otherwise he would have caught up just now." Li Ji looked at the approaching wolves with a serious expression, "Although there is time to breathe, it is only a matter of time before he catches up." It's a matter of time, we..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl in front of him suddenly raised her head and smiled at him, "Li Ji, let's run a race!"

The black eyes in Li Ji's mask blinked, and he was stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

He originally planned to have a fierce battle with that devil, and was thinking about how to keep this girl from fighting that man to the death, but he didn't expect to hear such a proposal.

"That man is terrible, let's prepare to run," Ying Baoyue laughed, "Let's compete and see who can reach Weicheng first."

He stared at her blankly, wondering why she had so many strange thoughts.

In such a cold night wind, she was actually smiling.

A smile is brighter than the moonlight in the sky.

"Run to Weicheng?" He asked in a daze, "You want to join Ji Jiashu and the others..."

"No," Ying Baoyue shook his head, "I didn't run to Weicheng, but passed through Weicheng."

Weicheng is not her end.

"Are you going back to Nanchu?" She looked at him and asked, and the oracle she heard on the way came to mind.

Li Ji shook his head. Although he didn't know how to face her with this answer, he still told her.

"I'm going to participate in the Intermediate Ceremony."

Whether it is the sword that is said to be able to sharpen Shao's life, or the relic of his enemy, the lottery promised by the God Son of Hou Liao, he can't let it fall into the hands of others.

But that means...

"Really?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, and said the words in his heart, "Then we will be rivals in Soochow."

There might be a war between them after all.

Li Ji's eyes moved slightly and he didn't know what to say, but he looked at the girl in front of him with a fearless smile, "But before that, we must all survive."

"Let's run a race," the panting sound of a beast came from a distance, and Ying Baoyue raised his hand towards him, "The end point is not Weicheng."

"It's Ru Yang."

In the darkness, the girl's eyes are brighter than the moonlight.

"Run to the capital in one breath!"

(End of this chapter)

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