Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 855

Chapter 855
At this moment, many images flashed through Li Ji's mind, such as the coffin by the cave, the roof of the Nanchu official's house, and the collapsed Zihua Mountain. It seemed that there were always various accidents around her, but no matter what the situation , she always has more novel ideas.

Speaking of running to Ruyang, his first reaction was that it was impossible.

Because of the previous journey of thousands of miles, he couldn't move quickly for a long distance in a short time, and it was even more difficult in her realm.But when she said this, he didn't find it surprising.

Perhaps, she can always break through all the impossible.

"Let's go," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "If you don't go, we will be buried here."

Although she may be more willing to be buried with acquaintances than Helianyan, but she still has a lot to do.

"We have to run separately," Ying Baoyue looked at the gathering of more and more wolves. Even though Li Ji's realm is high enough, but now he has no real energy, and no matter how powerful a practitioner is, he will be tired. A large number of wolves will consume their strength excessively.

"You asked me before if you knew the way to Weicheng," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "There are two ways to go to Weicheng."

She knew it when he asked her, and he knew it too.

He knew it, and at first he prepared to drag Helianyan himself and let her leave from one of them.

"Now we split up and run in two ways," the girl's clear eyes dazzled in the night, "As for which one he will chase, it depends on our respective luck."

"He will chase you," Li Ji looked at her without blinking.

"But wolves can't know everything," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry..."

At this time, a cold light flashed in front of her eyes, and Ying Baoyue watched Li Ji's shoulder bloom with blood. He cut his shoulder with a knife, and the wolves behind him jumped even more when they smelled the blood.

"I'm relieved," Li Ji watched her and exhaled, "If we can't separate the wolves, there's no point in running separately."

This guy is really too fast...

"Okay," Ying Baoyue looked at him, "Are you afraid?"

There were more and more wolves in the distance, and with the appearance of the wolves, even black shadows began to appear from the backs of the wolves.

People, beasts and darkness all over the mountains and plains surrounded the two of them.

Li Ji stared at her. He was afraid at first, because he didn't dare to die without revenge.

But for some reason, looking into the eyes of the girl under the moonlight, he felt the beating of his heart after a long absence.

It turned out that his blood was still warm.

"Is there any difference between you and dead? It's just a walking corpse left eight years ago." He Lianyan's voice rang in his ears, but Li Ji's black eyes in the mask were as bright as stars.

It turned out that he was still alive.

In addition to hatred and nostalgia, he still has other feelings, he can still run, run to survive.

"I'm not afraid now, you should be afraid." He looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes and took a deep breath, "It will be troublesome if you are caught up."

He could foresee that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the capital of Soochow Wu would usher in the grandest arrival ceremony.

"That person..." He looked at the young man standing behind countless beasts and killers like a wolf king.

"If I'm not wrong, this farce will end in Ruyang City," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

Li Ji's pupils shrank, "How do you know?"

"If I'm not mistaken, there is still a 'Helianyan' in Ruyang City right now," Ying Baoyue's eyes dimmed, "Stand-in and stand-in cannot meet each other."

No matter who this Helianyan who appeared in front of her was, there should be someone who either matched his real identity or someone who matched his false identity in the capital of Eastern Wu today.No matter which one it is, it is impossible for He Lianyan to rush into the capital of Soochow with such great fanfare.

Zhao Muren is not dead yet.

"That's right," Li Ji looked at her and said, "You must run to Ruyang, don't be afraid."

Don't even die in a place like this.

"I'm not afraid, someone is still waiting for me," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Li Ji, don't die in this kind of place."

"Well, you too," he said softly, "I'll see you in Ruyang City."

The wild wolf running in the front opened its mouth wide open, and the sword lights of the two people lit up in the night sky.

Countless men in black raised their heads, staring blankly at the brilliance blooming in the field.


In the night, amidst the roar of wild beasts, the two jumped into the darkness.



Before Ruyang, there will be a city to accept the impact first,
"This is already the sixth day."

Although Weicheng is a small city, there are many restaurants in the city because of its developed commerce, and the tallest restaurant in the center of Weicheng is called Qiuyulou.

At this time, on the roof of the Qiuyu Tower, a woman in a cloak was looking into the distance.

"Sister An Ge, it is indeed already the sixth day."

The shorter girl standing beside her raised her head and said, Guili sighed deeply, and glanced at Li Jinniang, who was more silent beside her, "Where is Your Highness now?"

As she spoke, the little girl started to sob, "Sister, will she come?"

They have always had a secret worry in their hearts, but no one dared to mention it.

Thinking of the rain of swords, lights and swords they encountered along the way, under the protection of Ji Jiashu and so many Zhongtang guards, all of them struggled to get out of that forest. It is really hard to imagine the girl who fell off the cliff with so many killers, How to get out of that dark forest?

Thinking about Guili, he became more and more desperate, thinking sadly, could the girl who always smiled gently be buried in it?
"It will definitely come."

However, at this moment, a cold hand reached out and wiped away the tears on her face.Gui Li raised his head, staring blankly at the pale but determined Li Jinniang in front of him.

"A Li, has your Highness lied to you before?"

Gui Li shook his head, his eyes became firm, "Not once."

"Then it won't happen this time either," Ji Ange turned around and said seriously.

"We have come, and she will certainly come."

"She asked us to wait for her in Weicheng, and she will definitely come."

In the cold wind, on top of a dangerous building, three women who supported each other along the way held hands.

Ji Ange leaned on the railing, looking at the lights of thousands of families below and the dark wilderness around the city, "By the way, men... where did Jiashu go?"

In addition to these unwilling women, just after arriving in Weicheng and settling down, the young masters also began to make various preparations.

"Master Ji went to buy a horse according to Song Jizi's arrangement," Guili replied.

As soon as he arrived in Weicheng, Song Qian started to do business everywhere.This step-son of the middle Tang Dynasty was very good at traveling, and he told everyone that he would no longer take a carriage for the next journey, and that all carriages would be replaced by fast horses.

At this time, there was the sound of a horse's honking from downstairs, and Gui Li's eyes lit up when he heard the sound, "It seems that the arrangement is ready."

"Then let's go down and have a look." Li Jinniang also showed interest in her eyes.

The three of them walked down the pavilion, only to find that there were many people surrounded by the courtyard, and many guards from the Tang Dynasty looked at a corner next to the stable with subtle expressions.

"What's the matter?" Ji Ange stepped forward, only to find that the focus of the crowd was her always excellent younger brother.

"I said Chunhua-jun, I remember that you are very good at equestrian skills," Song Qian's doubtful voice came, "The other horses I picked here are also good horses, but..."

Ji Ange opened his eyes slightly, watching Ji Jiashu standing in the corner of the stable holding a scrawny old horse.

"We have to go a long way," Song Qian stood aside and looked at him wonderingly, "Why did you buy an old horse back?"

(End of this chapter)

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